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Sep 2023 · 159
sol V
Påłpëbŕå Sep 2023
i always thought that i'd be the light of your life
like all other fairy tales i'd end up as your wife
but neither do i glow and nor do i show
the traits of being a soft-spoken docile woman
that would be best suited for you, my fav human
i am deranged and dark waiting for a spark
to light me up from within and more
and make me happy to the core
i am like earth in this system of yours
pining over you for so long because
i like the idea of having your sole attention on me
being the centre of your universe maybe
but that's an unhealthy obssession say i
and like the moth, i'm chasing a new high
only that i've hated loving you all along
manifesting by your side i belong
but we couldn't be any different know i this
and that's why i can't even imagine our kiss
because you're too sacred for a demon per say
and i understand your distance anyway, always
yet you're my unwanted muse that i can't not write about
even though i wish to stop and silently shout
it's frustrating to write and yet never be acknowledged
but maybe this anonymity makes me feel privileged
as i write these sentences for you to read
without you actually paying much heed
that you inspire a deep devilish part in me
and become the muse of my petty poetry
i hope this is the last one
i don't understand why i am writing this, but i can't stop myself

to the muse who lives in ignorance
Aug 2023 · 155
sol III
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2023
you want me to write for you
bleed away my soul impromptu
be your slave and serve you well
give up myself to dwell in your hell
do you want me?
or is it my attention that you crave
i know you love to see
my dead heart twisting in its grave
for you want me to be obsessed like the earth
who gives herself up for all it's worth
it wakes up and sleeps, smiles and weeps
in the hopes of a destined promise to keep
for all i want is for you to acknowledge my existence
and maybe only then will i give up on my persistence
but who am i fooling
your mere name has me drooling
in daydreams and in nightmarish screams
it's your name to which my heart beats
it's your name on my lips that i repeat

i admire you from a safe distance not because i am afraid of getting burned
a monster like me isn't worth your time
is something the hard way i learned
WhatsUp Brain?
why would you take me there, eh?
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2023
and when there's silence inside your head
you choose to be at peace instead
because all your words that remain unsaid
are meant to be unheard instead
Aug 2023 · 101
no words
Påłpëbŕå Aug 2023
it's funny how now when i pick my pen up
only for it to drain no drop of ink
not letting all this chaos out of the envelope
is now taking away my ability to think
for all these words stay jumbled in my head
creating pictures of unreal imagination
of daydreams and those moments i bled
i wish to write down this clotting confusion
yet fail i to form simple sentences
filling my bones with apprehensive
and all the while my anxiety eats me alive
i wonder without poetry how shall i survive
because without this i am fully empty
like a starving soul amongst the plenty

thoughts thought everywhere
but not a single word to write,
oh dear reader i feel i don't have long-
what a pity it is to have my plight?
Jul 2023 · 175
sol II
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
i had this dream last night
you and me and a long bus ride
huddled together in a seat for 2
leaving behind our town's view
we talked for a while
and passed a few smiles
only to let the silence embrace us
keeping away from topics of trust

but i could feel your mind churning
and deep down hoped for a desire burning
for something that i'd craved for far too long
knowing ****** well that it was wrong

and then dozed off me
into yet another fantasy
of a reality pretty far from mine
with our hands intertwined
and our faces mere inches apart
and booooom, i woke up with a start
only too see that your hand had moved
and was now gently touching my fingers
with looks that weren't appropriate to linger

i was hyperventilating, wasn't i?
my face up in ashes like the sunset sky
and your gaze pierced my soul
as if i were a diamond amongst the coal
you whispered my name and said-
"i wish we'd taken my car instead.......
and Oh My God i convulsed there and then,
wondering how did this ever happen?

