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May 2015
Will equality ever exist?
Will people ever be free?
I can only Imagine what it’ll be like.
Judgement will be no more.
Everyone will be happy together.
No more hate or crime.
No more fear of loving.
No more fear of being who you are.
Free to walk the streets without fear of hate or death.
No more death without reason.
The day that happens, people will rejoice.
They’ll come out of hiding.
We’ll all sing in unison.
Labels pushed to the side.
For we won’t be separate, but one.
Like a big family.
Because family is not blood.
Family is who you love and will do anything to protect.
It won’t happen today.
Probably not next week either.
But am I crazy to hope?
Am I crazy to dream?
I believe it could happen.
It’ll be a slow process.
But worth the wait.
When we all become one.
Mariah Langton
Written by
Mariah Langton  United States
(United States)   
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