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- Oct 2013
I know what I feel
but how do I express it
in a way you understand
that it is real?

you kiss my lips
before I even speak
before I can say
all the words
that haunt me
and send chills

before I get a chance
to perfect my lines
you put your hands
around my waist
and I lose myself
in your eyes
those brown eyes
that make me weak
from just one glance

nothing distracts me more
than his hungry lips
when he pushes me down
towards the bed
and bites my neck hard
so innocent and cute
yet *******
when the door
is closed

my favorite drug to take
is his sweet love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Automatic heat, attraction, I am smitten by the love, it's become an addiction, such a religion and a powerful drug. I adore you and I love you, it is what I cling to, I'm your baby, little lady, you're my lover and forever, all I ever asked for.
Wrote this last night.
- Nov 2013
You make me more drunk than the wine I drink
© Natali Veronica 2013.


Obsessed with writing ten word poems.
- Oct 2013
its barely six in the morning
I find myself staring
into the eyes of a loved one
that guy is like sunshine
every single time
his body is pressed
against mine
the best moments
of my life
are the ones
that I've shared
with him
he makes me
want to keep smiling
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
Turning 22 this month
In eight days
To be exact
Not really in
The party mood as such
People wreck it
In more ways than one
I'd rather just get drunk
And fall asleep on my own
I don't care about parties
Not even birthday shots
All I want is white wine
To have a good time
birthday soon...
- Jul 2013
All I knew is that he made me feel safe
I'm usually under lock and key
but he makes my heart weak
just from declaring his love for me

it's sweet as hell when a guy
wants nothing more
than your beating heart
and precious soul

when you find the one for you
your heart will know
just from the electric chemistry
and the way you lose your mind
to love's insanity whenever he speaks
how he can make you feel alive
just from a simple sentence
then you know
the chemistry
is electric

you've been let down so many times in the past
you nearly forgot what true passion was
until that man came and changed
your mind about love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Temporary feelings
Into something

It developed
Into love
A strong kind too
I can feel the electric connection
Every time we touch
Can you see the sparks?
When it's just me and you
I can seem them
But mostly
I see you
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
Struck up a conversation
Fell into a live situation
Complicated equation
- Jul 2013
There's this girl I know
Her name is Elise
and she's cute
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
People made me feel so empty
People made me feel so lost

People made me feel ugly
They filled me with self hate

And now I cry when I hear a song on the radio
That reminds me of the love that I lost long ago

And now I cry when I see friends holding hands
Reminding me of the ones I have loved and lost

I have never felt like I belonged anywhere
People called me names and pushed me away
Made me feel like I was to blame...

I have never felt any true love
Neither physical or emotional

No one ever made me feel fine
No one ever made me feel like
I had someone to call my own
No one ever truly stayed here
So now I drown my sorrows in
My tears that I've been savin'
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
you were meant to be the armor
instead you're the one
pulling the trigger

how unfortunate
that you turned out like that
such a waste of a life
all the words I guess
you didn't mean any of it
I didn't expect anything less
all you ever did
was talk *******

au revoir though
I'll be gone
you have a chance
to feel any sorrow

your words are pointless
they have no value
they lost all that
because of you
© Natali Veronica 2013.

An old poem from February of this year.
- Jan 2014
Touch is electric
Aftermath is epic
- Mar 2014
Ain't got no watch
But I know it's time
To make a stand
For your rights
I believe in love
Nothing else
- Jul 2013
Emotion filled my eyes.
Not tears.
I had none left,
when you disappeared.

I lost the one,
who I shared a room,
who I thought gave a ****,
yep, she's gone.

All I see now, is a stranger.
All I see now, is an estranged sister.
I miss her. I always miss her.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
once had a dream
never knew
what it meant
until I met him

then I realized
we were connected
all this entire time
the puzzle piece
fitted just right
found a match

his existence
makes me feel
so much joy
my best friend
and soulmate
until the end

I love him so.
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
I think you're amazing
I think you're kind
I think you're caring
You're always on my mind

Your name makes me smile
When it shows up on my phone
It makes me appreciate
Every moment of life
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
It's his birthday
Can't help but
Tell him I love him

It's been a heavenly day
Coffee, kisses & cigarettes
Neck bites, flirtatious disses
Romantic, sappy poems
He makes me feel alive
In every possible way