because even in my dreams know i this
that i am not a part of you that you miss
to your calmness i am chaotic and careless
to your perfection i shall remain a mess
and you will soar high and shall always rise
whereas i will be a broken little girl who cries

because you're the sun that shines too bright
and i am a moth drawn to your darkest light
to the muse who shall never know that i wrote this for him
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
you look at me like you want something from me
but wonder i, what possibly could it be
for i have nothing to offer you
neither a sentence nor words a few
then why do your eyes burn holes into mine
searching for what lies deep inside
i cannot fathom the depths of your obsession
burning so bright with an everlasting passion
you're my poison, you will be the death of me
and so wonder i, why do you look at me like you want a broken piece like me
Jul 2023 · 158
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
without words i am just another aimless cloud
floating my way through this warm warm life
trying to get lost while yearning to be found
i feel dark and desolate starving to survive
all this pent up negativity is waiting to burst out
maybe lashing out will lighten the burden i carry
but all day everyday when i humbly thunder
of myself become i a wee bit wary
what have i become and what am i supposed to be
keeps on conflicting inside this fully empty head of mine
i should've lined myself silver as i stopped the heat be
but all i did was become heavy with my wasteful whine
destruction i harbour and damage is what i do
in all the bright shades i myself choose to be in blue
thus i spend my days loitering around
without making a single sound
and only at night do i let myself dwell
residing in the heaven i am nothing but a harbinger of hell
Påłpëbŕå Jul 2023
i thought i'd date a poet
who'd sing me ballads and sonnets
of love, life and the glitters
of universe that showers comets

i thought i'd fall for a bad boy
who'd make me lose my balance
for whom i'd do stuff
that would put me off my semblance

i thought i'd love a stranger
and we'd talk for hours with our eyes
looking at each other's souls
for a little while longer

i thought i'd be heads over heels
for a guy who'd match my crazy
and together we'd get lost
in things that the world finds hazy

i thought i' a different life
something out from a novel or movie
with lots of romance and rife
like elevator *** & making out in the lobby

but here i am with this amazing boy
who sees the real me and still loves me-indefinitely

he was my friend for two years
and the life-support i never thought i needed
from our mutual care for each other
-a love so sweet seeded

and now as i lay in his arms after periods of bliss
wonder i, how lucky i got when he decided to paste a kiss
on my lips, my neck, my shoulder, my hands
taking me to places and those unknown lands

we couldn't be any different, but we're same on so many levels too
i didn't know before him- to mean it, when i say "i love you"
and even if we don't work out and drift apart one day
i want him to remember that in my prayers, he shall always stay
i love you
Jun 2023 · 161
loser me
Påłpëbŕå Jun 2023
it's funny how i keep wishing to go back
yet i yearn to move in fast forward
my worries keep piling up in unending stacks
and i turn a blind eye to them like a coward
with every passing day
i keep more to myself than i say
to him, to them or anyone near me,
i don't even write it in my poetries
so much is going around
every thought is in circles
losing am i more than i've found
evading everything like a shirker
but stand i steadily on this shaking ground
relying on talent but never being a hardworker
everday i feel like a loser
who was beat at her own game
i feel like just another random doodle
who thought she could make her name
disappointment i am to everyone who ever believed in me
every minute alive i wonder where i'd be
but nothing's going to be real; only imaginary
an old soul who shall fade away in contemporary
no notes these days, nothing new
friends i had, a few
but now nothing, nada
growing up *****
but you know what ***** more?
not doing anything about it
i am at the same place
not moving, not even an inch
stuck stranded ****** suspended
May 2023 · 591
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
and even if

i pour one full

bottle of ink

and cover all

these sheets

still there'll be

feelings left

for my broken

heart to bleed
May 2023 · 140
stockholm syndrome
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
as the sun goes down
and the moon takes it's place,
it enlightens the dark town
like a lover's warm embrace

i look for him in night's glow,
step - by - step i try to trace,
where and why did he go?
~taking away all my solace

i see nothing but twinkling stars
and a deep-dark cloudy face,
that stays hidden in a sky so far
reeking of monstrosity and menace

petrified and spooked i start to run
with fear coursing through my veins,
i find a beautiful house with no one
but a bleeding girl in gruesome chains.

she cries and asks for help,
but nobody listens when she yelps

so i walk towards her and freeze
when her hair are moved by the breeze

because i see none other than a younger me
who wails and shouts to be set free,
but i stay there for as long as i can see
crushed under his evil spell of profanity.

