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 Mar 2013 Nenookaasi
Night falls once more
and I alone
walk the sand dunes
of her sleeping
tracing our footsteps back
along the gentle stream
of tears
that flow along her laughter lines
painted skies of midnight blue
steal my breath
as smudged horizon blend
with swaying reeds
blown soft within the breeze
of lovers sighs
here I lay safe warm smiling
tracing I love you's
with idle playful fingertips
knowing in dreams
she sees me there
beneath the twinkle of her eyes
awaiting her return
when morning
In The Greyish Blue Of The Dawning Day,
May You Be Safe And Sound In Your Slumber,
Between The Sleepy Trees--May You Dream,
Dream Of Deer Bounding Through The Forest,
Dream Of The Raven Singing From The Trees,
Dream My Love, Dream

Deep In The Trees There You Lay,
Be Free To Sleep Night Or Day,
Sleep In April Then On To May,
Sleep My Love, Until You Desire To Play

In The Greyish Blue Of The Dawning Day,
May You Be Safe And Sound In Your Slumber,
Between The Sleepy Trees--May You Dream,
Dream Of Deer Bounding Through The Forest,
Dream Of The Raven Singing From The Trees,
Dream My Love, Dream

No Storm Shall Awake Thee,
And No Gun Shall Lurk In The Trees,
There Will Be No Sound From Even Me,
Just The Gentle Tune Of The Birds And Bees

In The Greyish Blue Of The Dawning Day,
May You Be Safe And Sound In Your Slumber,
Between The Sleepy Trees--May You Dream,
Dream Of Deer Bounding Through The Forest,
Dream Of The Raven Singing From The Trees,
Dream My Love, Dream
Read It With A Gentle Tune <3 (Not One Of My Best--It Sounded Better In My Head)
 Mar 2013 Nenookaasi
Ravens in flight
wings spread
against the alabaster
of twilight
that frame
the gentle pinks
and reds of sleepy subsets
autumn hidden
as yet
behind wisps of midnight blue
waver softly in the warmth
of summers sleeping
as I alone wipe the stars
from sleepy skies
and picture mornings born
from beauty such
as this
taste once more the dew drops
from as yet
Rose petals tips
and smile
leaving it there upon her lips
my sweetest of moments
forever in a single
 Mar 2013 Nenookaasi
Amber Lewis
Empty days filled with blank faces,
Rehearsed conversations and colorless places
Dark nights with no light,
Nothing wrong and nothing right

Leaves change and people grow,
Love found a way to melt the snow

A new year,
Tears dried and nothing to fear
Change in the air,
Someone to adore and someone to care
Wistful days filled with simple pleasures,
A reminder to myself that friendships are treasures
So when you feel sad
you take a hit,
a puff of sweet acrid wind
to blow you away
across the dark expanse of the day.

You leave me deep in the shadows
while you float above it all
like a blimp
sailing over industrial grime.

What escapes me
is simply this:
you have me,
you have my hand
and I have wings
that can carry us both
because i don't need

I have something more
potent than that.
Even when I forget;
it's still there.
The hope that blinds
my pupils
like an
Aztec sun.

Come back down
and we'll run bare foot
across this town,
but i can't race someone
that isn't here.
Free your soul
of the pride that
destroys your all
Free your mind
of lust, greed and gluttony
that haunts your
every doomed thought
Free your heart
of the wrath that
blinds your eyes
and sloth that
makes you lose your path
Free your eyes of envy
that eats you up like jealousy
The full moon, golden hued, bathed in wisps of clouds
Stares intently at the barren trees along the river
A white Biboon blanket being gently pulled back
Inside her den a mother bear and her cubs stir
Sounds of ice, creaking and cracking
Resonate through the naked woodland
Ice, slowly breaking away and fleeing from winter's frozen grip
Float lazily down stream
Upon free running waters carrying away the anguish endured
Gentler, warmer breezes carry dreams that become reality
The coming rains will soon nourish Mother Earth
Kissing her gently
Breathing life back into her dormant flesh
Barren trees clothed once again
Life springs forth at a rapid rate
Bathing in the yellow light of day
Birds sing with joy
In the meadow, a brown eyed Daisy
Invites butterfly kisses upon her ethereal beauty
An iridescent flash, a glitter, from the south
Flitting from flower to flower Hummingbird dances
As a tender southerly breath reminds us to forever be...

(C) Shawn White Eagle
I Was Made From Pollen And Brittle Beige Petals,
My Blood Was Created From Silver Dewdrops,
My Eyes Were Made From Two Summer Leaves,
And My Lips Were Created By Ripe Strawberries,
I Feed Off Of The Sun And I Am Anchered In Soil,
Yet There Is Always The Threat Of Being Plucked,
Of Being Put Into A Vase Just For Show,
But I Will Wilt Because I Am No Longer Rooted,
To The Earth's Resonating Crust

Paled  Rays
Of The Sun
Catch The
 Feb 2013 Nenookaasi
Love made all the sweeter
by a spoonful
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