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- Nov 2013
Never used to show emotion
Always kept it within
But the more I grow
The more I found
That my feelings
Were hard to hide
And conceal

I feel your words
Crawl into my mind
Almost every night
I sit awake thinking
If I should embrace you
Or leave this flame behind

My thoughts are of you
You do captivate me
Just never knew what to do
When it came down to
Loving someone
With all of me
And the passion
I keep within

I always day dream
Catch my breath
When it gets too hot
It's just weird to feel
All of these emotions
Which for years
I always held inside
Need to bite my tongue
Before I overstep the mark
And cross the line
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
The sky is as blue as your eyes
Just look at how the sun shines
Every time you walk outside

Hours feel like minutes
Whenever you pass by
Excuse me sir
but, you caught my eye
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
colors fade when I think
of the times I let you in
I gave you access
to my sensitive parts
my heart being one
my body being another
time changed before we knew it
and now we're both lonesome
pretending we don't love each other
but still we have times of small talk
you seem fine without me
and it makes my heart shatter
into a thousand pieces
into a thousand parts
you promised this
was going to last
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Life is easy to obtain
Life is easy to lose
Whether young
Whether old
Cherish every day
As if it's your very last
Cherish every moment
Breathe in that oxygen
Love the ones who need it
Care about the ones who love you
Do everything you can
To make your life good
To make your life worth it all
The sadness, the tears
The happiness, the smiles
The downfalls, the highs
If you live your life right
You'll only need to live it once
And grow old together with
The ones who saw you as a kid
The ones who saw you become the adult
That they had loved and cared about
This doesn't rhyme well, but nevermind.
My poem was inspired by the death of Cory Monteith,
who tragically died yesterday. It reminded me that,
life is easy to gain, but it's also easy to lose.

RIP Cory. A talented soul gone too soon.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
This girl is amazing
So beautiful
Cherry lips
Make you wanna
Have a taste
You just want her
In your bed
Pour a bit more
Until you wake up
And this lust filled dream
Is not just in your head
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
two love interests
feelings are mixed
one love to release
one love to keep
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Dark lipstick on his neck
From where I made my mark
Kissing sessions, full of passion
His kisses are my greatest addiction

Holding hands, in the night
Cuddles as we light up
Our cigarettes
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Such a perfect day
No one in my way

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
You're so attractive
it is almost tragic
to be attracted
you're so flawed
but still a magnet
can't help but like it
the way our hearts
are beautifully connected
we fight constantly
but in love we remain
I love you endlessly
you're the one
who is worth the pain
I sink further
when you're near
when you are here
my doubts disappear
to me it is very clear
you're the love of my life
and I want to always
have you right there
close to my heart
close enough to touch
but not to the point
of obsessed attachment
© Natali Veronica 2013.

You mean so much to me.
Don't let me go, ever.
- Nov 2013
cold hands on me
causing me to freeze
and then slowly melt
when you kiss the skin
covering my heart

tender touch
light as air
yet I feel
your cold
yet soft hands
when they brush
against my sides
as tender as a feather

right over here
and there
© Natali Veronica 2013.

my lover inspires me.
- Dec 2013
Finals are such a *****
I don't wanna leave college
Hanging on by a thread
Pardon the pun
Excuse the language
But I am nervous
Don't wanna leave
This wonderful place
Where my heart found peace
For the past three and a half years
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
I am such an emotional mess
Just so **** ******* sad
Feels like my heart is
Drowning in un-cried tears
I feel so bad, sickened by myself
I ****** up so much
I lost my best friend
She was my everything
Feels like I have nothing
I spend my nights crying
Feeling so bad these days
I miss that girl so much
I owe her my life
She was always there
But I was an idiot towards her
Sitting here guilt tripping
So many emotions
My heart and brain
Is almost exploding
Honestly wish I had a gun
I'd have so much fun
Pointing it to my head
Ending my horrendous pain
I lost the love of my life
Again and again and again
I had the best person alive
But I messed everything up
And now I just wanna die.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
Spoke to an old friend today
It kinda went okay
Although I felt this
A little emotion
A fire struck
Inside of me
I cried for an hour
I simply couldn't breathe
But speaking to you
Made me feel
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jan 2014
Starstruck when our eyes meet
Electricity goes right through me
Nothing compares to this
This is the sweetest
Most precious
Sense of happiness
In your heart, I find peace
In your eyes, I see sense
In us, I find confidence
Confidence in true love
Confidence in trust
Confidence in worth
Confidence of all sorts
© Natali Veronica 2014.
- Jul 2013
You broke me.
Are you happy?
Because of you,
and your ****.
Sick of it.
Barely functioning.
You make me want to cry,
to lose my control,
and let go,
and die.