'he left me in dusk
and i waited for dawn,
burning in loathsome lust
he treated me like his pawn.

and now?

now i am back in the crowds
wrapped in solemn shrouds,
fighting for a life of love and care
devoid of nightmares and scare.

but my mind is no longer mine
scarred to the bones, i will never be fine
for i see illusions in my delusions
that even after all these infusions-
my head hurts and my healing heart pains
my love for my captor has driven me insane
-a proposed condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors
May 2023 · 167
all that glitters IS gold
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
from miles away your eyes see
a girl who's really pretty

but when she let's you close
let's you take her hand and hold

you start to notice the flaws
and realise,
-the serenity was simply chaos

and you are repulsed by her reality,
"your admiration in all its fragility"

and that breaks her heart
when you hate her other parts

parts that she hid from the world
but chose to show you and only you.

why do people leave
when they get to know her, ask you i?
that only strengthens her belief
that it will always be the glittery gold that satisfies
never let anyone near for they love what they see from a distance
the nearer they get, the more they see, offers nothing but resistance

so keep to yourself, both physically and mentally
it's always your body and face that interests them, never your personality
they hate what they see and that's why they stop talking to you
because they love your good parts but hate your issues
May 2023 · 174
the villian
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
when i look back to when i was a little girl
with starry eyes i watched the glitter world
but now as i am in my twenties
with knowledge of dollars and rupees
wonder i where that dreamy hope went
wondering why to this place was i sent?

it all made sense back then but now is a mess
all i have gained is experience with stress
heartbreak isn't the worst that could happen
but it's unbearable when it occurs often

friends and family seem to be something i fancy
because now all i have is an acquaintance agency
with every hour my thoughts get deeper but i become hollow
this adulthood is nothing but a bitter pill i swallow

wake up, work to eat and sleep
with episodes of anxiety on repeat
i hate the person i am today
broken, escapist and lost away
with a pathetic past and futile future
i am waiting for a permanent closure

i have wasted so much time on people to whom i had never really mattered
and this realisation has me sobful and shattered
nobody loves you, but just what good you can do
in this planet full of people, all you have is you

so why let anyone in?
if they all leave after they've been

i wish i could go back because i can't go forward
i know it sounds like i am a coward
but honestly, i am just tired of trying
being strong and giving has me crying
i have no love left inside
everybody to me has always lied

what did i ever do to you, ask you i
i don't understand why do i always end up this way
a guy falls for me and i don't
still i am good to him, i try to make him feel better about himself
never ever lead him on
but they don't get it
so when i take all the blame and ask them to find someone better
they hate me for the rest of their lives
why am i always the villain?
what did i ever do to deserve contempt from people who once claimed that they loved me
and the guy who promised to be different is nothing but just the same, a liar
May 2023 · 160
Påłpëbŕå May 2023
it hasn't been long since i last wrote
yet inking real poetry seems ages away,
when words flew without any implore
and i could free my feelings everyday

now everything remains stuck inside
deep within my head it all hides

and i feel ~ asphyxiated
indulged and incinerated
without a way out i sit in solace
my independence lost in space

what more does my life has now
was my past better somehow?
i miss people from long ago
but i guess that letting them go
was the rightest of right thing
yet feel i like an angel with a broken wing
incomplete and tired
differently wired
hauntingly beautiful and dauntigly dead
i am forever lost in my head

what am i doing with my life, i have no clue
every minute i feel pink, black and blue
no innocence left in view
i feel ugly covered in painful hues
Not A Poem
Apr 2023 · 193
Påłpëbŕå Apr 2023
I want to write something that will stay even when I no longer do,
Trying to portray my life covered in fictional hues.

