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Nov 2015 · 660
One4u2nv Nov 2015
I’m anxious and I can’t keep my summersalt garbage disposal from continuing it’s cycle. Stuck on repeat like the sound of a plum pit caught between the spinning blades, God they look maniacal. It’s more of a grinding kind of clatter, peanut butter hands pitter patter, some things never really matter.
May 2015 · 894
The Move
One4u2nv May 2015
Partners turned enemies turned frenemies turned long lost soul mates who never were meant to be-
You never know what you got until it finally walks out the door. And thank god for that ******* door-
If I hadn’t of walked the tightrope so clumsily maybe my peanut butter fingers would have, should have, could have grabbed a little bit better omit the fumbling…but I just kept stumbling-
I honestly thought I was going to die here in this trailer, this **** double wide modular hell of mine,
We stick ourselves in mud sometimes, Mud so thick it creates specific life lines. You can actually see your personal timeline-
That timeline has been looking like the color of ****. Well **** me sideways ain’t life a ******* *****-
****** ***** low down ******* skunt. Skinned knees ***** breeze I felt this old home giving me a breathless squeeze-
It squeezed me so hard I hit reality, reached up and snatched actuality with a left hook of formality equalling life’s gain of destined brutality-
I moved mountains harder than I’ve ever ****** any man. It was one swift move of ballsy rhetoric but I had to sell my soul for a compromise and a date just to get my hands on the blue prints for the master plan-
You see everyone is someone else’s ******. I’m on a chain, a noose, a shock collar and this filthy serenade is for the shot caller-
Someday I’ll cut those chains but most likely by the time I’m equipped I’ll have lost those better days-
You learn to live on less by biding time, by sweeping by, just keeping your heart above water and your head leaking dry. I remember my partner turned enemy, turned frenemy, that long lost soul mate who just was never meant to be….
Oct 2013 · 707
I did
One4u2nv Oct 2013
I dyed to dream the colors that deemed
Jul 2013 · 962
Always For The People
One4u2nv Jul 2013
Sometimes when I'm in public settings I swear I can hear people screaming as loud as a sonic boom for me to ask about things they have hidden so deep beneath their skin their skeletons have run out of closets to hide in.
Except those people are empty. Sure they want you to know them, however they have no sincere intentions on ever getting to know you. So I walk past without so much as offering even a nod, but they scream louder and I'm forced to back track, and slowly I slip my skeleton key perfectly in.
Jul 2013 · 8.7k
Artistic Bulimia
One4u2nv Jul 2013
As a child I would eat crayons and then purge oceans onto paper.
One4u2nv Jun 2013
The first time our lips met my stomach immediately went into effect
Infectious, serious, god you made me feel delicious and delirious
It was the missing muchness it both touched us, I haven't wanted to run out of too much of us
So much of it, hearts skipping beats throbbing to this new beat, you swept me off my feet but I knew eventually you'd leave
Jun 2013 · 1.4k
Dysfunctional Dieting
One4u2nv Jun 2013
I eat and purge my relationships like a pro bulimic. I have a unique gift of attracting the most broken of individuals, truly an extremist.

Crazy, violent, addicted, on the run, think they are moon babies banished to live on the sun, AND always saying, “Hey baby you’re my number one". AND even though I know better than to ride on the coattails of crazy, I convince myself I’m actually a someone to anyone. Like I give a ****. So then what’s the ******' hang up?
May 2013 · 1.4k
Hittin' the bottle
One4u2nv May 2013

This message in the bottle is my sleek way of stuffin' that good ole old crow full throttle, and it's lingering swagger back into my obvious nothin'. Now I'll never be a pre-teen model.  
My grip to the bottle is furious followed by a sincere pen to the paper, new headlines feature my naughty by nature, marked **** quiet styled lyricist, kickin' back with words of a dark sided linguist.  I'd insist just blowing smoke up that *** but I'm dead ******' serious. I need to  be reassured that the message in the bottle does IN FACT exist.
May 2013 · 652
Shoot the Moon
One4u2nv May 2013
I watched as that needle drained you of your capacity. Capacity to feel. Capacity to deal. Capacity to reel in the really real. I watched and I knew that devil was one I would never *****.
May 2013 · 459
One4u2nv May 2013
I never really liked
my name much
until I found out
what it tastes like
when you sigh it
into my mouth
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Hair through the needle
One4u2nv Mar 2013
I put my guts to my glory so that everyone around me has a safety net thrifted into their detailed story