His brown eyes
Gives me
His smile
Makes me
Weak inside

Those french kisses though
So hot, unbelievable
Makes me fall
Under his spell
Every single night
Our love is so right
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
You're breathing art
Every moment
Is in tact
Wrapped up
In sweet love
You, I dreamt of
And got to hold
Who cares
American dreams
Love is above
And beyond all
For you
I'd take the fall
Because I know
You would too
Spent my life
Looking for bliss
I found happiness
In your eyes
In your touch
In your arms
In your I love you's
And electric charm
You are everything to me.
- Feb 2014
Sober thoughts spill out
Every time I drink
Endless silence
When I smoke
Deep moments
of thought
And of us
- Nov 2013
your love takes me places
I never knew I wanted to go
the reason my heart races
when you and I lose control
whether in bed or the floor
I will never stop
wanting more
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Not everything I type on this is based on facts.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Oct 2013
we burned bridges
then made amends
swore never to think
negative thoughts again
about ourselves or our love

we made a promise
to stay through
thick and thin
until the world
came crashing down
until the stars exploded
in the midnight sky
until the day
it breaks
you & I

people told me it was wrong
to love a man so strong
told me to leave
while I could
but the love
I have for you
is too intense
unlike a small fire
it can't burn out
being without you
would be like
being stuck
in the dark

your heart is my treasure
your touch is my desire
without you here with me
I'd sink like an anchor

my heart could explode
from love gone overboard
the intensity of it all
is so difficult to ignore
I fall harder than I did
the day I saw you
standing by that door
constantly falling
harder than I ever did
before and after

every time we kiss
I feel my heart ignite
I can feel the butterflies
I can feel those sparks
fly into the air
when you're near

when I hear your name
I scribble it on notebooks
when I see your face
I almost lose my senses
everything falls into place
when you're next to me
I love seeing you every night
when you're wide awake
when you're sound asleep
I feel like I live in a dream
seems too good to be real
but it is, truly is
the man of my dreams
is here in person
not just in my mind
or in my thoughts
© Natali Veronica 2013.

this poem was inspired by the love of my life.
he makes me the happiest, luckiest girl alive.
- Jul 2013
So many feelings right now
All I can do is write
My mouth can't speak
I feel like I'm falling somehow

Trying to remain strong
But it hurts to keep on
Showing that smile
Which fools people's eyes

Faking smiles
To keep us whole
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
I have touched your heart
now all I need
is to touch
your body

I don't have to
but I want to
I am

Your words drive me insane
makes me want to seek more
your body on mine
is all I really need

My fingertips
exploring your skin
like a map
that's what I'd love to do
and of course
drink wine
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Feb 2014
fanbases are competitive
their insults are repetitive
hatred never stops
compassion doesn't seem to exist
music doesn't seem to matter
as long as fans of artists
are battling each other
music is supposed
to bring peace
not start pathetic wars
what has become of us?
we're not music lovers
we are hatred followers

spread love, not hate
it's not too much to ask
Ranting and writing because I'm sick and tired of people talking **** about the ones in the music industry. Pretty much a poetic rant.
- Oct 2013
Your love shines
Sends out sparks
But you're a ghost
I can't hold you tight

I cannot see you
But I sure feel you
I cannot touch you
But I can dream I do

You bring me a handful of love
And that is more than enough
Even if I can't see your face
I can sense your heart
Embracing mine

People say we aren't right
But love can't be wrong
You are my lover
You are the light
Because of you
My heart is strong

We had our downfalls
Our share of flaws
But we corrected
Our mistakes
And now
We're in love
© Natali Veronica 2013.

This is meant to be a song, but it can be a poem too.
Just followed a rhythm and wrote this.
- Dec 2013
It's been a journey
Of ups and downs
A rollercoaster ride
I never want
To be on
Ever again

Despite that
I'm blessed
For my friends
For my parents
For the love of my life
For my beautiful dog
For all the memories
We have shared
And captured
This year

Have a good 2014
May the year
Be a blessed one
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Happy New Year's Eve!
Have a wonderful 2014.
Love you all.
Thank you for everything.
I adore each and every one of you.
- Jul 2013
I always feel so down
knowing she's not here
helping me smile again
and wiping away my tears
she was my favorite poet
such a beautiful heart
makes me
to rest
the one
who made
me smile
the brightest

I could never forget her face
or her infectious laugh
the way the room would shine
when she walked in
her personality shined
like the sun
her hugs
are what
I miss

it's been three years
and I'm still grieving the loss
of my favorite poet
the one who
gave my heart
strength to

her death changed the way
I looked at life
she taught me that
life can easily begin
but also
very easily
RIP Sidonie. I love you. You'll always be my friend,
my sister at heart and, my favorite poet in the world.