I want an out yet wish to stay chained to my comfort zone,
I wonder if in this body I have a single confident bone?

So that I could step out and be
.F  .  R  .   E  .  E.

Of my mind that imprisons my soul,
Making me believe living my life is a goal.

I long to be happy without feeling guilty
I wish to dance to my heart out for eternity;
But all I do is think about it all
Too afraid to love myself because of my fear of fall.

Will I ever be able to carve my name somewhere-
It shall always stay
Even when I will have faded away?

"Not Marble Nor The Gilded Monuments" spikes my anxiety
Will my afterlife shall be forgotten by entirety?

The thoughts about my future are seeping out of my sutures...where will go to what will I be?
-are all thoughts by a mere nobody who fears staying an unworthy nobody.
Apr 2023 · 511
Påłpëbŕå Apr 2023
it is
of a
Apr 2023 · 191
Påłpëbŕå Apr 2023
it's funny how stupid i can actually be
thinking that people feel as deeply as me
the thought of losing someone i care about
makes me anxious, i cry and shout

my love shall never be returned
and thus, i shall stay silent and stern
for i never mattered and neither will i
from the first hello to last goodbye

it will only ever be me- alone
how insignificant i am, life has shown
but it is because of my nature i suppose
people have done nothing wrong, of course

i give too much that nothing is ever left
i spare people even when they should be charged for theft

guess it will always be this way
since my unfortunate birth to my decay
i shall be forgotten without any delay
for i can't be like other girls, even for a day
Mar 2023 · 658
Påłpëbŕå Mar 2023
delayed gratification
but no notification
my screen stays unlit
waiting on my bed i sit
for a mere text
but nothing, never
in his context
makes my hope tremor
was it all a lie,
loving my scarlet sky?
and now as my heart beats
rosy-red tears bleed
i miss being alone enough
that i waited for none
it is easy being tough
when i am my "no. 1"
look at me now
getting upset over a guy
breaking all my vows
missing him is making me cry

and will it be too late
when there'll be none to wait?
i wish i could go back to january
i miss being me and the girl i used to be
when i had someone to rely on
and not just a relationship to work on
he said that i can make a new best friend
because i am just his girlfriend to him now
he doesn't get me
and now i am left wondering, did he ever?
Mar 2023 · 191
Påłpëbŕå Mar 2023
as black as a black hole

but not as deep as one

for this body bears a soul

that longs to be the sun

but no light i shall give

harbouring singularity i live

what am i in this infinite vacuum

a fading fragrance, a perfume

i shall survive but be forgotten

i shall die away like a volcano

all this lava in me oh so molten

will burn me alive in an inferno

what good is my birth wonder i

and the insignificance makes me cry

i am just another rose in the bunch

w a i t i n g  t o  w i l t

fathering kids like a ******

accompanying the knife like a hilt

what purpose do i solve

why did i evolve

where am i supposed to be

my future is something i can't see

suspended in midair i feel stuck

no talent i have, simply pure luck

useless i feel, useless i prove to be

nothing great is written in my poetry

i can't form words that shall outlive me

chained to my thoughts i am not free
Mar 2023 · 160
Påłpëbŕå Mar 2023
i know you're right
but i ain't wrong either
maybe that's why we fight,
we are cursed creatures
i love you too much
and you too love me back
just not enough
and thus our bond cracks
you hurt me with your words
and make me feel like ****
my thoughts remain unheard
because i don't want us to split
it's painful for me though
that i shall confess
turning my dearest friend into foe
is making my chest compress
i can't breathe
i am asphyxiating
the walls are crawling in on me
the pain is excruciating
i hope now you'll be happy
when i will push him away
cutting my wrists open
i will bleed myself dry today