Where does that leave the seamstress at the end of the day, while sewing up tattered *****, wave and watch that memory fade to yesterday

The vice is the voice inside each borrowed choice, the dice thrown down, it's snake eyes now doing all the suffocating in my glass windowed town

I keep stitching up these frays and splits, and each time I know I'm choosing it. Something given to me so it wouldn't be right not to share, but like clockwork I turn and thread that needle with my hair

None of that matters it's neither here nor there. I'm stuck in torpor relishing your dark poison spears. Don't take your cries to the said man of the Sunday hour, the seamstress is here to patch your holes, frays, and splits, and then leave you for the vultures to devour the rest of your ****-
Mar 2013 · 815
They're just words!
One4u2nv Mar 2013
I don’t make art anymore than I make cents. Cheap isn’t easy in any sense, there’s always illogical copycats paying poets with innocence. Life ain’t free.
Mar 2013 · 1.5k
Lay the lye down
One4u2nv Mar 2013
Always with the separate rooms, same separate landlocked pontoons. Another follow up,  billow of rank stank air, stale like the calming still of shell shocked monsoons, into the deep dark abyss I stare-

Heightens my senses, that still begotten presence of quarantined ill begotten dimensions, left stark and in the dark with nothing but the whistling of our declining pensions-

Repentance ask it of yourself, there's always an extra bottle on the tippy top shelf, reach high, you don't have to lie now, go ahead and lay that lye down-

Corrosion never felt so **** good...
Mar 2013 · 626
It must be true
One4u2nv Mar 2013
Anything he calls me it must be true, Opinions are like ******* but I must be too

Nothing is everything and everything is wrapped up tight, right and everything is counterbalanced with unintentional natural born spite

This fog filled phantoms box I'm stowed away in
Pandora's dopplegangster the wicked we, the hidden brethren

So locked to my box no keys to set me free, I listen to all of beautifully damaging words he believes me to be

Opinions are like ******* but I must be one too, anything he calls me must be true
Feb 2013 · 485
One4u2nv Feb 2013
Keep slinging mud. Maybe you will slip in it and need help back up
Feb 2013 · 681
Never is endless
One4u2nv Feb 2013
**** it up and soak it in, coming to terms with fate and facing the reality that I won’t ever be asked to join in.

Never to be the object of desired affection that lies stagnant deep within.

A light beneath the endless sea, resonates a powerful memory of love lost and innocence set free.

That girl reminds me of somebody. She rolls off of my tongue like the sweetest candy but still she is just a mirrored me.
Jan 2013 · 871
Titles So Far Today
One4u2nv Jan 2013
So far today I'm a giant, a tyrant, a clinical mess-
My label states I'm a manic, a miserable being topped with a dollop of depressed.
Those are my titles today, given to me by a man who just won't stay away.
If I am really all of those things , why do you suppose that man insists on hitch hiking on my manic wings?
Why wouldn't he get off at the next stop, as opposed to whispering in my ear those afflicting thoughts?
So far today I am a giant, a tyrant, and maybe even a clinical mess. But I will tell you what I am NOT, and that's a self righteous, name calling, demeaning pest.
Dec 2012 · 567
One4u2nv Dec 2012
Mercy is when the universe doesn't kick my *** for kicking it's *** first
One4u2nv Dec 2012
How do you feel about this and that?

A cockroach stealing your children's dreams of a bright and peaceful future?

Watching a mongoloid getting backhanded by a ******* with a heart of gold?

The unknowable can't be evacuated by an atomic bomb.

Knowledge cannot be enthralled by microbiology.

Peace CAN & WILL shatter into fragments by the use of clinical drugs.