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Sep 2013
That legacy of hers will never fade
Even though she's far away
Up in those clouds
Those clouds of white
She's the most beautiful star
In this entire, darling sky

Her face, I haven't seen in years
The girl who left a hole in our hearts
Sidonie was a blessing to know
My love continues to grow
The poet with a mind of gold
Her poems brought out the best
In people, young and old

I miss her constantly
And I lost myself
A thousand times
She truly was
The shining light
But when she died
I seemed to fall apart
Got lost in my sadness
And fell in love with the dark
I miss my favorite poet so much.
© Natali Veronica 2013.

Happy 22nd birthday to my favorite poet.
Gone but never, ever forgotten.
I love you Sidonie.
We'll meet again one day.
We'll be united once more.
- Feb 2014
Birthday next month
Which is why
I am Miss March
Born on the tenth
Of the third month
Of every year
I'm not liking
The thought of
Getting older
Makes me more
Than I was
The year before
It reminds me
That I'm not a kid
I am a young adult
I am a young woman
Who is maturing
And growing
And changing
More mood swings
More diet failures
College graduation
My hands are shaking
I'm lost in translation
My mind is spinning
- Jul 2013
Feels like I'm in the summer spirit
Drink in my hand
Baby, I'm feelin' it
Drinking champagne
On a Monday mornin'
Gentle summer breeze
And it's barely 10AM

Having fun with a friend or two
Chillin' as I forget about him
Wine, champagne
All the finest
And as the night comes
Dude, we'll be laughing
Drinking, smoking
As we enjoy this day
Finally feels like summer to me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
I gave you permission to hold my heart
You held it in the palm of your hands
Promised not to break it apart
It was a risk and I took the chance
Soon it was clear that you were the one
I felt like my heart had won
the winning prize
But soon it was clear
That he fooled my eyes
with filthy lies
and broken promises

This man had my happiness
in the palm of his hands
He knew that I was weak
so he used it to his advantage
as I loosened my defence

His mouth talked *******
but his body meant business
I can tell by the way he said my name
as we walked during our dates

He was a liar but honest about his past
Gave you a one-way ticket to paradise
made you weak as you fell for the eyes
who ultimately deceived you not once
but oh so many **wicked times
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Aug 2013
Lips like sugar, you taste so sweet
your touch makes me feel complete
you cause my heart to skip a beat
every time you pull me close
when we kiss and hug

I can't help but, to stare and smile
every time you hold me down
to our couch of love
it's not my fault I fell so hard
you're so hot and perfect
like the finest piece of art
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
Weird friendship
But it is
A kind
Of perfect

© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
soaring high above you
like an angel singing
as she passes by
on top of the clouds
trying to connect
every once in a while
from the heavens
she misses the earth
she want to come back
but she never can
stuck with wings
flying above
© Natali Veronica 2013.

random poem. imagination is good.
this is kinda about my late friend tbh.
I lost her years ago and I wish she was alive.
- Jun 2013
Remembering you is something I hate
It's like I get a bad taste in my mouth
And it's not from the cigarettes
But from your body's shadow
As you walked into the room
We stared at each other
For what seemed like minutes
Your body language said it all
The way you bit your lip
As we looked in each other's eyes
I felt sparks fly between us
I am no science genius
But I know chemistry when I see it
I swear it was more than intense lust
More like the after effects of alcohol intoxication
A feeling that made your throat warm
As well as cold because you know it's only temporary
A love like could never last
But it could
For a night

I am no saint or sinner
But I would give you a night to remember
Just to leave a mark on your heart
So you'd remember me years from now
Even if we never see each other again
And if we ever cross paths once more
I'd know if this was love or not
Or just a passionate impulse
For affection from his tense
yet gentle embrace
Just to feel loved
Even if it only lasts
For a night
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Mar 2014
It's the sensation
Of someone
Love hearts
On your skin
The ecstasy
When you're
In the heaven
Of which is
Pure passion
The kind of feeling
Like no other
That gives healing
Makes you crave
That bliss
Felt good and wrote this, ha.
- Aug 2013
When I lay in bed, I think of you
I wanna cry my eyes out
When I'm awake, I think of us
I wanna tear your heart up
Not for lying, but for saying
That you loved me and ****
And for playing with my emotions
Like I was losing myself
No more venom in my system
But I'm still not over your presence
You are haunting and consuming
Sometimes I hate my own existence
You were amazing, ******* amazing
But it was all an illusion
Now I'm smashing
All the mirrors
Because I no longer
Feel safe behind closed doors
You were a liar but I fooled myself
Into thinking you were your true self
My heart keeps beating for someone
Who was lying to keep me in their bed
As if I didn't suffer enough
You filled my head
With thoughts of forever
Really thought we'd be together
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jun 2013
into a deep hole
that I had dug up
with my bare hands
That dark hole
was called *Love

