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May 2015
I am blind to the world around, to the
Beauty that should be seen with each
Blink of my eye, a camera taking a photo
But never seeing the film within.

I could touch everything feel the senses
That are around me, touch and feel to take
It all in with a touch but my fingers are
Cold not feeling that which I could that
Is around me.

I want to breath deep, to smell life to use
My mouth to taste that which will explode
My senses, to smell it before it is consumed.
Fulfil my senses to that which have I have
Not smelt or taste before.

My sense are fine but I do not take the beauty
Of everythingin, life is to busy to see that
Around totake it in, to taste that perfect
Muffin,not just a bite to throw it in the bin.
I need to touch everything to feel what is
There not just brush past it we must take
Everything in.
Poetic T
Written by
Poetic T  On Oblivions Doorstep
(On Oblivions Doorstep)   
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