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The forest, as if in suspended animation
Exploded in a cacophony of sound

It was nothing more than a twig
Snapping beneath the weight of a padded paw

Yet, the silence was shattered by this atypical step
By this stealthy dark shadow slowly moving through the forest

His heart raced!
His usual calm...replaced by an awkward anticipation

Earlier, a howl he had heard off in the distance
So familiar, yet as if from another lifetime, beckoned

Ahead, with the dusky sky as it's canvas
A giant white pine stands as a sentinel, protecting...

...a lone silent figure...

Carefully, quietly, he approached
"I can hear you" said the now, not so silent figure
"In fact, the whole forest can!" she giggled

His golden eyes, now, intently stared directly into hers
"I heard your howl", he said attentively
"I knew U would come", she assuredly replied, "U are always there for me."

As he drew closer, she asked..."Am I dreaming?"
"Does it matter?", he inquired

Her breath quickened, slowly fracturing
As did her fragile spine as her body contorted

Into a shifting form, that would mimic his
Strong and sinewy

Rejuvenated, she moved with assurance
Once again, feeling familiarity in this form

In her sheen coat of white fur, she now stood
Next to him, and his coat of fur that matched the raven's wing

They stood in contrasting, yet symbiotic fashion
He pulled her closer, and without making a sound
Gestured that it was time for them to go...

(c) 2013 Shawn White Eagle
This poem, well, probably more story than poem, was written for someone very special and was inspired by a number of writings of  that someone who is very dear to me...I know this is something with very deep meaning to them, and is actually a "reprise" of sorts to one of their recent poems of the same title..  I purposely left the story open ended, perhaps that certain someone will "reprise" my reprise. :-)  I love U Lobo!
Colors explode
As the sumac stands sentinel over the ebbing rays of the sun
Shepherding away *Niibin
to make room for Dagwaagin
Standing, alone, in a sea of green
Sumac heralds the changing season
And like an artistic wild fire
Is the first in what will become a palette of chromatic vibrancy

Sensing the subtle change
Mother deer, her two fawns and yearling
Meandering through the sumac grove
Make haste of the fading green buffet
Mother Bear and her cubs, now a year stronger and wiser
Gorge on honey and berries as they ready for their winter's sleep
Red-Winged Blackbirds, Robins and Sandhill Cranes congregate en masse
Hummingbird drinks the final drops of nectar
In anticipation of their journey south
In advance...of the returning white Biboon blanket

The clock of Mother Earth is precise
And the natural world follows her timely rhythms
As southerly and westerly winds shift to the north
Eagle soars high above...the yet unfrozen river
Vivid foliage slowly falls to the forest floor
Creating an intricate insulating tapestry for those below
In the meadow, swaying in the wind, stands a solitary Daisy
It's single yellow petal defying the departure of longer days

Harvest moon shimmers through bare branches
Dancing, tapping in rhythmic fashion, upon a quiet window
Stirring *Misigami
from her reverie
Outside her window, a lone black figure, a Lobo, like her
Acknowledges her presence, blurring the lines of consciousness
Signifying that dreams do come true
And that through the change of seasons
We grow
We become stronger
And are given the true gift...of forever being...


(c) 2013 Shawn White Eagle
The fourth, and final installment, of my seasonal poems, that I hope U have enjoyed.  Most of what has been written can be seen from the window as I write, while other parts, and imagery, have been personal in nature.  One thing I have kept in mind with these pieces is that as the seasons change, the cycle of life never abates, and that we really are just along for the ride.  Even though we cannot control how Mother Earth thing is a constant with each that each, in it's own way, always provides that bright ray of hope. :-)

Live 4 Love
Over hills
Through fields
Down edges
You measure days
With fire and shadow
Taking me in, a fool
And the traps I make for me
And making them as milestones
To assure me for the days
Because the horizon
Explodes as You see it
As Glory in You
I knew that she was trouble
From the moment she walked in
With red hair down just to her waist
And a body built for sin

I'd worked this bar for twenty years
And I knew when I first saw her
That tonight would end in heartbreak
With fists flying with the fur

She knew what she was doing
Didn't even look around
Just walked up to the bar stool
And sat down without a sound
The drinks she did not order
Were poured and on their way
This girl came in for trouble
And now, trouble's on the way

Her shirt was buttoned from the top
Two up , the rest undone
She was looking for a good time
She was here to have some fun

The jeans, well they were awesome
They were tight enough to show
She had four quarters in her pockets
And the rest...I think you know

The girl sat down and pondered
As she sipped on the first drink
I watched her from the shadows
It gave me time to think

Which man would be the first one
To approach and be shot down?
Who would be the lucky loser
To get some tarnish on his crown?

A young man chose to venture
To the bar out from the crowd
She just listened to his proposal
And he stood up then and bowed

He walked back to the dance floor
To his table with his friends
Picked up his coat and left them
You know the message that this sends

Another drink soon followed
And the sender came to flirt
It only took ten seconds
Before she stomped him into dirt

I smiled and watched the players
Enter slow and back off fast
I looked around to check out
Just how long this game would last

The drinks had slowed on down now
Not too many left to try
And from the success rate of the others
It was easy to see why

A little fellow wandered
Through the crowd beside the girl
I thought, I'll watch this one a while
I'd like to see him twirl

He waited for the music
To get loud and then he turned
Into her ear he whispered
And she just looked like she'd been burned

At this point she leaned forward
And she ordered him a beer
I'd never seen her buy one
I thought this very queer

I poured the draft and asked him
How did he get the drink for free
He said "This girl's my daughter"
"And she's coming home with me!!"
 Mar 2013 Nenookaasi
Even snow
brings you to mind




 Mar 2013 Nenookaasi
My heart is a harp in need of new strings
My Old Soul Is Trapped In A Body Too Young
My Fists Clench The Throat Of Anger,
My Knuckles Turning A Ghostly White,
They Chuckle At The Sight Of Them,
They Laugh At Their Native Tounge,
They Speak When They Have No Right,
They Break Hearts When They Have No Say,
They Steal Amition With Their Stares,
They Crush Courage With Their Glares,
They Are Nothing More Then Lessers Themselves
I Don't Care Who You Are.. If You're Racist You Deserve A Good Slap In The Face!

Her: So I Found This Somalian's Papers In The Bathroom Talking About How She Was So Upset That People Are Mean To Her Cuz She's Somalian So I Tore It Up And Threw It In The Sink. Stupid Somalis.
Me: Wow You're Not Racist At All.
Her: I Am Very Racist
Me: And You're Proud Of That?
Her: Yes... Yes, I Am

How Can The World Stand To Harbor This Hate For So Long....
The Dull Dawning Sky Woke The Birds,
As It Metamorphosed In Grace,
The New Day Deserved No New Words,
For She Would've Taken Them With Her,
As Well As Every Waining Breath,
She Brought With Her Spirits For Life,
She **** With Her Spirits Of Death,
To Bring Them Back To The Heavens
I Get The Privilege Of Watching The Sunrise Everyday.. This Triolet Is A Little Off! Sorry Folks:)
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