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Jan 2015 · 367
I forgive you for everything,
Even the fact that you can't forgive me.
Love conquers all
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Mommy, Aunty And Cousin.
Got straight A's and mommy still ain't proud
Yelling still comes from her lips
Into the ears of her daughter
With her too wide hips
Which mommy tries to alter
And her poor daughter just falters
She's a good girl now but mommy doesn't care
Because mommy isn't fair
Mommy has an angel who's untouchable
And mommy blaming her daughter is unstoppable
His troubles become hers
For she lives mostly to serve
Her screams and cries go unheard
He gets candy for being bad
While she gets scolded for being sad
Attempting to teach right and wrong
But mommy puts her efforts down
And her own daughter struggles to be strong
But mommy is blind
And her daughter utterly confined
Over the years she lost her patience
And is waiting to say good riddance
Mommy pushes away
While the daughter hopes to fix things and stay
Mommy makes her daughter cry
And she doesn't understand why
Mommy didn't give her daughter a daddy
Mommy gets angry and calls her daughter fatty
Mommy has a saint
And daughter tries to voice her complaints
Mommy and aunty gave daughter a child
That child is much too wild
No boundaries or rules apply
And daughter sits by
Hoping she no longer must comply
Hoping soon she can wave goodbye.
Sounded better when I spoke it earlier, kept changing so it was hard to get down.
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Mirror Mirror in Their Eyes
Half the time
The mirror smiles at me
And the other half
Breaks because of me
Torn between the complexities of me

Why should such a cruel word exist?

Why should a word so magnificent be spoken so seldomly?

Why should I,
As a woman compare and contrast?

Why should it matter what size certain body parts are or are not?

Is the heart, the soul, not all you need?
Jan 2015 · 456
Like a bird in search of a nest
I nestled into you,
In hopes I'd find comfort,
In hopes I'd be home
But even within the warmth of your arms
The cool winter breeze nips at my fingers,
Oh I need more warmth,
I need to get closer
For the safety in your arms
May sway if the wind picks up much more.
Jan 2015 · 958
The struggle with love
Is endless and meaningful.
Dec 2014 · 202
Best Days
My favorite days,
Are the ones where you look at me,
Deep and long,
And all you seem to do is want to hug me,
To give me those eyes,
To smile,
To hold my hand,
My favorite days,
Are those when you kiss my whole face
Before you kiss my lips,
Just to make me smile,
And the way you wrap my legs with yours
So we're trapped together,
My favorite days,
Are the one where you're happy,
Dec 2014 · 4.0k
Rough Terrain (10w)
That voice
and those arms,
Can soothe
Any bad day.
Dec 2014 · 392
Bitter Memory Lane
I washed it away,
I cried it away,
I willed it away,
And yet they stay,
Clawing from the inside
The memories,
The memories that will forever
Break my soul,
The shame,
The self hatred,
Oh but the cruel, cruel, memories
They remain inside
They crawl over me in nightmares
And never seem to fade,
Existing only to destroy
Only here to mock me,
And how it works,
For in the pit of despair
I see them
And my skin wants to tear
And my innards turn out
Oh evil past
Why won't you go
I begged
And I prayed
And I sulked
And yet still unmoved they stay
To torture,
To oppress,
To forever keep me
To forever keep me
One day I vow to forget
But for now I am haunted,
Haunted by a girl
Who was me
And not me,
Who acted like a beast
But felt like a prisoner
Oh and the aching returns
And churns my very chest,
It impales me with such suffrage
To remember,
To remember the memories.
Josh if you see it, this is kinda what was on my mind during our talk last night. I'm sorry.
Nov 2014 · 763
Calm Me
For a while
Without words
My mind became mad
Sulking and aching
And suddenly words
Came and so did
Warm arms.
Nov 2014 · 253
College Tour Thoughts.
Scared of the future
Of growing up

