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cee Nov 2015
I fell in your fairytale land like Alice fell in the rabbit hole.

I fell in love with the characters as if they were my dear friends.

I loved the words and the simple language.

You made up your words as you went ahead.

You had style, man.
  Oct 2015 cee
remember that night you told me
that you loved me
and I said "prove it,"
so you took the cigarette off my lips
and said "I'm the only vice you need."
cee Sep 2015
there will always come a point
where you need to cease

having those of your dreams
about what-could-have-beens
  Sep 2015 cee
Vanessa Escopin
He looks at her like no one in this world but her
He admires her every move
He wants to know all about her
He's in love with her

But there came his first love and everything ruined

He lost her.
  Sep 2015 cee
B r i a n

You returned the energy that was being drained from my existence.

I can never thank you enough.....

f a r e w e l l
You must live by these words that were once said to me: "You are whatever you wish to be."
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