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 Jul 2013 Nobody
 Jul 2013 Nobody
I can feel myself drifting away.
Fading faster with each passing day.
No one listens to what I need to say.

On this rainy day it will all come to light.

I pull the cool, shiny, metal from its hiding place.
It reflects the emptiness from my eyes.
Quickly I smile, as I dig that blade into my arm.

All the while thinking...
What's the harm?

The blood starts pouring from my left arm.
Crimson red against pail white.
It's my very own beautiful sight.

I created it all on my own.
It's my very own masterpiece.

Suddenly, my world starts to spin.
As the door **** starts to turn,
the panic on the face of this human
is all I can see.

I can't get any words out.
They come out as a sigh.

She kneels down beside me.
and silently asks me why?

The bright lights and all the people running about,
are of the last of my memories.

Because you decided to care,
when it was too late.
 Jul 2013 Nobody
LJ Chaplin
 Jul 2013 Nobody
LJ Chaplin
I did it again this morning.

I did the walk of shame to the scales in the bathroom.

I promised myself that I would stop doing it,
Stop shaming myself in front of the bathroom mirror
As the numbers rolled higher and higher,
A wheel of misfortune.

8 stone
9 stone
Please stop there
10 stone
11 stone
11 and half stone

It's a surface consisting of metal and plastic,
It can't dominate my image,
But even if they weren't there I can still see it,
The inches on my waist slowly increasing,
My t-shirt size creeping from a small to a medium,
Other people who haven't seen me for a while making a comment about my image,
Wow Lew, what have you been eating?
*My feelings, thanks for pointing it out in front of everyone.
I know my poems have a repetitive theme of self image and confidence. But the only way I can express myself without getting worked up or upset is through poetry.
 Jul 2013 Nobody
LJ Chaplin
 Jul 2013 Nobody
LJ Chaplin
To those of you who read this,
Who feel like they don't belong,
Who feel that they are the jagged puzzle piece,
Let me tell you one word that describes who you are:

You stare into the cruel faces of the ones who belittle you,
Who have made you feel like you are nothing
Like you are too fat
Too thin
Too ugly
A ****
A freak
A ******
A ******

You stare deep into their eyes and with all of your might you tell them,
I am braver than you
I am stronger than you.

You will NOT be defined,
You will NOT be dominated by the perfect society we apparently live in
You will NOT be contained like animals in the cages of your despair and live in the shadows.

Together, we will revolt against the ones who have pushed us into the dirt

We are soldiers. We march in unison with our heads held high and the shining sun of pride on our backs,

We are the renegades who will accomplish the mission who will wave the sweet flag of victory above us,

We are the people who are perfect.

Please remember, dear readers:

You are more than a number on the scale
You are more than a social stereotype
You are more than the blade you hold between your fingers

 Jul 2013 Nobody
She Keeps Me Sane
 Jul 2013 Nobody
I adore my best friend
She keeps me sane
With her funny jokes
And her serious faces

Makes you wish
She was your friend
But she's my friend
Right until the end of time
Best girl I've known in life

Thank you for saving my soul
Without you, I would have lost control

I would have lost my heart
I swear, I would have fallen apart
So thank you, my dear best friend
You really do keep me sane
I don't know what I would do
If I didn't know you

I want to thank this girl
She always saves my life
And when I'm crying
She has tissues
To keep my tears away

I can't even begin to say
How she keeps me sane
This is dedicated to my close friend Rachel, I adore her with all my heart.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jul 2013 Nobody
LJ Chaplin
This beating heart beneath my chest,
Beneath veins and bones,
Has broken more than once.


They all shot my heart down,
Every bullet more cruel than the last,
And now it's bleeding out.

My pulse is slipping,
I feel life draining away,
My thoughts are fading.

But then I realise,
A broken heart is a flesh wound,
It can be patched up again.

Every stitch becomes an extra mile on the lifeline,
Every inch of wound that is closed is another door opened,
Every second that it heals equals another year of happiness.

This beating heart beneath my chest,
Is a warrior of prestigious proportion,
And I am the soldier who will guard its life.
 Jul 2013 Nobody
Lost in the Stars

Star lit skies light the night,
and darkness loves with arms open wide.
Creatures hold still and all is quiet.
Hush little babe; please don’t fight.
She lies in the night, high up in the stars.
She may look it, but she isn’t that far.
Look deep within, within that broken heart;
see her there, there from the start.
Loved you she did, and loved you she will;
just as the future is, time with tell.
Things may be hard, more than once I fell.
Nothing is easy ***, even looks can ****.
The sun can shine brighter than darkness and pain.
The stars are just as beautiful, it’s all the same.
Listen to the wind, it speaks your name.
Love falls down to you like autumn, love bares no shame.
She taught her children to do well and to stand
tall, be humble and for men to be a man.
Never forget she lives in the hearts and in the land,
forever she will be in the night and trembling hands.

She gave a love that was everlasting.
She gave a heart to hold you close.
She gave you her life so you could stay.
She died loving you with all her soul.
She died lost in the stars.
 Jul 2013 Nobody
 Jul 2013 Nobody
It's like
I have to feed myself lies
In order to survive the day
A little smile here
A little smile there
I'm sure no one cares
If my heart is drowning in **tears
Natali Veronica 2013.
 Jul 2013 Nobody
Would You?
 Jul 2013 Nobody
Perfect, me?
Must be mistaken identity,
Look at my endless list of flaws,
And tell me I'm still beautiful and all.

Stare at my face,
Imagine seeing my heart,
If you saw the poor quality,
Would I still be yours to keep?
Would you still love me?

If you saw the real person behind the smile,
Would you comfort my soul?
If I gave you every reason to leave,
Would you go, or stay here to redeem the best of me?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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