You, yeah I'm talking to you. You must feel good when you bring me down to my knees. Putting a knife right through my chest and beating me up with painful words. You have tried to take my happiness away and you have succeeded a couple of times... leaving me depressed, desperate for acceptance. Waterfalls were bawling down my eyes. One tear followed by the other. You don't deserve me.
You have 2 lives left
I was not able to fight when the weakness was overpowering my body. I could not stand up when there was nothing to live for, so I thought. I was thinking to myself, what did I do to deserve the punishment life was overshadowing me with. But Life does not hate on you, it cannot help you, it cannot love you, it is not evil - because life is not a person. Life is just life. People can resent you - your loved can hurt you - your friends can disappoint you. If you chose to let people into your life, your personal sphere, you have to deal with problems and hurt that comes your way. But there are some you can simply not run from. You are in my life.
You* have hurt me and keep doing it. Over and over again.
Curse you
You have 1 life left
I am strong for carrying your burdens with me and still keeping my mouth shut. You want me to change. A new identity is hard to make up and I don't want to be like anyone else, but myself. If I do change for you, will I be happy or will you? I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that question. I might break down sometimes, because I'm human. If you haven't forgotten that. You cannot justify your behavior. You push me over the edges, call me names and act different when people aren't around, but I chose not to let those things define, who I am.