Sometimes I wonder if aliens actually existed and why they would be so twisted as to want to construct or rather instruct making poor Egyptians with no skin on their bones into crazy conniptions to build something out of nothing into the shape of a well …a pyramid it drives me insane all this intellectual debate because sometimes I’m only obsessed about my weight and why I eat so very little yet still manage to gain and other times I question my own sexuality do I suffer some sort of schizophrenic duality because the only thought on my brain is how awesome it would be for one night with J-Lo just her and me but there are times when my thoughts are flooded with a torrent of grays and I’m left in a haze at the cruelty of Man willing to **** a cat for his own amusement or spread lies instead of self improvement it’s weird that we engage in small talk instead of taking stock of all the good that we share we squawk and we gawk and it leaves us nothing but shell shocked so I’ll go back to wondering about my UFO’s and their platform to the stars maybe you can look tonight out into a black night sky see a shooting star and wonder if it was simply a bright light or an acquaintance of ours.