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Izzy 5h
The child cried, tranquility, where are you?
I’m yearning for more
There is no chaos, only order
but then, where is your door?

The door to the eternity
Where there’s neither right or wrong,
the place in which only the nothingness
hums its content song
The door to the emptiness, which people so greatly fear
Just because the emptiness is neither a place
Or nowhere near here

The door that people hid inside the labyrinth of constant horror
Sooner or later, they all will find it
or it finds them,
Leaving behind a trace of sorrow

Then she said
And in the worst way possible,
I hate this labyrinth!
I hate the way people run in circles when they walk,
the way their brains shrink when they talk
and I hate how people believe
dawn to be prettier than dusk,
Just because their eyes are so small
they fail to grasp the beauty of the dark.

The labyrinth stared at her,
judged her,
whispered a curse
Chased the child into a hole in the ground.
Crazy ideas supressed a once big heart
There was no time or place for her
but at night,
fumbling after the door in the dark

So she cried in the night
cherished the moon,
for sunshine burned her skin
Shaped her space
into a poisonous womb

The moon did not substitute the door
but kept her company
Perhaps it shared her claustrophobia,
it helped her breathe
But she knew very well, the moon was not who she was meant for.
Oh, did she love the moon…
But in the stars there was a promise of forevermore
Or maybe, a promise of no more?

A promise of a last door.
Izzy May 2023
I hope these are the words that doesn’t fade,
I hope we’re building a mountain
and not yet another wave.
I hope the day
we see our reality collapse,
we can stand there and say
at least,
we made made a promise
out of a perhaps.

I hope our roots are intertwined,
not our branches or our leaves
They are, unless the future lied,
I hope the depths care for our seed.

I wish our mountain would grow
mainly from tears of joy
and rarely from tears of sorrow
I hope your smile never feel constrained
I wish your rivers would sparkle
without any glimpse of pain.

And, oh, I wish life would never invade
and I wish that nighttime never
darkened the following day
I guess you can say
I hope nothing lasts forever,
though only in certain ways.

But of course, I know
nothing makes a mountain grow
like darkness, like storms
Like rain.
Izzy Mar 2023
My dear Kitty Cat,

You look lost, Kitty Cat.
Did you lose yourself
in the declining cry for help
Did solely tears
accompany your sleep
In the darkest,
emptiest of streets

You must be tired, Kitty Cat
I wish for you
to find your way home
I know you have had to be
unfairly strong
The ocean is heavy,
and swimming aches
Throughout each and every bone

I know, for I see it
in the depth of your eyes
I feel the ocean storming within
I know you've had to lock it all in
Everything you’ve felt,
and everything you’ve been
But I promise, Kitty cat
I love you still

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
I know you rarely name storms
But nameless things
have the worst kind of thorns
In some other world I’d tuck you in,  
safely lock you forever inside
But breathing is not optional,
and you need your breath
As well as I need mine.

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat
The ocean is big,
And I know you, too,
sometimes feel small
But if you float with the waves,
They may not be
so spiteful after all

Kitty Cat, my love
I fear I’m soaking wet as well
Otherwise I would dry you right away
But I can swim along forever,
through boiling water
Through both night and day
Izzy Mar 2023
how do I explain
I feel I know your thoughts
a promise of pain
a promise that isn't yours.

but the feeling remains
I once saw your eyes
you awakened the insane.

I'm trying so hard!
trying for you,
trying, trying
trying for myself too.

still irrational.
through my eyes
even the bluest sky seem grey
and though I know they lie
the monster inside
keeps on having
just another thing to say.
Izzy Mar 2023
I stare at the reflected light,
until there’s no more
Darkness enters,
and nothing ever shone so bright

I stare at the ghosts,
they say they have watched me since yesterday
Now they laugh, feast on my mind
They think I’m a lovely host
I am not scared
I just wish I’d be less kind

I stare til I am them,
and they are me
The pictures on my wall fall down one by one
Supposedly, I should now be free.

But I am not, nor will I ever be
For I put the pictures back up
When the ghosts taunt me
With their running through walls
that I could only ever collide with
With their echoing laugh
that overshadows my crying

I wish to turn the lights back on
and hide there
To creep inside the pillow,
dissolve into my bed
But how could I forget
That what I believed to be green,
is actually red?

Reflection seems less real
Suddenly there was never any light
Darkness penetrates my body
There are no weapons,
but nor is there any need to fight.
So, I lay here waiting
As do they
The ghosts shall accept me
as one of them some day
Izzy Apr 2020
Pleasure, oh pleasure!
It’s my pleasure to be
Your forgotten treasure
It’s a pleasure to me

It hurts, as it may
But trust me when I say
It’s a pleasure today
Or it will be someday

Pleasure, oh pleasure
Yes, make me bleed
Pleasure, oh pleasure
I’m in such a need

A pleasure is anything,
anything can it be
Dying and crying,
not being able too see

For when it’s dark
and it’s cold
Some people get scared
But darkness’s a pleasure
So it shouldn’t be feared

Pleasure oh pleasure
whatever you be
Pleasure oh pleasure
Please don’t come for me
Izzy Mar 2020
The petal dropped.
It fell.

Tears filled my eyes,
My body got cold.
'Nothing' was in my mind,
Love was just old.

All thoughts were gone,
Except for the one
That said that this was the end.

It was just one
already dry flower.
It was just one single
Out of many petals,
That fell to the ground.
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