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I dive in without checking there's water in
the pool.
Note to Self: Stop starting relationships that you don't want to be in.
 Nov 2013 Peyton Williams
I can't remember the sound of your voice, well I can ever so slightly, and I can't remember the way you smiled at things... Those little things.  I try to remember the way your lips felt against mine or the way you played with my hair but these memories are slowly fading.

love me I beg you.
leave me you say softly.

Cigarettes and coffee I'm slowly killing myself with caffeine and nicotine... Everything you hate. I can't sleep anymore, the nightmares of our past fill my head, I just remember so much.. But sometimes it feels better to just give in.

i want to die I whispered to an empty room.
i need you in my life I cried to an empty room.

My friends laugh at me... I have always been so independent except when you come around.
I lose control.
I lose rationality.
I lose all emotions besides lust and love... I become so weak

And I just want you to know... i love you
Even though you'll never realize how much... I truly love you.
 Nov 2013 Peyton Williams
I guess the truth is that I have my bags packed waiting by the door and I'm just waiting on that special someone to prove to me that I'm worth it.
They told me no one will love me until I love myself and this is probably more true that I want to believe.
I guess the truth is I'm fighting for the love I dream of at night; the love you see in the movies.
They told me I have to believe in fighting for myself before I fight for someone else... I guess I'm not selfish enough in a sense.
I guess the truth is I don't think I'll ever love myself...
I suppose no one will love me either then?
3.5 hours of crying through sappy love movies. Ugh girl moments.
 Oct 2013 Peyton Williams
I was never a sinking ship, just the remains
of an ocean liner, settling on the sea’s lips.
At least, that’s what I think.
I am not a tragedy, no,
but so many of my pages are empty and, my god, I need
you to know that if I am a book,
I am half-complete (not half-unfinished––I'm learning, you see?),
but it’s the back half,
and a few scattered paragraphs before that.
Now and then I write in my own history,
just for others to read and believe
there’s something more to me
than a leather bound cover over cheap poetry.
That’s all I am, really.

I’m just trying to keep my head above the water.
I keep my secrets close, and my happiness bottled
––for the nights when I need something stronger
than spirits that burn on the way down,
something that can keep these ghosts
from crawling back out my mouth
to tumble from my lips at last.

Listen, I'm really not hard to figure out.

It’s broken glass,
it’s the smash of a car crash,
it’s the smell of smoke and ash,
it’s a statue of a girl learning to laugh,
and to know, and how to venture
into you. I count the number of times I've been sure,
on my knuckles instead of my fingertips,
because it wasn't the touch, it was the fist
that first said: I am better than this
(fires will die but they fight harder than all else).
Besides, my fingers are not for counting out.
I think they're for you,
to weave yours through,
and to feel on your skin
when I spell out I love you,
because my fingers do not flinch
as easily as my mouth does cringe
and strangle truths in anger.

If you feel I am pulling into myself,
remember I'm likely collapsing inwards,
and know this:
broken homes beget broken bones,
but more often they spit
broken boys and girls from their lips.
My body is new,
no longer mould and mildew,
but steel, mortar, and brick,
and stone
and stick.

I am almost always cold.
My wrists look too thin for the weight of my world.

I carry on, but I am not strong.
**** knows how long those days have been gone.

To the person who will somehow fall for me:
I am not a tragedy,
but a mess of a story.
I write dumb rhymes to feel like I'm growing.
I speak as a cynic, but at heart I'm all dreams.
Sometimes I take a minute to listen and, slowly,
I think I'm becoming someone worth being.

I seem bare as a clinic and empty as glossy magazines,
but it's all a set and some props, one day I'll end scene.
I'm not ready yet, but on One Day, I'll be.

I swear, I'm almost there.
My world is readying,
like winter prepared
to yield to spring.
About: CFL

You made me love you
Against my will
You grew tired of me
But I love you still

Am I as unloveable
As it seems?
Can I only truly
Be loved in my dreams?

I did nothing wrong
And you threw me away
Was I just a distraction
For a rainy day?

I thought we were happy
That we'd never part
Then out of the blue
You broke my heart

You said 'forever'
I thought it was true
I never felt for anyone
What I felt for you

I feel it still
Though you obviously don't
My brain says 'let go'
But my heart just won't

They say to move on
And meet someone new
I've tried and I've tried
But my heart's set on you

I hate you sometimes
For hurting me
You made me fall
But didn't catch me

You walked away without a scratch
I was put in Intensive Care
You're safe at home without a care
I'm lost without you; still gasping for air

It's been years since that day
My world fell apart
When you crushed my dreams
And shattered my heart

But my heart still holds on
My love was so true
I've tried to let go
But I still think of you

I want to move on
For this wound to heal
But time only EASES
The pain that I feel

The wound's not so fresh
The pain not as bad
But still it hurts
And makes me so sad

Confusion and hurt
A wound that won't mend
Longing and sadness
That won't seem to end

I wish and I hope
Let this be the day
My sadness and longing
And hurt go away!

I'm sure it will happen
I will move on
But I'm tired of waiting
It's taking so long!
 Oct 2013 Peyton Williams
Beyond the chaos of the border
between reason and disorder
lies a world that ever beckons
to the darkness in my soul

A land of everlasting laughter
that was once and will be after
all the things we thought
we fathomed turn to dust
in granite holes

Take me far beyond the steeple
to a land of unscathed people
where no single rule or concept
dooms us all to God’s abyss

Show me love without condition
without heaven or perdition
where no act of false contrition
guarantees eternal bliss
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