Driving off on the side roads precarious and dense with firs holy beneath the florid specter of roseate afternoon, purified with rainfall on the montane bladed rocks holding together cliff face edges of highways. I'm present with my black coffee humming while folk plays on the radio and my sweater from the consignment shop is still captured in spellbinding redolence from the girl of my dreams. Nearby, a hidden path boasts a cliff commanding flowing pacific waters pronounced with gold among mountains obscured in shadow. Companions cross the valleys reciting sutras and tracing fingers through this blessed land, treasuring the trees, firesmoke ascending from beyond assembling woods thick and overgrown. Doe and rabbit bounding from rocky terraces alert and surviving instinctively while riverside cabin homes hide a while yet from the long driveways and cozy mailboxes hand-painted or made of wind-bent tin cans. I'm flourishing slowly and with periodical decay in this garden growing while I grow and life is beauty and spasm devils as am I, this I know.
We're matches momentarily lit in the weary hands of stars to guide them in the darkness. My hair will gray from death we jest and I will live before I rest.