Fun finds the cure for cancer in a twisted upbringing that you and your siblings will never be blessed to experience.

Trust can trigger an avalanche of facts, AND satanism should generally avoid including sexuality.

Mary Magdalene turns boring things into ****** tension like peace inspires fundamentally skewered acts of protests.

Our world leaders briefly researching painful mutilations in an ancient garden in Greece, while suggestively grabbing handfuls of lost gifts in a church made from human bones.

How are you feeling about this mess of words I've sewn together?  

Televised revolutions are deeply advertising etched foreskins of death like Disney World sells us dates with Mickey Mouse and his muse Minnie as Donald poses as Adolf ******.   

Watch your friends fade and die as they disobediently blow away blue swamps at your feet, never even bothering you with a decent goodbye.  

There's a supply and demand on our radios briefly warning us of fearful flesh in the background of a dark ash filled sky, gently driving away from mysteries spied through a peephole.

I would have cried briefly, if worshiping premonitions in the shadows was good human behavior...But it's not..

Your sisters are daintily self-destructing emergency shelters dancing w/ both hands in your pockets while vomiting their lunches into fine porcelain. Aren't we lucky?

I am happily reusing substances
and creating electrifying populations with clay and words. A seamstress of sorts I suppose.  But I'm no artist.

Pentecostalism might be able to rid the world of a nightmare and your wildest dream might have been known to lead to a disorder that hasn't yet been but already has five matter of fact cures.

The Bible courses through the veins of vengeance like physics can be used to detect our long-term relationship with Santa Christ. Satan and I think this is exciting!

Complex religious designs can be combined with gracelessness in the name of American eye-candy.  We can be uncomfortable if it's entangled with destiny. Of this I am certain.
Dec 2012 · 641
Shiny things lead to stings
One4u2nv Dec 2012
I had a vision once but I lost it twice on a dusty road heading nowhere real fast.
I saw something shiny on that dust filled road, so I bent down and picked it up, instantly cut myself on a piece of jagged trash.
  I cried as I stuck the palm of my hand to my mouth to lick the small bleeding spot. I should learn to quit picking up trash, and shiny things jagged or not.
Dec 2012 · 828
IT'S all FOR the LAUGH
One4u2nv Dec 2012
Never comfortable never content-
Always never rational and overly spent-

Living in constant still like motion-
Polluted and damaged I am the ocean-

Karma is more or less a ****** fable, it doesn't really exist-
Just another lie, fairy tale, ******* myth-

Bad things happen to most everyone-
The good, bad, and the ugly, there's absolutely nowhere to run-

Fight the good fight or give up your spot in the world-
No thank you, I'll pass on that offer, give it to some other **** ******* parasitic boy or girl-

All around the mulberry bush the tyrants hack and steal-
Thanks to the ******* that invented a barter, trade, and currency system, now the world starves killing for that next meal-

So here we are forced in to a hostile show, might as well sit back and watch our red light district flourish below -
With my head hung low, lack of glow, my wings fade and I become nothing more than a once was shadow
Nov 2012 · 925
My mulberry bush
One4u2nv Nov 2012
One foot in front of the NOT so other...why bother with me
I'm just a throwaway...his whispers won't allow me to be free...
This time around I lost my footing, my pudding, my busy little bee...
All around this mulberry bush the dragon chases his shadow.
And I know that you know what happens when the shadow is caught...
That night under the bright moonlight you stood war and fought...
That dragon whispered, reminded me of my captivity and I am you and you are me...Nothing but the still charred smell of the all American dream.
One4u2nv Nov 2012
This box is getting awfully snug for somebody as ******' high as me, watch my face turn with glee, everyone follow me, the super-drug mean mug anti social **** the butterfly I'll always be the queen bee...
Same four walls with a lock around my neck, so tight with it's regret, hidden keys somewhere as far as parsec-
Shame pours out of the halls, stalked foreground against the main stream intellect, **** dialect no need to look back and reflect-
I moved with haste, lost my place, fell from grace, only to end up on my pretty.... face down, mud spent, I don't know where all my ******' money went. Look at me now look at the family so proud.
Shotgun wedding signing the rights away for my right away to go nowhere fast nowhere really really fast, going straight the **** down. With my halo valiantly thrown to the ground.  I need a vacation, I'm tired of ******' round with these clowns.
Jun 2012 · 3.8k
The Worlds Coracle
One4u2nv Jun 2012
Sinking like a carelessly cosmic ****** on the 4th of J-U-L-Y, while a distressed young mountain lion lies on your feet.

