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May 2014 · 441
Butterfly Wings
Years later
And you still
Have my heart
Feeling like
Butterfly wings
Fluttering against
My insides,

Oh so softly.
May 2014 · 186
Thank You
I read those
Words over
And over
Just so
I can
May 2014 · 460
One word
Can almost make
Everything alright.

Thank you baby.
May 2014 · 407
Rambles For J
I've made
A lot of mistakes
In my short life
But some things
I will never
Do again
Is burying myself
Is burying my love
I will never again
Try to stop this feeling
And I will never stop
Fighting for you
My love reaches
So far beyond
The average means
God gave me and you
Large sensitive hearts
To love each other with
So listen to it beats
Rythmically move us
To tears and nothing can stop this
Connected by love and history
No matter where you go
I will find you
Even if years from now
I must reach out
Fly over oceans
I will find you
God awakens me
Inspires me to fight
Tells me we're suppose to be
Meant to love each other
Because the strength we find
The happiness we find
In time spent cuddled together
Or kissing in the rain
It inspires the world
It defeats all wariness
We're a special love
That no one understands
But it's because of that
We're held together
Forever bonded
In my heart
You will always be my husband
And I am your wife
And I may not be the strongest
Or the most positive
But I believe in us
In our love
And because of it
I believe we'll survive
Survive through the worst of storms
And we'll come out hand in hand
Thanking God for everything
And praying each day
We'll never have to part again
And I promise one day we won't.
May 2014 · 316
Don't Want You To Go
I guess it's okay
I can't cut
Because on the inside
I'm bruised and bleeding
From this utter heart shattering reality
May 2014 · 665
Home Sweet Home
Nothing will be okay
Until we're back home

In each others arms.
I woke up with
Aching lungs
That dreadfully
Keep contracting
And my eyes
Fill with the pain
Shedding drops of love
Uncaught and missing you
You can't go baby
I can't lose you
This distance
Is already too much
This time I dont even
Get a goodbye kiss
Just a hospital bed
With giving doctors telling me
I'm dying of heartbreak
And my claws
Never dragging me closer
To your comfort
Oh how I need you
Dont leave me.
Never have I wanted our child more...big feet bad dandruff... big heart....well loved...and a bond we'll forever share.
I brought you back
From a frosted love
Before and if I must
I will do it again

Don't lose sight of all we can be
....don't stop loving me
May 2014 · 602
Love, Battles and Aches
I'm tearing apart
And I don't know
What to do
Because when you
Speak more of sorrow
Than of love my heart
Stretches And aches
I fall apart again
At each moment
Thinking of your sadness
Missing the rise from the love
All I know now
Is how much I love you.
And how I can never
Let that love go
May 2014 · 257
Love And Short Rambles.
Trying to explain our love
Is like having a heartbeat without a heart

I don't think it makes sense but...I just needed to get across the point that we have a special love... I was gonna say that it was like defying gravity by doing a handstand....Yeah bad poem with randomness jam packed in a few words.
May 2014 · 499
I know it's hard for you to be happy
I know things feel like crap baby
But in the midst of your ache
I promise I am always here
Always fighting to get back
All we lost recently

I get by my lonely days
By saying your name
And thinking of all we'll have one day
I survive because of my faith
Because of my endless hope
You know sweetie pie
You're the one who taught me
How to be strong
It's because of you
My scars have long faded
And my skin is woundless
You helped me cherish life
And you helped me be more vibrant
You helped me look in the mirror and smile
Instead of crying
Baby look into the mirror
And just try to see the wonderful man
I have always seen
See that face looking back at you
Yeah, that one
I love it so much
And I love everything your heart
Has given me
Look into the mirror and see
Our future together
And watch yourself smile,
Smile for me baby

