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 Oct 2018 nomiddlename
if the freckles
decorating my skin
were like the stars
dancing in the night sky
would you come near me
orbit around me
just long enough
to trace all the lines
to map out constellations
drift through galaxies
lose yourself
in space and time
if the scars
decorating my skin
were like the stars
dancing in the night sky
would you press close to me
fill the space between us
play connect the dots
just long enough
  to see the sunshine
in my atmosphere
She entered the canteen
With her coffee cup balanced
On a book.

It wasn't so much of a cup
I suppose
One of those shiny metal Thermos things
That don't break if you drop them
I'm rambling, prevaricating.

The book I loaned her
Two days after we met
And beyond eyes and ***
**** and cute turned-up nose
My eyes watched the book

Which she read
Day after day
Across the room.

I'd read it a dozen times
Knew it all by heart
No hurry I'll get it back when your done
I'm off for two weeks on Monday you might have to wait

What is this? Love? Infatuation?
Emotional adultery?
My story inscribing upon her heart?

Or just the slow progression
Of pages turned in the canteen
By her fingertips

Like days
Which I have to endure
To know the ending.

If you can give an answer please comment!!
Warm fingers reach out
Tearing their way through jewels
And deep blue velvet

— The End —