The silver lining
As always though
Is you
Because finally
In adulthood
We will betrothed.
Curled up beside you
I sleep
No longer needing dreams
No longer
Does my subconscious
For I have
And completion
Fills me up
I exude love for you
My every pore
My every living moment
Is spent
Thinking of you
And the future ahead of us.
Sep 2014 · 665
Changing Tides
I realized today
That after years
Of writing poems
About you
Nothing I ever wrote
Or said could compare
To my love, my feelings,
Or your true magnificence.
Aug 2014 · 550
Tear ache
Sweet sweet hummingbird

Who suckles sweet nectar

Please stop pecking at my head.
Aug 2014 · 405
Doorway to Tomorrow
This love

It's so much more

Than you'll ever understand

He and I

We're more than teenagers in love

Together we are one completed soul


We are happy

What kind of person

Would tear real love apart?
Aug 2014 · 239
Signs And Dreams
I knocked at a door
Labeled "God"
And heard a simple response
"I'm not who your looking for"
I blinked and the door changed
It smelled of wonderful pine
And had your name carved in it
I knocked three times
And you told me to come in
And I knew,
I knew God wanted us together
I knew that he'd lead me to you
When I walked in
My life was complete,
My future laid before me,
My future with you.
Aug 2014 · 588
If you*  love  me
Then don't go.

Please stay

Stay with me.
Jul 2014 · 245
I Hope We Can Make More
Those days with you
When you were here
In my arms
To hug and kiss
Were some of
The most beautiful
Days of my life.
The water swayed slowly
As I walked by
Each step I took
Another glorious flashback

You kissed me against that wall
When nobody was coming

Sat with me there and cheered me up

You and I celebrated there
And there too

You threw rocks
And I joined in

We sat on that bench
And watched the sun rise

You took my play doh hearts
And made me promise
To never leave them for
Strangers again
Because we were each others
And every bit of my heart
It was and still is yours

You gave me yours once
And I still hold it up to
That picture of us

We kissed beneath there
And wished we had our own room

We dreamed there of our future
Our future together

That place was ours

I remember the first time
You told me you loved me
Was on our way there
And it broke down
Every wall
I spent building
And I told you I loved you too
With fear and hope in my heart

I remember so many things about us

And I remember so many things we did
Or we said when we were there

It was our sanctuary
Together there
We were free

I love that place more than I ever did

Not because it's beauty
Or its energy

But because we created something there.
The first time you told me you loved me for that relationship lol. This is about the water place in RI. Its a special place for us.
Jul 2014 · 456
Gently Rough
Just the thought
The distant memory
Of your hands near me,
On me, around me,
It makes my whole body
Tingle with excitement

Oh I miss the gentle touch
Of your hand on my cheek
And the roughly passionate kiss
Of your lips melded with mine.
Jul 2014 · 247
Sweet Tear
The wonder in your eyes
It strikes me
To my very soul
Inspiring me
Making me feel
So alive that
My happiness
Cannot contain
Itself for long
And the sweetest
Stream of joyful tears
Roll down my cheeks.
Jul 2014 · 778
Strength In The Dark
Baby if your ever
Feeling weak
And like you
Just can't go
On anymore
There's no
Need to fear
Because you
Give me strength
With your love
And laughter
With your way
Of making me
Sane and
Totally insane
All at once
You give me
So much strength
To never lose faith
To never give up
To fight for us
To fight for forever.
Jul 2014 · 352
I can't wait
To be back
In your arms
To feel our
Soar as we
Explode from
Utter joy
From simply
Being in each
Presence again.
Poems **** sorry been in a poetry rut
Jul 2014 · 504
Lip Lash
Looking at your smile
I knew
You'd always
Be worth
Fighting for.
Jul 2014 · 197
Kisses (10W)
Let me just
Every bad
Far far
Jul 2014 · 404






Jun 2014 · 385
I always wish
That I knew
That the last day
Was the last day.

