I lay in my bedroom and pondered one day Why no one I knew would seem to stay the same
Was angry and broken, and felt so put down And before I knew it was face to the ground.
Things looked so different laying down there When I looked up at you, the world seemed to glare.
I beat the ground like you beat me sometimes Now I'm just searching for something here that rhymes
I don't understand why you do this to me Come to me fighting like a returning dream
I lay here sometimes thinking of how we fought And so here I lay again writing my thoughts
And as I lay here, something came to my mind. Something that made me wonder if I was blind.
All the things about you I seemed to hate so Were things I made of you-shaping my own foe.
The way you talked to me was my own mad voice Now with heavy heart, I had to make a choice.
So there I lay with my hot tears rolling down But as I always did, not making a sound
I realized too late that what forced you away Was my strong willpower asking you to stay
So though in my heart you took one of two spots, You were a painting I had covered with blots
As much as I desperately wanted to stay, With tears on my face, I would push you away
Your perfect portrait was something I had maimed And now thanks to me you will not be the same.
But for your own good, I swear to let you go Maybe one day your portrait will be as snow
Don't understand how you forgive me this way All I can tell you is to keep me at bay.
I'm sorry, I love you.
Post script: I love you more than words can say And that is why I cannot stay.
To everyone I have hurt by making them like me. I am so so sorry. I can only hope that one day, your painting may be made beautiful again. I have splattered mud on it, and though it will never be the same, perhaps the artist might use the mud to color the sand.