I used to live in a country That was based on liberty And where just anybody Could achieve prosperity That with assured equality And working diligently One could expect definitely To succeed economically If you saved all the money Left over from your salary To save to bring your family A step closer to solvency.
Not an impossible proposition, It was based on the condition Of a grand national institution Which promised that stabilization By taxing us and corporations With an equitable correlation Between folks of humble station And the larger organizations Working in happy syncopation. A welcome feeling of elation Would descend upon our nation And keep us from stagnation Or going into nationwide deflation, Or just as scary, a huge inflation.
Now I look upon our history And see decades of misery Laid upon us by calumny By those meant to fortify And build up our security. The constant forces of calamity If we accept less than probity From those who have no honesty Choosing leaders based on beauty A national cult of personality Then permit political chicanery By people with no dignity Only a greedy criminality That pretends to propriety And a devout base of spirituality When what we have is actually A kangaroo court of dishonesty Without a care for the citizenry.