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  Jun 15 nivek
Changing perspective and knowing how to wait !

@Mrunalini Nimbalkar
nivek Jun 14
I could make out the Sunrise
-the one in your dance
as you rose up in your poems
my sisters, my loves
your songs reverberate
forever in our hearts
Here in this seeming wasteland
where children are born
we contemplate living forever
the forever Sunrise.
nivek Jun 14
four fingers on each hand
two thumbs
what's the difference?
stubby I guess?
nivek Jun 14
there is a drowning most years in the surrounding sea's
but you will not see that advertised in the local paper
or indeed in any of the holiday ads
nivek Jun 14
you can leave a trail of jealousy in your wake
just by the simple act of 'being'
haters hate because that is all they have left,
until someone feels sorry for them, apart from themselves that is.
nivek Jun 14
it is a marvel in mind, memory, and daily living
this path, this road, this beginning and end,
this everything, and so much more than imagined,
truly a marvel in eyes filled with life's goodness.
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