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Apr 2021 · 220
the unspoken truth
cee Apr 2021
to be hollow is to be stuck
somewhere between floating and drowning
just the days i run out of luck
times i thought i was doing something

i see it in his eyes
the disdain he's trying so hard to sugarcoat
his words filled with white lies
and all the other ugly words stuck in his throat

to be vulnerably open is to be shameless
something that i have mastered to do
i literally could not be a bigger mess
and it is his painful unspoken truth

sometimes i wish he would just utter it to my face,
and does not try to love me more than what i should only get
such a pure soul whose love should not go to waste
unlucky he is to have me as his greatest regret
Mar 2020 · 103
cee Mar 2020
each goodbye i bid hurt less
i try to think it isn't as painful as before

with tears i do my very best to hold
and anxious heart on the floor

i smile as they go
May 2019 · 222
cee May 2019
Storm is here
It's never been this cold
You're nowhere near
For me to hold

No stars in sight
You took them all
I'm out of light
In this world of no control
cee Jan 2019
we are the hallucinations
of things
that consume our thoughts
at dawn

we wonder
why timing always
breaks things
and leaves them

with severe second thoughts,
we go on

and leave the feeble-minded heart vulnerably
Jan 2019 · 175
if there is
cee Jan 2019
i've been secretly hoping for that courage
that tells me
you feel just like what I feel

but regret it after
a wave of thoughts came rushing into me

what would we do
with such courage
if there is

there should be no us
in a lifetime we're not meant to be
Dec 2018 · 491
cee Dec 2018
I took a deep breath
and looked at the leaves falling
it's like watching you go deeper into this
And I just let you be

I felt motionless and bare
The end was looking at me straight in the eye
And I just couldn't even drop a tear
I knew, I was, and still am not me

Was it a dream?
The beating of my heart felt surreal
You were supposed to be only in my mind
Everything was fine until it has been too much

Perhaps we found it serene
Like no reality would ever feel as free
As if the sun rises in the west and sets in the east
How impossible it was that no one can grudge

We both winked at the truth
The comfort of deceiving ourselves
These shouldn't have gone too far
We're too complex to be living in a world of our own

Here lies the unspoken words
Of our own little universe that made things costless
And the little galaxies we tried to make
Only to know at the end, I am alone
Aug 2018 · 713
something / nothing
cee Aug 2018
sometimes it's something
i'm still half away from you
most times it's nothing
you are the farthest i could view

i can't look you in the eye
that night still feels surreal
felt like truth sugarcoated with lie
things heart couldn't just conceal

now i'm having a hard time feeling
i don't know where to look
your candid disposition is lying
led me nowhere but stuck and hooked

sometimes there's something
things my lips refuse to say
most times there's nothing
things just go and fade away
May 2018 · 286
Canopus (Alpha Carinae)
cee May 2018
in a dissimilar world,
you love me so much
that my air becomes yours
your hand quivers when you're holding mine, showing how afraid you are to lose your grip of it

your everyday decisions are made for my convenience,
your "i love yous" are inserted in long paragraphs of your messages,
and your actions show what you're shy to admit

maybe in a different time,
your love is overflowing,
your eyes are so focused on me
that your gaze proves how much you want what you see

your consistency is what keeps us alive
your promises are beautifully made and done
and your unwavering acts of love
are my own kind of guarantee
May 2018 · 196
cee May 2018
she thinks of countless things
about where it all began

the restless urge to understand

but in her normal days, she thinks of her hopes to be someone

but it's always easier said than done
Jul 2017 · 307
Sunday Mishap
cee Jul 2017
It died when there was a threat of spark
I didn’t even notice the fall of each brick
Traces of tears flourished like a birthmark
That beautiful moment was like a magic trick

Inexplicable, it was
To see every little thing alive dying
When I thought it was a thing to last
But I was fooled by my own thinking

There were ups and downs, I knew
But never did I consider the extremity of it
I was happy when it grew
And now, I can’t even tell if it was really concrete

They say it’s a ferocity in disguise
A well-known thing related to insanity
Sugarcoated with truth, confronted by lies
Love is, indeed, such an eerie casualty
cee Mar 2017
You are certainly a comfort in this chaotic world
You represent all of the existent things that were left unlearned
You give glittering lights to the darkest places of my soul
You fill every hole in me so I can be humanely whole
Jun 2016 · 253
cee Jun 2016
she will always remember
the bus ride home
and all the places
they’d been together
with all the disguises
they wore just
to hold hands
and the stolen kisses
they put much effort on doing

but of all the things she will
never forget about him,
it's the way he looked at her
with focused and begging eyes,
that will haunt her for the rest of her life
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
she loves him
cee Mar 2016
she loves him
like she loves to watch the sky turn orange every day

she loves him
as much as she loves to write poems in her worst state

she loves him
like she loves the promises behind every "come-what-may"

she loves him
like love is something she's not afraid
Mar 2016 · 365
your sake
cee Mar 2016
I said yes when I should've said no
And I kissed you when you needed to go

I smiled when I should've cried hard
I freely opened when I should've closed my heart

I even loved you more when your love's a fake
Oh the things I did just to be your mistake
Dec 2015 · 278
other times
cee Dec 2015
Other times
Your heart can’t afford the
Things you want for yourself

And you try to understand the reason

Why people name love as happiness

Other times
Your brain just want to stop

And you try to sleep and forget

But how can you have the peace of mind, if everything’s such a mess
Dec 2015 · 266
things in between
cee Dec 2015
Show me your bruises,
And all the things she left you with

And I’ll still love you with every word and every breath
And all the things in between
Dec 2015 · 314
in a sudden
cee Dec 2015
For all the times
I made you laugh,

Suddenly you thought
It was not me
You want to love
Nov 2015 · 379
cee Nov 2015
I long for you on the way home,
Feeling lonely and helpless

I long for you when I try new things,
For you were always there so I wouldn’t make a mess

I long for you when I see chromatic lights
Now you left me in black and white

I long for you every time I smile
It’s different now without you on my sight
Nov 2015 · 422
cee Nov 2015
I fell in your fairytale land like Alice fell in the rabbit hole.

I fell in love with the characters as if they were my dear friends.

I loved the words and the simple language.

You made up your words as you went ahead.

You had style, man.
Sep 2015 · 251
cee Sep 2015
there will always come a point
where you need to cease

having those of your dreams
about what-could-have-beens
Aug 2015 · 465
cee Aug 2015
Unsaid words
Hurt more
Than said words can cure

For they have never been alive
And never been recorded in time
Aug 2015 · 371
only love
cee Aug 2015
In the end,
We’re all just human beings,
Hanging on the thought that love,
Only love,
Can fix our broken pieces
Jul 2015 · 612
Losing you all the time
cee Jul 2015
I lose you all the time
In sunsets, In sunrise
In rains, In sunshine
In truths, in lies
Jul 2015 · 375
such a fool
cee Jul 2015
How foolish am I
To wait when you say wait
To reply when you say bye
To love you even more when you're too late

— The End —