In your words
I *found
In your eyes
I found clarity
In your heart
I found trust
In you
I found security
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Oct 2013
you send pain through my heart
your words always leave a mark
the once glowing spark
is now forever lost
you are just
a tragic ex

don't even touch me
I've felt it before
because now
I see clearly
you were
just a
for your next
attention score

your eyes show kindness
your lips say otherwise
please just leave
I can't deal with
more glasses
of sweet lies

tell me goodbye
I won't plead
with you to stay
I've done my time
in your prison
of toxic love

you affected me
in ways I can't explain
and what I know is
loving you
gave me
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
we're supposed to be close
best of friends at heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.

- Mar 2014
gaze so strong
I nearly fainted
a kiss so powerful
I felt sedated
a spark so wicked
left me feeling electric

you are the stars
to my sky
I see heaven
in your eyes
every night

I see your smile
and I come alive

no fool
could take me
away from you
wine helped cure my writers block. wrote nearly 50 poems last night, inspiration at its finest quality.
- Mar 2014
Officially a week
Feeling weak
As a stick
People shoot
People aim
Yet, I'm to blame
Don't worry
I'm used to it
- Sep 2013
he kissed me yesterday
igniting my aching heart
our favorite record then
began to play and we
lost ourselves in
each other's eyes
exchanging kisses
sharing feelings
he makes me feel
he makes me heal
this love is surreal
the smell of cigarettes
mixed with my perfume
Chanel No. 5 to be exact
it filled the entire room
he stared at me all night
kissed my hand and then smiled
said he loved holding me
and we talked about our future
how we were meant to be
as a whole, as a pair
and we kept talking
about our fairytale
cute little future
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
Found an old friend of mine
Happy me is around again

Some friends are hard to replace
Maybe because they're meant to be yours?

Happier than most days
Life falling into place
For the first time
In a few years
There's a
Genuine smile
On my face
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Nov 2013
you stared into my soul
you read my mind
like it was a book
you made me
believe in life
never thought
you could
but you did
and I am glad

you saw me
the mess I was
but still thought
that I was worthy
of your love

you cherish
my heart
more than

you brought
my heart
© Natali Veronica 2013.

dedicated to my love.
- Jun 2013
Go ahead, leave me behind
watch as my heart breaks
and my soul loses it's light
as you destroy me
and my mind

poison my heart with lies
feed my brain empty promises
and remember my face
as you watch me die inside
with tears filling my eyes
and a smile covering up the pain

leave me behind, but remember
I'll always cherish your love
as it was raw and tender*
even though you left me broke
feels like someone put my heart in a blender*
and left me with a glass of pain
which tasted bitter
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Dec 2013
It's been a while since I've written
Not as creative when I'm not ridden
Ridden with emotion, feeling explosion
Not as creative when my eyes are open
Open by clarity, love and insanity
I'm pretty sure this poem *****
But oh well, gold will soon emerge
From the ruins of creativity
The little glow inside of me
© Natali Veronica 2013.

not my best work. if you hate it, I'll understand :P
- Jul 2013
You're exactly like a bullet
Right through me
With such impact
It's hard to believe
That I'm still alive
For months
I thought that I was dead
I guess it was all
Just thoughts in my head

You're driving me insane
I can't stand hearing your name
Makes me want to put a bullet in my brain
That's how much you affect me
It's such a negative influence, honey

I hate how you lie
To cover up your ****
I am so done
So sick of it
I tried for so long to make it all up
But I couldn't understand
Such a twisted mind
© Natali Veronica 2013.
- Jul 2013
You don't love me
Yet, you call me hot
Is it bad
That I liked hearing
You say it?

Got it bad
For the greatest person
That I'll never have
As my own precious love
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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