Watch out for the cautious rubber shark inside the lines. It'd be something like Frank Zappa stuck on a deserted island with a dealer of his liking or disdain. 

I believe in outlandish crazy industrialists in the distance between here and nowhere. 

Lucifer has been infused with witchcraft and crack *******. Mindless *******. Thank your God. 

Excellent nutrition is being presented as gluttony. Which in turn has caused your little sister to make daily offerings to a porcelain god. 

Pleasure didn't invent rebellion but rebellion did however invent pleasure. Don't confuse the two. 

A believer is magnetically drawn to immorality, much like man is to faith. 

Inspiration simply radiates free energy and a smile should never be compared to a frown. 

Dreaming can be mistaken for productivity. Dream big people, dream big.
Mar 2012 · 1.2k
Thievery INC.
One4u2nv Mar 2012
Even though we're not of the same womb, we share the same fleshy coat covering our bare and brittle tomb.  

I will never sigh a moment of disappointment again after you picked from my pocket, my deep throated eight-***** deep right corner socket, the envious green bank locket. 

Eight months and some silver change went by without so much as an apology, my effigy standing momentarily proud, my everlasting quieted eulogy seeking nothing more than a loud creaking to my bleating apathy.

Just relax those temptations and sweet sensations, fix the tooth yearning for it's familiar ache, that familiar feel of the snake, learning to break that stride of your pride. In the dark through the mist I arise to ****** back what is rightfully mine.
Mar 2012 · 953
Plastic Contraption
One4u2nv Mar 2012
The contraption they made for me wasn't made of mahogany or pine. It didn't have my name carved on the side or top or woven in between a lovely vine.

The mask I wore was hard and plastic, reaching down my throat, stealing my voice, my choice, my right for air, my only care. 

I'm inconveniently sewn wrong. Stitched little ***** with a piece of my hair going nowhere, breaking, splitting, and firing a blank flare. In that me made contraption, that not so piney box. I need to detox.

The mask grips my face tighter, the spider beneath the box is a fighter but not me you see. No no not me. I'm the malnutritioned meal deal for the arachnid to steal. I close one eye grieving the salty cheek, I can feel the watery streak leave it's message bleak across my pale cheek.

This plastic prison wasn't comfortable or maced with  satin or lace. I understand for light years beyond my grasp of taste that once upon a time ago I must have lived a life of disgrace.
Feb 2012 · 6.1k
Unknown Reasons
One4u2nv Feb 2012

I'm thoughtfully watching joyous pupils viciously coming across girlish phantoms.

Meanwhile you are watching me satanically bounding through fields of flaming stimulations, while riding on hope that depends on productivity. I won't ever find it. Productivity that is. 

Satisfaction might never be prioritized above facts. This is FACT-

The unknown needlessly attracts poetry.

Our reality abraded and unjust can be uncomfortable if it’s entangled with education. 

Moving at your own pace is a fountain of materialism and greedy lusts. 

Psychic ability favors pressure, and a random act of silliness can somehow mold in to self reform. 

Magic has been brought to you by Nikola Tesla and of course Prince...He is the true King, save Bowie of course. 

Sexology turns boring things into The American Dream.

Suggestively inter-dimensional paintings as a punch line to a tasteless joke for tasteless people. ----> See blog for details. Http://

Swiftly opulent inspectors for future generations leave no getaways for past generations. Thank your god for this..I certainly do. 

Feminist eruptions and Malibu Barbie are inexpensive expectations with crazed, maniacal plans for world *******. We fed the Illuminate to the space pirates and now we are the people. 

