I watched a ***** internet video; a man getting halved by an Elevator. It was a slow process.
— LISTEN: I am not really sure if I want to think about it at the moment— and I certainly don't want to write it out. That would require me a stretch of contemplation —AND a reach to be descriptive on my part, or at least not to be redundant.
No, In order to tell you about it, I would really need to Stress the details that got me: That really human kind of ****, you know? LIKE: the expressions on his face, and how closely his step brought him to near freedom—just outside that metal box. Just before it came down hard, and took 50% of the poor ******* with it.
It was the manner in which he got stuck that pushed me There, and not traditionally. Think long-ways. The exact scenario from my nightmare so far back— with a single deviation. Setting. Of course, inside my twisted anti-fantasy: it was the antagonist was suffering, also this character I had come to know by name and action.
...Anyway that segment shocked me. And I don't get shocked that often. It was a sort of fate that I never actually thought I would observe in person. There is always the stopping point when watching gore online and that was mine.