It's funny how you're hurt,
when I'm the one broken,
from all your words of hate,
I honestly tried to be nice,
and you treated me like dirt,
now you're out of my life,
I hope you see what you've done,
I hope you find the sibling you deserve,
because I won't be the one,
who stays no matter what,
you can't expect me to care,
when you treat me like this.

Take your money, and your drugs,
and all your important ****,
because I won't be here,
to see your falling tears,
when you see what you've done,
when you see the consequence,
I sure as hell hope you then know,
why I protected myself,
in self defense.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Only alive because of this.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Oct 2013
it seemed so perfect
on the flawless surface
but not on
the inside
when I
see our face
I have to
fake a smile
trying not to
let my feelings
crash and collide

I thought we'd get married
and I'd have your kid
but some things
are not meant to be
you seem to love me
but our fights break me
they leave me in misery

when you sleep
I stay awake
my heart
it breaks
you were
my love

but feelings change
and lovers drift apart
seems so strange
and it's really hard
I thought our love
was rock solid
I guess it's not
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
There is a girl who I adore
Her name is Elise
I wrote about
And mentioned her before
She is my main crazy
Fine and lovely
Such a pretty girl
She deserves the world
Dedicated to my crazy gurl Elise. You are perfect.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
My creativity is high today
Really not sure why
I feel so alive
When I write
Daily pick-me-up.

When I feel low
I type my heart out
When I feel down
I feel the words spill out
Out of my heart
Out of my chest
Like toys
Come out
From a
Treasure box
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Tasted the lips of death, but I haven't met you yet, but I can feel your heavy grip as I struggle to breathe at night, the way you touched and tried too hard, how I fell for the pain of art, the way you kissed me into a grave, and how you made me scream your name, as the smoke of lust, it completely filled my lungs, took me down and let me drown, love is a dangerous game to play, yet it keeps you on your toes, ready for a hit, another cigarette to blow, amazed at how it keeps you wanting more tomorrow, you know, it keeps you calm and chilled, almost ice cold, but it's real, the tense, hot air that cools and twists and turns, trying to conceal the passion and overall devotion, the love which is addicting and truly sickening, it keeps you thinking, and loving.
I just wrote this without thinking too much about it making sense. Any opinions welcome, positive or negative. I've been smoking and drinking, so I'm quite creative right now, might post a lot of random writing, so I hope I don't annoy anyone. I just love writing, from the heart, because that's what makes it real.
- Mar 2014
for every minute,
brushed against,
the cold glass,
I spent a moment,
what I faced,
the ghost,
of a past,
I had no knowledge of,
until I found the letters,
and it struck me,
all the notes,
were from someone,
you used to treasure,
until the cold,
separated you both,
and left you each,
with a half heart,
and gave you a mission,
a mission to complete,
to find the other piece.
- Aug 2013
Cuddles with my sis.
Yes, please?
I miss her face.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
You're cute as hell
with that smile
on your face
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Nov 2013
Best night of my *life
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Oct 2013
Relapses* are ****
but the pain
brings *relief

I'm a true

I'm not saying
that relapses are good
I'm just saying
the pain drowns
all the bad

I lose myself
in order to feel
I'm not fully aware or conscious
but the pain makes me feel whole

Happiness always leaves
but the pain remains
and it makes me feel
so much more less alone

Sadness is not a choice
although sometimes
it's all we possess
when life gets rough

Misery is not beautiful
or in any way nice
but I am so used to it
it's become a part of my daily life

