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 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
Some people say
"Yay Valentines day"
But what's all the fuss?
It kind of makes me want to cuss.
Cheesy cards and dinner dates
What stress this creates
Roses, hearts, and candy
Poems can also come in handy
I know you won't write me one
Because we're done done done
So instead here's one for you
Roses are red, violets are blue,
I ******* hate you
My castle is crumbling like it was made out of sugar.
Was I really such an ineffective ruler?
Everything never seemed good enough always incomplete.
It's falling but at least it's sweet.

I sit on my rusty throne and I realize how ironic this all has been.
Chasing perfection like a sin.
But even that in itself was expected.
That's what happens when you leave your people, your kin unprotected.

Now swordplay and bloodshed rage around me.
Soldiers tripping over lost friends and enemies.
Each side fighting for a cause they think is noble.
Fighting for their humble royal.

They used to love me, they were so proud.
Now they're lost, with out purpose, they stumble around.
Even the ones who hate me look to me as if I have all the answers.
Their eyes never leave mine, they weaken me like a cancer.

Will this mean a new start or a dark age?
Will there be a new leaf, can we turn another page?
What will they do with me now they know my true colors?
Will they mark me as fool and find another to rule?
This is my way of saying that seeking war even for a good cause still brings heartbreak and death.
 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
In my dream
I will give you a long hug

You will be my blanket
And I will nuzzle the curve
Where your shoulder joins your neck
The soft lips you feel against yours will be mine

As will the light touch
As I stroke your ribs with my fingertips

I miss you.

Wish I was there to keep you company
And sleep beneath the roses

 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
Eric W
I have wandered a street.
A long and lonely street.
There were people, of course.
Wanderers too.
But it was still,
just a lonely street.
There was a chill in the air,
and the ever falling mist.
It was dark, lonely, and cold.
The people were just people,
so I was still alone.
I made acquaintances,
many of them,
along the way.
But I never meant much to them.
Nor they to I.
Because they were just people.
They could not understand me.
The could not love me.
And I never understood them either.
And loved only a select few
that I thought were different.
I walked with them.
We walked together.
But we were always different.
Yes, I loved them too much.
Perhaps I still do.
But we always walked different paths.
Except for you.
We crossed paths,
many years ago
when I was discovering myself.
We walked a while,
we talked a while.
I knew you were different,
even then.
Something was between us.
I felt it,
and I knew you did too.
You professed that it was love.
And indeed it was.
For a while afterwards,
we walked together.
But then something happened.
My path diverged.
Or maybe it was yours.
Either way,
we both walked alone.
The road became treacherous.
That dark and lonely road.
I was overcome with loneliness,
soaked to the bone in misery
and heartache.
I was molded in ways
no soul should ever experience.
But I endured.
I learned many valuable lessons.
Most of them the hard way.
I fought my own demons,
again and again and
During this time,
our paths converged several more times.
We walked together again,
for some too brief times.
While our paths were split again,
I tried to survive you
with others.
But in my heart,
I always knew it was futile.
They were never different.
Not the way you are.
They were never..
And I walked on.
On and on.
For what seemed like forever,
down the long and winding road.
I stumbled, I fell,
I hurt, I cried,
until I realized.
It's you.
I need you.
Our paths once again converge.
We are walking together again.
Hand in hand.
Finally, I accept that we are meant
to walk together, to talk together,
to laugh together, to live together,
to love together,
down this road.
And, although my demons still haunt me,
at least I'll never face them alone
And, though my road is still
terrifyingly dark,
at least I walk it with you.
I've found you.
This could use some editing, but for now, here's the "rough draft."
 Jan 2013 Natalie Suss
Ben Steer
at night, alone, it seems
my heart is ripping at its seams
torn by sunset's pull,
reaching out, for naught, it seems
my heart is ripping at its seams

the threads so caref'lly stitched,
tightly gripping my blood-bag's crease
waiting just for cruel fate's bite
or when the day turns into night

seeking, almost, to be forgotten,
lying, torn, only to turn rotten
inside me still, my heartstrings scream
whilst from their barren cage, pours steam

at daybreak, then,
my heart is mended
as though the night's events were pretended

i know now how
the blood can flow
and disregard
what i think i know

my mind is clear,
but it seems for naught
as again i feel the blood
begin to clot

slowing, beating,
struggling to rest
my eyes turn red
as the sun sets

with the star at noon
i feel relief
the moon incurs agony,
doubt, and grief

at night, the dark, alone
it seems
the ripping seams,
it seems…

are only in my dreams
It's 40 days
I haven't slept
I cannot seem
To find a bed
That tucks away
My soul's unrest
I wander on
A desert stretch
The sand removes
My saltiness
I'm dry and pale
These feet attest
And true fatigue
I'll reach still yet
To drink might quell
The emptiness
But fever plagues
My hollow chest
In seeking dreams
The stones collect
And I find hope
Inside my head
To carry on
I must ingest
The very thoughts
My mind has bred
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