Oh how I love that smile.
May 2014 · 414
Never limit yourself,
So many people do that
So let me just say
If you want to find
The one
Find them
And spend forever,
Yes my dears,
Spend forever in each others arms.
That's what I'm aiming for...Though I found him we just have to get there again... :-)
May 2014 · 655
My Sparkle Eyed Man
I wonder
How you saw me
In *all of those little moments.
May 2014 · 299
The wind blowing
My heart spilling
Hoping you too
Find more comfort
In the wind than sun
Missing you watch me
As I let mother nature
Blow through me
Or fall upon me
So blissfully
Like teardrops
From heaven.
May 2014 · 227
Music Explosion
The music
It swelled all
The pain I buried
In my heart
And it rose
And spilled over
With the rawness
Of my love
And the foam
Of agony
Began to help me
Feel more determined
As this emotion
Of pain spilled out
I was never more sure

That your worth
All the battles that
Are yet to come
And so many more.
May 2014 · 246
November Leaves
Just promise me
That when we're married
(And I know in my heart we will be)
That each November
You'll hold me
Just a little tighter than usual.
May 2014 · 364
I thought you were turning away
But your words sweetie
They warmed my heart
And wonderfully
Filled my eyes

I miss it all
And I'll be fighting
And I'll be waiting
Because one day
We'll get all those moments back
And create plenty more
With God
As husband and wife.
May 2014 · 1.6k
Good Girl
Imma be a good girl
Read with contentment
And a sense of comfort
Imma pray that I'm
Forgiven and cleansed
Until I can further
Ensure my safety
But sweetie I can't
Promise that I won't hurt
At least sometimes
Because I know being apart
Is necessary but
I miss you still
Love you still
But imma be a fighter
Just like you taught me
I wanna prove to God, you and your family I'm good.
May 2014 · 228
Someone asked me
To make a list
Of what I want
In a man

And my mind,
It only said
*Your name
May 2014 · 271
5 words one question
Are you criticizing my love?
Apr 2014 · 356
I'm human
I make mistakes
And I'm weak
Even on my
Strongest days
But it doesn't
Change my
For love.
Apr 2014 · 235
It was always there with us
I think
Love was either
Always there
Or never there at all.
Apr 2014 · 333
Never Move On
A love
Like ours
You just
Move on from
It's seeded
Deep in our souls.
You were right about him...I didn't trust him to start with though....
Apr 2014 · 298
Whats Love
Love is
You accepting me
And wanting me
To just be safe

Love is
Me accepting
That we have
To wait to be

Love is
Every moment
That we spent
Falling deeper
And knowing
The other would always
Be there to catch us

Love is
Rooted in us
Made for us

Love is everything
And we have it baby

And in time
Our love
Will shine again.
I've loved the same person
Since I was eleven years old
There's no disputing it
And I'm sorry to inform you
There's no changing it.
Apr 2014 · 288
I cried
So many
Of our moments
But not because
It hurt to miss you
(Though it does )
But because
I was so happy
And so thankful
For every moment
That I did get
In your arms.
I thought about Warren. Our last day. Our card games and adventures. I thought of that first time you said you loved me and how you kissed me and held me.
Apr 2014 · 193
More Prayers
God save me
Written in the palm
Of my sad hand

I pray  
God bless the water
So that I may bathe in
Your ultimate holiness
As I ache from missing you

I hold a purity pearl
And whisper
God take away my curse
For I am your servant
And yours alone
Let me dance in the rain
You bring down from the heavens
And let it mark a new beginning
Let it symbolize my faithfulness
Unto you and let me repent
For my sins and wrongs
May the rain pour on me
And break the evil from within
And make me clean and righteous
For I am your child
And I love you*
And a great calm
Washes over me again.
Apr 2014 · 164
My mind
Is on rerun
That last day
Over and
Over again
Just to try
And feel
You close
Just to
Feel your
Sweet love .
Apr 2014 · 436
I'm on a merry-go-round of love
Except It's on high speed
And I don't know where I'll land
My feet give in and I go flying
Into a dark corner of memories
Memories that are endless
And that never do fade
So I sit in my corner watching
Trying to grasp the ghost
Of all that is not mine
I stand up fighting against
The sadness and pain
And I run toward
The merry-go-round
And I hold on and I let it spin
I let it confuse me and
I let it morph everything I am
And I wait for someone who truly loves me
To join me on the ride.
Apr 2014 · 155
Back (10w)
It's your turn
To come back
To me this time.
Apr 2014 · 229
In the depth of my soul
I love you
But I don't know
If anyone
Loves me
In the depth
Of their soul.
Apr 2014 · 188
I Need Rescuing
I wrote you
And I know
You won't
Write back
But I'll
That you do
Apr 2014 · 139
Old Messages
Never leaving

