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  Sep 2021 noelle
memoona kazmi
i want to hug you the way,
winnie the pooh hugs the piglet
noelle Sep 2021
i logged into this app
thinking i knew exactly
what to write,

but i can't even explain
the horrible pain i'm in anymore
noelle Aug 2021
sunday, august 8: 477
monday, august 9: 679
tuesday, august 10: 666
wednesday, august 11: 230
thursday, august 12: 1,085
friday, august 13: 105
saturday, august 14: 348
noelle Aug 2021
if you could hear
the thoughts in my head,
i don't think you'd stay
because no one really knows
how bad it is.
noelle Jul 2021
i sat there,
watching my blood
drip onto my hands,
and on the floor,
seeping through
the rug below me

i sat there,
and said
"it didn't even hurt"

but sadly,
that was a lie

i can still feel
the knife slicing my skin,
but i liked it
noelle May 2021
i depend on everything
i depend on people,
on drugs,
on alcohol
to simply numb the pain;
to keep it away

because the truth is too scary:
i don't want to be alive

it's unbearable,
the pain.
i've learned
that i cannot
control it

i cannot control
my need for everything
that makes me feel
noelle May 2021
inhale it
exhale it
feel it burn your lungs

i'm better now
hopefully someone gets this
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