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Hurricane Feb 2018
today you made me smile , only a small one
probably not big enough to be noticed.
trust me , i know the feeling
i'm reaching acceptance , i've never entered this territory before.
the smile was sweet , small and short
one that wasn't packed with emotion just passing happiness
maybe this is me moving on or maybe its my false hope come back to taunt me .
Feb 2018 · 183
Hurricane Feb 2018
I do not miss you anymore , I haven't for a while
I still get angry when we talk because you still don't get it
There's only so many times a girl can fall for the same boy
Love? Oh God I hope not .
Heartbreak? Oh yes my love , it's never ending.
You can't possibly give what I want from you. I've had this poem saved as " private " for so long but at this point what does it matter ? We're all broken , why shouldn't I share it
Nov 2017 · 159
Hurricane Nov 2017
I'm so sick of being patronised
I'm so sick of the way I'm treated
I'm so sick of my current state

They say " get on with it " but honestly how can I ? My brain aches , my heart was broken months ago .

All I have left now is the comfort of silence .
Honestly why do I bother ?
Nov 2017 · 110
Hurricane Nov 2017
The array of colours flashed over the screen ,
As I danced in the light ,
It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen,
You dancing in the night .
American Eyes

— The End —