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 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
louis rams
midnight dream

I awoke from a midnight dream, where love, hope , and faith, was the only thing seen
where people gathered as a people under one god, one world and children sang the praises of god above explaining about peace and love.

where all you saw was their spirits rising high into the sky. showing us all reason and whys.
where the elderly walked hand in hand giving thanks for all they can as some of their memories may slip away , but thankful for each and every day.

where people enjoyed and gave thanks for the fruits of life , such as the birds that fly on high, the sun, the moon up in the sky, and every storm cloud that brings us the rain, refreshing the earth and us the same .
for giving us the animals, plants , and trees and the oceans, rivers , lakes, and streams and the mountains up high, leaving us breathless where all we can do is sigh.
I don't feel like writing today
So I won't.
Light through a window,
Chides— children I see you hide!
Morning eyes whisper.
A Summer's date,
  an Autumn's dance,
Warm Winter's kiss,
  tis' in Spring; we plant
My shortest poem.
Do not tick off the
kindly clock that stops and tocks
to you in whispers
 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
I twist apple stems
And stay up for stars
Pick dandelions
And guess colors of cars

I watch the clock
It's eleven pm
But I can't find out your feelings
From a snapped apple stem
 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
Stab my heart.
I just want to feel again.
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