So I could've hugged you
Just a little tighter

Kissed you a little harder

Said I loved you a little more

And held on just a little longer.
Jun 2014 · 428
Aged Paragon
I pray
I cry
I hold onto hope
That something
Has changed
Something was wrong
Just so you can stay
And our plans
Can follow through
You use to wake up
And call me
Your paragon of a wife
Your packing up now
And I don't want you
To ever pack up us
Because I'm afraid of being buried.
Everyday I hope things can change so you can stay...
Jun 2014 · 249
Sometimes I close my eyes
And watch our memories
I have my hands on your chest
Smiling with a heart
That was never more content
Than in that instance
And you laugh at me
And you just lean in to kiss me
I watch that girl, me
Know without a doubt
That your her forever
Her lover
Her mate
Her future husband
And as I watch them
I realize how willing
I am to fight for that back
And as long as you never give up
I promise I won't either
I watch them laughing
Crying, making love,
Napping and eating
And suddenly I see
His eyes
Looking at her
And all his love
And all of hers
All the shared energies
Flows freely and peacefully between
Oh how wonderful it is
To almost feel it again.
Jun 2014 · 290
Continental Drift
Love has consumed me
Far too long
For me to ever stop
To ever lose faith
Because in my darkest days
All I had was hope
For a future with
The one I love
Who would love me
As wildly and crazily
From day one to the very last
With every bit of his heart.
While continents apart we're moving inch by inch closer together again. One day we'll be back in each others arms.
Jun 2014 · 342
Waiting For Gods Plan
When we were apart
We wanted nothing more than death

When we were together
We wanted nothing more than life,
A life together.
He has to leave and I must stay. We're meant to be but again we're torn apart so what does God have in store?
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Family Lessons
I learned from my mother
And my youngest aunt
That I didn't want to be
A teenage mother
I learned from another aunt
That love is always a battle
And I have to decide if its worth the fight
(Which I believe it is)
I learned from my other aunt
That anger only locks you up
And once in it's hard to get out
I learned from my step mother that
Endurance goes so far
I learned from my grandmother
That putting *****
In your orange juice
Is not a good start to any day
I learned from my cousin
That care is in our hearts
And if you lack empathy
You may leave your soul behind
I learned from my great aunt
That kindness and helping people
Is good for the soul
I learned from my great uncle
That just because you have a lot of things
Doesn't mean you have everything
Lastly, I learned from my father
That love grows in all the little things,
All the small words or actions
And that without those
We cannot grow love.
They taught me with their mistakes and their good intentions, they taught me with absences and their presence. Through my life they will be my family despite our differences and the fact that at one point or another we detest each other. I've grown up in a tornado of a family but it's a testament to our strength that we're still standing. Also love is important and they taught me that and it's that lesson that I found him and we fell in love...Nothing comes easy but love will always be worth fighting for.
May 2014 · 709
Lovestruck and Happy
You have always been
                   And will always be
The one I love

            You give me strength

And I'm weak to your every movement

          You know me

Better than I know myself

                     Your love means more

Than all the money in the world

              And just the thought

Of being yours                   forever

              It brings the biggest smile to my face

You are always going to be my true love

Through all our years

         We've come back together

Through all our hardships and mistakes

                 We found more love to give

For me sweetie

                               There is no future without you

You're the only one

                           And I'll never let go

I will                    always

Stand by your side

                                Ready to fight

Ready to go through this crazy lifetime

                 Because as long as you're with me

As long as we have this love

                               I know it'll be okay.
Words can never truly express how much I love you or the faith I have in us.
May 2014 · 212
Surivivors (10w)
With you

I know


Is possible,

We will

May 2014 · 273
10W All I Want
I wish

There was something

That could keep you here.
May 2014 · 229
I Want To Come To Get You
Oh baby
I will love you
Forever and always
No matter the circumstance
Souls in love ache to be torn apart like this
May 2014 · 365

I get the urge

To go to your house

And watch it

Hoping you'll come out.
May 2014 · 710
Crying Heap Of Rambles
This time around,
I didn't get a goodbye kiss
Or that long meaningful stare