All just words
That moved me
To tears to read.
Apr 2014 · 320
"The sea of my blood pumps through my heart, agonizing over the harshness of his absence on my soul."
Favorite part of something I wrote.
Apr 2014 · 155
Of how you left
Yet thinking
Of being in your arms
Still makes me smile
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Confusing Lover
You've always
Been my light
So how do you
Expect me to
Find anything
Without you.
Apr 2014 · 575
Homesick Without You
I love you
And I want that
To be enough
I want
Everything back baby
Your hugs and kisses
Being your honeybun
I want our dreams
To come true
With our little child
With our grand romance
Always vivid
Darling won't you just
Find your way back to me.
Apr 2014 · 272
Endless Battle
I battle
Into a seemingly
Empty room
I repent and repel
Breaking the curse with words
Begging for rescue
And still I'm deemed
Apr 2014 · 530
Will you
Just come
Back to
I want to pray tonight
And read like I'm suppose to
But if God is love
Then why has ours been
Torn apart at the seems
If God loves me
Then why are we
Constantly torn apart
Why has my repentance
Gone seemingly unheard
Why would God
Answer all my prayers
Then unanswer them.
I'm not questioning my faith I'm questioning life in general and how messed up I feel and how I miss him. I guess I'm fighting with my faith against the Evil.
Apr 2014 · 186
Twisted Love
He told me something

And all I want now
Is to hear it from you
All I want is you here
Holding me close
I want everything
From the pet names
To the tenderness
I want to feel
The full wrath of love again
To reach out to you
And for you to take my hand
I want you back
I want your love
And all I have
Are memories
Too wonderful
To remember without hurting
And a love that won't fade.
....I just don't know....I want you here. I love you. And to you I'm cursed and all my attempts to break this seems futile. When you leave them....will you come for me? How do you know our paths will cross? how can we do this for years and years? How do I know you'll wait? what can I do? What do you expect from me? I'm already trying so hard so why leave me? Aghhhhh
Apr 2014 · 177
Talking To An Empty Room
My love
It sits in silence
Talking to the wall tonight

Missing the company
You once supplied it with.
Apr 2014 · 244
Go Back
I want to
Turn back time
To the love
And endless proposals
I want to go back
To all the time
I was yours
And you were mine
And we were together
Where I was just yours
With no complications
Just a sense of completion.
Apr 2014 · 190
Missing Parts
There's a void
In my aching chest
That only your comfort
Will ever heal.
Apr 2014 · 172
I don't wanna say goodbye
Goodbye is eternal
So let's just say
I'll see you soon.
Apr 2014 · 171
Another See Ya Later
This time together
Was the best
Of my life
And its so
Hard to just
Wave goodbye
To everything.
Apr 2014 · 324
I Will Try For You
I can't promise
To be strong
But I can promise
That I'll love you
Even when I'm feeling weak.
Apr 2014 · 277
10w Another Goodbye
Shattered pieces
Danced around me

I already miss you baby
Apr 2014 · 298
No matter how old I am
I will always be too young
To know anything
Never mind *everything.
I'm not sure if this makes sense
Apr 2014 · 158
We're True
You know your love
Is true when
Despite all
The difficulties
You want to continue
In your battle
Because fighting
And losing is better
Than saying
You let the best thing
In life go.
Not sure about this poem but love is always worth the fight!
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