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Let not each unkind word I ever spoke
drive you ... further from my arms

let not each plate and promise broke
make a fist ... of open palms

Let not the fact you love me so
make you think.. you have to stay

let not the past mistakes be repeated ... go
just leave me...  just ignore the things.. I say

I'm sorry.... not

I'll change.. nothing

I love you... being afraid.

Just leave your ring ... beside my whiskey glass

and like my tears....

If I could speak to your photos
I'd know you better now
I wouldn't be feeling so low
Wouldn't be standing beneath this cloud
If your pictures could hold me
Maybe I could fall asleep
Writing our life story
Only in my dreams

I just need you here
To hold all my fears
And tuck my last sins way
I can't stand to wait another day
I know I'll find some other way
To know what I need to say
I know someday you'll see
You were always meant for me

If your pictures kept me warm
Like the smile that still remains
I could stand another storm
Let it wash away the pain
If you smiled as much as the albums did
I could light up the dark
If you saw the world with one light kiss
I know you'd feel the spark

I just need to feel you
So life won't try to steal you
I just need to give you back
Everything lost in the attack
I need to see you happy again
So we can finally make this end

If you were your photos
Always in my head
Then god only knows
What you would think of me then
Don't know if you ever had
Someone like me
That loves to make you happy
Lost inside your sea

As long as I have your photos
We will never be apart
If you'll ever speak I don't know
But I'm here when you're ready for my heart
Run your lips across my cheek
and whisper all the wild things that you seek.
The wants of those who rarely sleep
leave remnants that can make us

...and in these wants I taste your skin
and hear your longing sigh.
I grin at what they think is sin
and run my fingers up your thigh...

Within the spot beneath my sheets,
there hangs a spot I'd like to show;
where maps and seconds don't exist
and burning's all I wish to show...

The latitude
the longitude
will stop
as I dive into you.

Will vanish as I smash the clock.

I'll pull you close and say your name,
and then without an ounce of shame,
become the man you cannot tame.


can be the most difficult
to say.
 Oct 2013 Peyton Williams
sweetheart it's five past one and you're still swimming through my thoughts
leaving your mark throughout my mind
I don't know why you are there yet I'm here, vacant arms.
I crave the feeling of your skin brushing against my own

I begin to drift off into a different world where I'm kissing your lips and feeling the lines on your fingertips
I dream about your hands and the way they will piece together so perfectly with mine, a jagged puzzle becoming whole.

baby, morning is creeping up yet I'm still here, thinking about how perfect you are.
The suns rising and I can see your smile within the beauty.

sweetheart before I start my day please know I am no writer
so excuse my scattered thoughts.
but I must somehow express the nights I lie awake thinking of you.
 Oct 2013 Peyton Williams
 Oct 2013 Peyton Williams
I lay here each night and close my eyes before I drift off into a deep sleep.
Within those seconds I imagine myself wrapped in our embrace.
I can see our souls intertwining with each other like the vines wrapping around an old tree,
attaching themselves.
I almost feel the connection we would have.
It sends surges throughout my body and I feel as if I'll float into air, into space.

God you make me feel alive.

But my happiness is stolen right away as soon as I open my eyes the next morning.
Maybe it's because my first waking thought was you,
or maybe it was the second,
an image of you grasping his hand instead of mine.

my heart aches.

it's funny to me how love can fade without any sort of warning, how someone can completely shatter every part of your heart.
leaving you, alone, to pick up the pieces with your fragile hands.
A part of me wishes you would come back and help me
because my hands hurt and have started to bleed from the jagged edges you caused.

I lost myself in you.
I don't know why it's so hard to admit
To tell you that you're so hard to forget
Summon the courage to give up and submit
Just look into your eyes and I would find it

Why can't I say I just want to kiss you
Maybe it's because I already miss you
Maybe it would just get worse
Or maybe only at first

Maybe I'm afraid of what you would say
That you would look down and turn the other way
Think I'm just a kid with a game to play
Rainbows and flowers if he had his way

Maybe I don't know if you're ready yet
It's a lot of chips to place on a bet
But I know that isn't true
If anyone's ready to be happy it's you

Maybe I'm scared to hope its me she chooses
I could just be scared it'll be me who loses
Or maybe one day these words will have their uses
And they'll spill out when I'm all out if excuses
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