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 Sep 2016 Nickki May21
Kim Cruz
love you
and everything that you
did. The stillness of the sky with
birds flying freely and waves of the
ocean dancing, I love everything that you
did. Majestic and beautiful. I want to catch every
bit of rain and dance while my eyes are closed. And you
watching me from up above, as the flowers dance
with me with a sway of the wind. So I want
to apologize, If I get too playful at times
but I know that everything I do
you still love me too,
 Sep 2016 Nickki May21
 Sep 2016 Nickki May21
Have you ever been so lonely
Lost in the woods
But terrified to turn back
Because you know where you came from
The darkness is unbearable
Yet you hold yourself to the floor
Don’t give up…
Don’t give up…

— The End —