This time I got
Dirt in my eyes

I've been harmed
My eyes (the gateway to the soul)

Oh how they burn
For my mind misses
Looking at you

Feeling you close
And you looking at me
The way I look at you

With love and admiration

With a sense of desire

Now I am left

With memories that I claw
To hold onto

And just as before
I throw out all other knowledge

To hold onto more of the days
That I spent in your comforting arms

This time it's more unfair than ever

And I beg for you to somehow

Be able to just stay

My love reaches

Such a grand intensity
And I can never let go
I open my eyes despite the pain

Wiping away the tears

And I reach out to you now

Hoping maybe

You'll respond

With more than simplicity

But show me you love me
Tell me how you saw me all those days

All that time we made love

Make me smile again

Don't go without giving me
Something to hold onto

Some faith
Some hope

Don't go without
Telling me you love me

Because I want to replay that instance
Everyday until we can be reunited.
Cried after I started this...
May 2014 · 266
Boo To Circumstances
There's no future for you there

But here,

There's a whole lifetime

For us to enjoy.

May 2014 · 299
10w Hopeful Expressions
I wish
And I wish
I could see you.

May 2014 · 289
Classical (Not a Poem)
I remember
How you use to say
You would live
In the school
We use to make love in
And how the bright side
Was that we could see each other
And we'd be close
I remember your aspirations
Of us one day somehow
Living together
Sharing a bed
As husband and wife
Surviving because we had each other

I still dream that one day
You'll be my husband baby.
May 2014 · 678
Double Sided Battle
Fight against their negativity
Fight against the way
That they never understand
We're both in our battles
And our final destination

Is in each others loving arms.
May 2014 · 302
Only You
Just to hug you
To kiss those lips
To see that scar
To see those sparkling eyes

Could make me
Feel whole again.
All my mind plays is the song "baby come back you can blame it all on me"
May 2014 · 190
Run Baby Run
Run to me baby

And I promise

To never

Let you go.
I thought about you running away and us temporarily living at my house and how we'd go to church and the baptism and how I'd be so happy to see you
May 2014 · 280
Pictures In My Head
My womb
Is still earmarked
For our
Little bundle of joy
Was gonna write:
Our baby cradled in my arms
You kiss my forehead
And then our bundle of joy's
And all three of us
Our family
We smile together,
Picture perfect.
May 2014 · 307
Tethered Together
Your my husband at heart

So truly

We'll never be apart.
A little goodnight Rhyme ^_^
May 2014 · 284
Goodnight my love
I'll see your amazing face
Again in my dreams tonight.
May 2014 · 166
Random Love
I love
The way in which
You preferred me
As me,
Even if
It means being a mess
How you still
Called me beautiful
Even when I laid bare
I loved the way you
Always saw more in me
And I wish I knew
Exactly how you saw me
Because sweetie
I think you're pretty amazing too
I always have
And no one else will ever
May 2014 · 236
I miss you
Every day
And every night
I write your
Name on my hand
And hope somehow
You can be here
Holding me tight
Kissing my forehead
I love you now
And forever on baby.
May 2014 · 311
Freedom Lovers
I miss you

I whispered into
My empty room
Hoping it'd find you

My heart churned heavily
Imagining us together
Bathing in the glory
Of our indescribable love

Wishing you could
Just run
And find me
So we can be saved
Drenched in blessed water

Oh how my mind dreams

We make a beautiful couple sweetie
And despite everything
We'd make a breathtaking child

Raised in His love
And ours

We are two souls
Tethered together

And we will *always

Find a way
To come back
To each other

I have faith
And so
I whisper
I love you future husband

Knowing your heart
Has gladly accepted the name.
I started with the thought of you running away and finding me and this came out... ❤
May 2014 · 284
11w On Your Lips
God gave you some beautiful lips

(That we're meant for mine)
I was thinking of your smile and then about you leaving and how I wish I had a goodbye kiss...
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