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 Dec 2014 Paige
His Jacket
 Dec 2014 Paige
He gave me his
and it smelled like
him and smoke
and I knew why
but I wore it anyway.

The day he
it was cold outside so
I wore his jacket
wiped my nose on the sleeves.

We got the call from the
psych ward
three days later and I couldn't
see him
hold him
so I buried my face in his jacket
even though it smelled like smoke
and I knew why.

I kept it
stuffed in the corner between
the wall and my bed
so on the nights when I
missed him too much to sleep
I could wrap myself in it
even though
it didn't smell like him anymore.

When he came back
a month later
and I saw him in
a crowded hallway
he looked at me and
when he noticed I was wearing
his jacket
and he
hugged me
so it smelled like him again.

I still
wear his jacket
when I can't sleep at night.
 Nov 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
 Nov 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
and while you were
a willow he is an oak,
a redwood, a maple,
a sequoia- the mightiest
tree- standing humbly
and unassuming in my
background until i
stumbled over one of
his roots and decided
to follow them back to
find leaves that were
so sweet, so smooth,
so familiar on my tongue.
he is like coming home.
 Nov 2014 Paige
jeffrey robin
(                                                                ­                
                                                ­            )
(                                                  ­      
/    \


the mists part
I see your face

And I come home


We go to the wars together

( where have I been ? )


yes it's true

Ofttimes we grow weak


Ofttimes we hide till loneliness

Tells the story

And we heed



Delusion fades
You re-appear

Side by side

We go together to the wars
 Nov 2014 Paige
 Nov 2014 Paige
I don't get in my car
at 3 in the morning,
just to lock the doors
& scream with the music
turned all the way up

I don't drink mason jars
of whiskey on week days

I don't skip school
to chain smoke on my patio

And I don't use lighters
to burn holes in my arms

Not anymore

But I still wake up
some mornings,
scared speechless
that I'll waste an other day

And I still watch
the clock during class,
wishing it'd restart over & over
so I don't have to face myself
all alone on the way home

And I still lose my breath

I still feel my chest sink
without reason

I still say "my stomach aches"
because I don't know how to
describe the void growing
inside of it

And I still struggle

to smile at my parents,

to answer my cellphone,

to do my hair,

to wear nice clothes,

to write,
to write this ******* "poem"

I'm not crying anymore
No more swollen eyes

And I'm not bleeding anymore
No more scarred arms

I didn't get better,
I just got older
 Nov 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
i hope someday someone fixes you
(not fixes you,  really, that  word is
too  harsh)    i  hope  someone  will
love you enough for    you    to love
them back, for those gaping   holes
in your stories,inyour chest,inyour
out to be sewn up tight and secure.
i hope  someday   you  let  someone
help  you  g e t  your  ****  together,
that you want to make it work     so
badly that you grovel, that you beg,
that you spit  your  guts  out  on the
sidewalk outside their house just to
prove    your point. i hope someday
y   o   u   '   r   e          h   a   p   p   y   .
 Nov 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
i said goodbye to the first
part of you in Lawrence
thirteen days ago walking
my fingers on its brick and
thought of you reclaiming
my heart in its basement
and i did not want to turn
into dust, did not feel like
melting into the nearest
gutter. i simply took my
hand from the stone,
continued telling
jillian about how
they closed our
hookah bar,
the early
fall air.
 Oct 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
i let the bass hum through me and i
only cried a little during bloodflood.
today i'm doing really okay.
I saw Alt-J live for the first time tonight.

(this one might change)
 Oct 2014 Paige
Megan Grace
please do not drive
by my apartment.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
*******. i've been
doing so well.
you did not pick me,
so you are not
allowed to do this
to me anymore.
please do not drive
by my apartment.
i wish i hadn't noticed you there.
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