I have tried to separate myself
from this terrible state of mind
but it's too late for me to fix this
**the old me has been left behind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Growing up seems harmless
But it causes so much damage
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I kinda fell for a boy
A college photographer
He was funny, very smart
Made life seem like art
He was my kinda thing
Filled me to the brink
With poems and drinks
He made my heart sink
His humor made me laugh
His face made me smile
His hugs made me giggle
****, I was in trouble
I fell, heart n'all
His eyes said it all
Boy, he was fine
Prettier than a dime
Oh hell, he was good
Playing on his guitar
But even better when
He gently used his hands
He made me feel inspired
Even when drained and tired
He could love me all night long
And I'd still carry on
He got me very hooked
His stare made me weak
We had a love affair
And made love over there
The first time was precious
He showered me with kisses
He became obsessed
And ****, so did I
I fell hard for the man
He helped me carry on
I really wanted to
But couldn't thank you
Unless in the bedroom
This is so personal
Like under those sheets
Where he held me down
To the bed, that drunken night
He had his hands all on me
Cuddled me when I was lonely
He was my best friend
And more when
We needed affection
We needed love
And attention
We became
It's been that way
Ever since then.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Wrote this a few months ago and never posted it, until now. Always liked this one.
- Sep 2013
Over the past few years, the need for happiness,
was high, but my feelings were low,
I guess you could say I am numb,
but I have a strong appearance,
so the sadness never shows.

The happier I was at times,
the more misfortune I'd receive,
as an unwelcome gift.

My heart has been torn, broken,
emotionally scarred and bruised,
but I have never given in to the pain,
because of the strength I supposedly possess,
a reason I let go without thought,
despite knowing of the later,
consequence of me doing so,
eventually I knew that trouble,
trouble was to come & I'd be undone,
I would have to battle myself again,
knowing I could be easily broken,
while trying to patch up my old wounds,
and heal my own personal scars.

A few years ago, I had no faith,
I had no hope, I had no strength,
I was lost, delusional at my worst,
trying to keep myself together,
in this battle of life or death.

I have my own share of regrets,
my secrets, my stories to tell,
but the thought of telling people,
made my eyes swell up,
ready to cry tears,
I was willing to stop,
stop my own heart,
to keep my pain,
a secret in tact.

Self-love, what is that?
I have never known it.
I have only ever covered myself,
in the disguise which is my smile,
whether anyone ever knew,
I guess I'll never know.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
There's a space that will never be filled
because you are not here
and I should smile
like you'd want me to
but I'll be honest
I feel lost without you
every day is a nightmare
and I'm scared that we'll never meet again
can't pretend like I don't care
I'd rather drown in my pretty tears
without your smile to brighten my day
then I'll never feel okay again
wishing you could be here
to take this pain away
help me see light
even when I'm stuck
in the darkness
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
its crazy how much
you mean to me
pretty honey
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Lust* is deadly
It consumes me
And what's left of my *soul

Makes me want to
Lose Control.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
people walk, people run
people talk, people scream
people love, people fight
they all leave things behind

they cry, they smile
they die, they feel alive
they hurt, they breathe
they do this naturally

living is a beautiful thing
unless you're torn down
or possibly struggling
whether positive
whether negative
we all want the same

success (money, love and cars)
the bling (diamonds and pearls)
the good life (eternal happiness)

we all want to have the best
but sometimes we're dealt the worst
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
The day you died haunts me still
but you will be forever young
forever on my mind
I will always miss your smile
the way your presence could light up a room
kind of like the sun as it rises in the morning
and as the moon glows when the day progresses
into the starry sky at midnight exact

I will never forget the impact you made
just by being my dearest friend
one day, I'll see you again
at the bright gates of Heaven
I will then see your face once more
and the girl who I once lost
but now can see again

One day that will happen,
One day, my friend.

Dear angel, I love you.
My heartbeat feels so dull,
without you here bringing it back to life.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
My poems are all so different,
I'm definitely not organized.

