there sits Father Time drinking a 50 year old scotch, neat. His compatriots Sister Life and her Brother Death sit close by, the Sister sipping *** on the Beach while Brother blows bubbles in his Shiraz. All served at the cosmic bar by The Great Spirit nursing a big 'ol Long Island Iced Tea.
I'm thinking of creating my next masterpiece, Brother Death said.
"Maybe this time, don't use a bucket of paint for just one blade of grass," Father Time chuckled.
Sister Life spun around and round on her spinny stool for several decades until she hopped up atop the bar, proclaiming in French, I don't make the best hexadecimal frittatas in the seventh dimension for nothing!
Suddenly all brought their glasses together in a supernova clink as they cheered "May we continue to move forwards in the trajectory to wherever the hell we're going!"