Enclosed in this excessively long mixture of nonesenical words are meanings of life like surgically altered violins fueled by bitterness and rage are the way to the Sneaker Pimps six-Underground. 

Our politicians are galavanting with over paid under appreciated butchers. 

Comfort is the leading cause of heroism and cancer. 

Electricity is a side-effect of greed. Greed fuels each and every home. 

Activism is another form of stigmata and self-confidence rests upon your soul's desire to be better. 

A perfect moment is ruined by mythology. Throw it away along with your **** of an ego. Learn what bogs you down and what helps to keep you afloat. 

****** tension can trigger an avalanche of vengeance and self loathing destruction 

Your energy can transcend in to a rouge wave larger than life and larger than Jesus Christ fanatics followed by Anti-Christ hopefuls.

Laughter gravitates towards ravenously healthy men and women. Follow that pack and you will find health awaiting your arrival with open arms. 

One4u2nv Feb 2012
I have all this chaotic energy seething through my body with last nights creations and today's destroyers. It's so intense I don't even know where to direct it most of the time so I swallow that salty oyster.

It dances heavily on my squishy innards, with high heel slippers, they even had heels for beginners.

My guts churn and reluctantly become tangled. Holes and tears for this glitter girl perfectly mangled.

Ohhh this energy is fantastically painful. It's so mad my heart wants to burst and my love seeks to strangle. I love life, especially from this energetic, chaotic, messy kinda angle.
Jan 2012 · 8.8k
Seize The Year Before Last
One4u2nv Jan 2012
Write on the bathroom wall this:  

Diligence is probably slaying rebellion

Dreaming comes out of an atomic bomb

Your girlfriends in a gang that’s lead by prostitutes  

Cavemen getting punched in the face by men  

Werewolves developing a crush on skinheads  

Soldiers experimenting with martyrs  

Your nextdoor neighbor pretending not to know a *****  

A gypsy writing love letters to a villain  

A guy you once dated driving away from a distant memory  

Your mother at a funeral with an executioner

Mind control freak making eye-contact in an elevator with a flight of birds  

Gleefully bulldozing gigantic flaming embalmers underground  

Ferociously inspiring detail-oriented museums in the dark  

Painfully sorting through stainless steel students backwards  

Electronically sorting monophonic apparitions in the shadows  

Faithfully inhaling Armenian scorpions at tea time  

Briskly hovering above loud controlled substances eaten by America and spat out  

    Dream about this next time you sleep:  

Quizzically exquisite keyholes inside a sunken ship  

Wearily alcoholic skeletons invading our love  

Sharing sternly precious lithographs with Charles Manson  

Adoringly high-pitched frescos out on the streets  

Wildly crunchy affairs with reckless abandoned hope  

Her boyish handymen is like Mona Lisa without her brows

Sensually cuddling big pistols  

The AntiChrist finds the cure for cancer in the local pet shop

Mary Magdalene can sometimes lead to your soul’s desire  

*** can (and often does) lead to motherhood  

Absolutism has never touched cooperation  

The Tao Te Ching manifested properly may ease the destructiveness of Christ  

******* is hindered by believing in motherhood  

Nature encourages rebirth and recycled courage  

Ashtanga Yoga is more important than victory  

An inspired mind isn’t always The Bible  

Energy must always conquer evolution  

*** is a decent alternative to nightmares wouldn’t you agree?  

Electricity is a manifestation of mercy and Tesla  

Pleasure feeds on Gandhi’s sweat ridden bald head  

Candidly breaking dormitories brimming with joy  

Barely used unstable translators outside the lines  

Enjoying calm lavish casino hotels with the electric eager manicurists of tomorrow  

A janitor burying a troop of apes while nature contributes to death and new yesterday’s  

The unknowable comes out of knowledge  

A ***** mind finds the cure for ignorance in patience and the aloha spirit

Education contains traces of drugs and alcohol and also combats drugs and alcohol  

Satan always enjoys Richard Dawkins.

— The End —