What I wouldnt give for just a minute with you im sure it wouldn't go anywhere tho You wouldnt say much Because you dont know me and thats the natural thing to do But your writtings make me think Opens my eyes to things unseen yeah it like speaks to me man Hey, shut up thats not what I mean but thats exactly what you mean So what if it is I dont mean to sound odd but I find you quite intriguing Im sure you're just a normal person anything but normal But your kind of my idol I wonder what id do, if I had a minute with you Id probably just stand there, not knowing what to say youd Think im weird you are weird Because id draw a blank Id have a million things on my mind But if you ever said hi Id be instantly shy
What dose one say to someone they idolizes Good thing I have a long time to think about it Im not someone theyd ever recogniz
...does this whole thing sound creepy? Its not ment to..