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Nov 2014 · 653
Piper Wilde Nov 2014
Guiltless but bound by societies shackles
The innocent are incarcerated
Chained by taboos and unwritten laws
Nobody dares speak up
Ingrained in the people
Poisoning minds
Breaking and binding their souls
Creativity dies in massive genocide
Everything must be conformed
And when something stands up against the approved
Then it is labeled wrong.
But why live in such a strangled state
Why not challenge it all?
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Piper Wilde Nov 2014
My heart is beating
But I am not alive.
Yet with blood flowing through my veins
I cannot claim the sweet victory of death.
Rather, the meaningless days consume me
Passing by so easily as I whither away.
They laugh and grin as time wastes them.
But I find it leaves a bitter taste on my lips,
That causes me to sometimes wonder
If I am doomed to die with my last breath,
Leaving behind legends of nothingness,
And no one to remember my name.
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
3 am.
Piper Wilde Nov 2014
It's 3 am. Again.
I'm wide awake.
There's no reason for you to haunt me
And yet,
the permanent ache residing in my chest
is starting to feel normal.
I've begun to forget
the life I had before this.
I'm hollowed out,
my insides scraped away
by everything and nothing at all.
At night, I reminisce
half-fantasying a life we never lived.
And dully, I remember all the places our bodies met
but never touched.
My thoughts run away from me again.
I think of you. I think of me. I think of us.
No. There was never an us.
Not really.
There was always a space in between,
So we'd never had to feel.
And still, your departure has left me with a wound too deep to ever heal.

— The End —