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Nemo W Dec 2016
I need to give in
just sometimes
I've been told I hide things
but even now I can't let go.

I will disappoint you
so don't hold your hopes up high
I ignore what's real
just to cower.

I would let you in
If I trusted myself
but I don't
so think I'm unkind.

It's better that way
Nemo W Dec 2016
Return to me  my love
I know I've done you wrong
but is there still a chance
to be with me at last
I wish you well if not
but return to me my love
Nemo W Dec 2016
Happy and startled I might say
I haven't felt that way again
It's a new day and I can breathe
not like yesterday under siege
but I'll keep knowing it could turn
so not as to let my hopes rise
I'll return to my self again less than a high
Nemo W Dec 2016
Air is filled with the stale breath left by a minute passed.
Sobs caress the sound waves like soft feathers.
Writhing in the pain placed in your mind.
Ears feeling deceived hum with unrelenting white noise.
Visage blushed with confusion and depleting tolerance.
Tingling from head to toe, hurt stretching to every part of the body.
Thoughts roaming to dark places, a moment of insanity.
Wishing you were anywhere but here.
Nemo W Dec 2016
Rip out my heart.
Punch holes in my chest.
Tear flesh apart.
**** pupils with needles
Crumble bone to dust.
Then leave me to rest.
Nemo W Dec 2016
My fingers burn at the tips
At the sight a flutter of heart
Itching for a taste
Just a little

No you can't
You must be strong
Turn away and then calm your heart
Soothe your fingers; feel the cool.

Oh, indeed how you will struggle
You will surely feel the lingering pull
You will feel sad
But proud of

You have it
You have shown it
You carried on when missus temptation kissed
Now breathe steady; wait for incoming.
Nemo W Dec 2016
So I'm hanging
Clutching onto the edge to save myself
A part of me wants to let go so I can experience the drop.
But others urge me to hold on.
My hands hurt..
A cramp in my baby finger,
A strain in my palms.
It's hard, I've never really been one to be physical.
But this takes all my strength.
At anytime my curiosity could make the best of me.
At anytime I could let go and be fine with it.
But others tell me not to, to just keep trying.
But it's hard.
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