I'll never be as great as her. I will never escape the expectations. Neither will I ever be anything more than, a relative to the bright star. I'll be in the corner.
People expect me to be as good, as creative, as talented, as perfect..but I never will be. I could make the most beautiful dress ever seen, and it still wouldn't be worth anything more.
It's like a dark cloud covers me. A feeling of 'am I going to be enough?' It's not jealousy, or self-pity. It is that feeling of emptiness. That feeling of wanting to be useful. That feeling of wanting to succeed.
I'm not secure in myself. My confidence drops faster, than my tears in the dead of night.
I guess I am afraid of being just the 'sister'. I guess I feel like nothing I do will compare.
I just want to make people proud.
This is not a poem. It doesn't rhyme,
and it's just something I wrote..to vent.
© Natali Veronica 2013.