Over existence of such a woman With her faith had grown more not gone Inside there's a life of overjoyed power The power that will cry out loud up in a tower..
Fed by the world's grievance and despair Trying to hook up with its little winged pair How was life became such unfair? Like a treetops falling right at the tip of her hair
She was once too in a womb before Then she taste life's bitter fruits and more Then she commit herself to a paradise in which they've made A childhood reborn is the price she have to pay..
In the darkness of her inner desire She created inside her womb a hundred folds fire Never minding what are the rules and what are the taboos She whisper her a song in her moments of blues..
There's a fragile crystal on her inner side Building a melody so soft like a mellow tide Against others will she remain so strong Hiding her sadness in a blissfulness of her song
Then she lighten up a heart of stone by such a flickering fire An anguish had lost and the madness of desire And they follow her footsteps in a mystery of myth That once a child is born it will wash her feet..