I write without thought,
I post without a doubt.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Definition of perfect
He is that
Pretty boy werks it
Can't keep my hands off him
And the charm which pulls me in
That makes me seek out
His loving heart

It's crazy
How happy
He makes me

When he calls me princess
I become speechless
No words can describe
How lucky I am
To call him mine
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
your eyes tell a tale
a story of their own
about your struggle
as you try and try
and reclaim your throne
the life you made your own
which people threw aside
and up in the air
like they didn't care

you'll find yourself again
even if you are
your one and only friend
just keep your head up
don't fall to the ground
don't let others
break your heart
you are stronger
than all this pain
this pain will shape you
and create strength
you just don't know it yet
baby, you'll win this fight
don't cry for a sinner
who took you
for granted
you will find home
in someone else's heart
not because you're broken
but because you're worth it
baby, you deserve it

you will find hope again
and find your true friends
and live happy until the end

don't hesistate
don't waste time
on someone
who can't love

you deserve more
that is for sure
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
Let me inhale the smoke
from that blunt of yours
Make me high
as our lips meet
and kiss

Let me inhale the smell
of the strong alcohol you're sippin'
Intoxicate me
as our lips touch
like it's a must

Love me like you love your addictions
Get lost in my eyes
Like I'm all your heart desires
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Memories seem to follow me
Makes me wanna believe
That you are in my dreams
You follow me repeatedly
You truly swept me off my feet
You are bittersweet
Perfect and complete
You are everything
I could ever need
You are young and wild
Sweet and crazy fun
With you, I am high
I, I feel alive
You're my every
Little piece of me
With you
Is my destiny
just writing. no thinking, just typing.
- Feb 2014
His smile
Is precious
We're young
But not reckless
Sweet not sour
Love is developing
More and more
By the hour
Positive writing.
- Dec 2013
Diamond ring from the one I love
Christmas happened early this year
He is my prince, my forever
Happy that we're together
Excited for the future
© Natali Veronica 2013.

In a weird-happy mood and wrote this. Haha :)
- Nov 2013
I knew things would change
Didn't really realize how much
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
It's hard to free myself
from the past
I'm stuck.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Need her loving embrace again.
- Jul 2013
They say sarcasm is the weakest sense of humor
Well, pardon me for being funnier
It's better to be sarcastic than basic
So use it to your advantage
It's better than
Slapping idiots
Who ask stupid questions

Excuse me, if I offend
That's not what I meant
But stop acting like I'm doing wrong
When all I'm doing is being less boring
Than all of you who make this place
Such a disgrace to live in
Loosen up a little
And have fun

Don't be so serious
Have fun
Loosen up
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
You* always *break my heart
Then you try to fix it
Why are you so twisted?
All I wanted was to feel loved
I don't need you messing with my head
I need a guy who comforts me instead

Don't mess with my feelings, boy
Just because you're unsure of your own
I need a secure love to keep my fears and doubts at ease
I need you like a baby needs their night time melody

You love me today
The next, you love me not
Why do you treat my heart this way?
You know that my heart is easy to break
You know that I'm fragile
You know that I'm weak
You know I'd worship you at your feet
You know I love you, more than my own life
You were the one who made me feel alive
Don't leave me hanging on
Don't confuse me
Don't tell me it's easy
My heart's already strugglin'
Don't say you love me
Unless you do
Don't say forever
If you're gonna leave me
Asking myself
**What did I ever see in you?
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
You've seen my face
but not my scars

You've seen my smile
but not my tear filled eyes

You've seen my best
but you haven't witnessed my worst

So, don't you dare judge me
by what your eyes see

Look inside my heart
that's where it is
beat after beat
coping with
the judgement
but hey
I'm still breathing
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
been awake for what seems forever
sleep is not for me
my precious lover
is all I need
to carry on
and stay
whoever made up
the whole 'beauty sleep' ****
is a person who speaks lies
I could sleep for a lifetime
and I'd still be drained
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
its too early to think
need a drink
to blank out
of you

you're stuck
in my head
get out

feeling nothing
but dread
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Controlled by fantasy
How reality should be

Dreaming big, baby
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Sep 2013
He takes photos of me
When we're drunk
When we're alone
We share this
That spark
In our hearts
When we're
At home

We sit on the floor
We talk about
What is ours

I lay almost barely clothed
As he puts his hands
On my waist
We kiss a lot
We drink
And smoke
And then the
Whole night
A dreamy
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This kinda describes last night, in some ways.
- Nov 2013
Oh doll, you know it's late
Careful, I'm a vampire
I might bite your neck

Such a sinner
Please adore me
You know I love you
Drink my poison
If you love me truly

I'm a complicated mess
Please don't love me less
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Writing my life away. Poet and I love it.
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