and that's why i am afraid of joy
like my life's dark-twisted ploy
the more i smile now
the more i shall cry later
my trust in "love laugh live"
shall always waiver
i was born to be alone
and alone i shall be
in my kingdom's throne
i shall live with misery
Mar 2023 · 588
Påłpëbŕå Mar 2023
tissue paper
that's what i am
Feb 2023 · 1.4k
i like the way you smell
Påłpëbŕå Feb 2023
and as i inhale

it's you who i smell

filling up my lungs

making my heart swell
p.s. your perfume still lingers on my skin
wondering am i, all along....where have you been?
Jan 2023 · 305
Påłpëbŕå Jan 2023
what are we if not calculative creatures
a dichotomous breed with in born bias,
struggling between believers and preachers
-we are sinful souls who aim to be pious
we claim to be depressed
and live to be impressed
craving profanity
while questioning our sanity,
we are suffering in the this hell
of paradoxes that challenge our intel
it's funny how we want touch
and affection oh so much
but we're afraid to open up and give
expecting other's hearts to help us live
we have voids and spaces too large
that nothing could ever in barge
thus we will end up alone
with our fates set in stone
we want to be stimulated, both physically & mentally
longing for someone to take away our ability
to think clearly or walk steadily,
confused because we don't know what we need basically
is it mere pleasure we look for
or something deeper do we implore?
covered bodies yet naked minds,
what is it that we are unable to find?
peace or chaos?
calm or applause?
somebody to awaken our deeper desires
or a superficial night of playing with fire?
i don't really know what's more important mental stimulation or physical fulfilment......neither or both? and if there's nothing, still is it worth being with that person?
what does it make me, eh?
Jan 2023 · 248
The Woman
Påłpëbŕå Jan 2023
i keep on looking for you in the crowds
behind the faces covered with coloured shrouds
but i see nobody like you
-a rainbow made of a new hue

you're nothing like the girls i've kissed
but something ethereal all along i've missed
i know that women like you are a rarity
still safe from the world's depravity

you're like the sun, so bright and full of light
maybe that's why your absence is like night
with no stars or meteor showers
no constellations or supernovas

you slipped through my fingers like water
and i was abandoned at our romance's alter
how did we reach this point, love?
when we thought that our feelings were above

you melted on my tongue and twisted my heart cords
a goddess in true sense, my gift from the Lords
and now i am nothing but a poor man with wealth
burning in the memories of how your touch felt

come back to me for i will rectify my mistakes
don't disappear on me like a snowflake
stay and give us one more chance baby
without you, my life's nothing but scary

your man
i wonder what goes inside a guys head when he sees the woman he is interested in 👀
Jan 2023 · 221
Påłpëbŕå Jan 2023
i always thought i had it all figured out
and there wasn't anything to think about
all i wanted was my skin to be branded
and liked it a little rough-handed
but craved the aftercare
you'd caress the marks that you painted,
my pale pure skin with your tongue you tainted,
and then you'd hold me in your arms
help my heart beat calm
so that i could sleep in silence
with my mind at peace
keeping away all the ugly violence
so our bliss-bubble won't be breached
yet today i have learnt that i can't have both
if you'll be tender you won't be able to control
this wild blood that makes me do stuff
that is even more harmful than "poison puff"

either you will be sweet and sound
or you'll be an anti-hero with hounds
either your love will make me feel blessed
or with me you'll be obstinately obsessed
either you will want to be gentle with me
or you would help me see
that i am not sick for harbouring these desires
even though burnt, it's ohkay to long for fire

and this is what i don't get
because if i let
you in with no out
all i will do is panic
making our budding romance tragic
because i am a living breathing paradox
built of a spectacular range of blocks
wanting to be tamed
yet afraid
if i set this passion free
i will drown in lustful seas
but if i chain it in
i will be faking
so what should i do i don't know
be like water that goes with the flow
or be the storm i was born to be
scarring yet surreal in all its serenity?
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