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Aug 2018 · 275
grammar lesson
i hate the sound of your
last words in my ear!
angry, bitter stitched gasps;
pulling at my heartstrings
every single year.

sometimes, i want to shout into oblivion.  
announcing, unveiling your faults
as large as mars;
every last one of your words are
smothering, twisting in my veins.
i'd stand there, revealing the scars
crazily laughing;
i must be insane!

have you not know it is wrong
to uncross your x's and miss dot your i's?
no matter how many
red marks of correction
that you may instill in others pens,
will you ever correct
another one of my essays.
I never understood mathematics;
however I can add your negligence,
multiply my displeasures
to summarize your subtracting feelings, and calculate your ******* behavior.
Let's divide.
Special dedication to those who have experienced toxic friendships, relationships, anyone that has ever made a negative impact on your life, etc.

*also, the title is in reference to rise over run in mathematics. See what I did there? ;)
May 2017 · 339
sea of misery
fear of dark & dull
scrapes from rock
blood and blister

feel my pulse within waves
like a knife to the throat
steadily now, don't flinch

salts dehydrating
beneath the blues
lingering evergreens
im exhausted
yet im screaming
Mar 2016 · 433
the night, it fell
my heart
in pieces, my heart
it shattered but
i've lived to tell

the night, i swore
my heart
couldn't bare, the pain
yours too, it felt
for i, i do adore

the night, i knew
i've seen this true
that night, truth spilled
your heart, it grew
a new blossoming you
Feb 2016 · 944
see a penny
don't pick it up
dried, brown leaves on pavement
avoid them all costs
pick dandelions,
but not their petals
but most importantly,
be rid of the sorry's,
if they're not genuine
Jan 2016 · 460
8 years & so, it fades.
I still remember your scent
Fading musk on the bear
You gave to me
You gave it to me
You gave it, to me
You gave it
To me
You gave
Me, it
Dec 2014 · 450
12:34 am
4 weeks.
I waited.

You knew, and

I waited.

& now this *******.
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
The Journalist
Pencil shavings are greater than
Ball point pens, and their precise writing.
A clean, cut pencil portrays any emotion you desire;
Brittle, sharp or a soft embedding on a sheet of paper.
On occasion, ball point pen' s ink,
May bleed and seep through
Affecting every aspect and body.
Tell me doleful writer,
Is this what has become of you?
Sep 2013 · 781
434 Miles
You're beyond miles from reach
A cry of lament, smaller than a whisper
To your ears, and my aching heart shivers at
The unimaginable concept that
You've moved on.
Jul 2013 · 1.6k
Lilacs and knick knacks
Given with words of empathy.
Shared bond, your heart held close to me.
Less than five words written in stone,
Swaying nine years and footsteps you've outgrown.
Returning the collections of simplicity and glee;
You're beyond expectation,
And drained, I've come to be.
Jun 2013 · 1.1k
Stale air
Broken trust to mend
Unwanted glares
Lips once shared
And you dare to pretend.
But not regretted
No, I once confessed it
As you declared the fibs of one's direction.
Jun 2013 · 928
Thumb Tack Thoughts
An array of pin pointed holes
In my persona, could not hold the
Amount of curiosity and
Unfortunate use of over thinking
That I am capable of.
May 2013 · 826
A Poet's Coffee Stain
Medium, light brown
Half circles lightly speckled beside
Rhymes, commas and perspectives.
And as a finger brushes along
These fading half circles,
You may but almost feel a
Bitter passion in her words of despair.
May 2013 · 1.6k
Similar Confidant
To hold and be held,
Protecting and guiding,
Opening each other's eyes
To our beauty within, and the
Wonders of this corrupt world.
It's nothing but, wise discussion
Slipping through our honest tongues,
Finding a safe, bullet proof element and
The acts of reassuring embraces.
In the definition of fathomless love it is
You, my dear similar confidant.
May 2013 · 985
Enclosed walls
Sulking, faced down in silk made sheets
Losing touch of real sense
Portraying a memory, a thought, a
Once remembered life-style.
Longing, desiring to
Inhale, the fragrance of your scent
And falling into an undisturbed sleep beside you.
Apr 2013 · 3.6k
Melancholy Tea
Melancholy tea;
Steaming so delicately
Filling with transparency
Light fragrance and an indirect
Flavor of neglect in
A rimmed broken teacup.
Apr 2013 · 1.1k
To feel blank,
Tasting a bland substance
Staring into nothingness
No room to ponder
Suppressing limits
Failing emotion and
Breathing follows up to a
Slow apathetic pace--
How I've grown fatigued of it.
Apr 2013 · 10.8k
I magine Icarus
C reatively carving his dream
A **** the soft features and
R idges as strong as his beliefs, lays
U nderneath an innocent soul
S tranded in a fantasy.
Flying towards the heavens
Embellishing the sky with pearl like wings
Caressing Icarus, soaring passionately.
His own hero in his eyes.
Glances up, suddenly hypnotized
By the gleaming sphere of light.
The innocent splash-
Tasting the bitter, revolting sea.
Swallowed whole without notice
With the sound of silence as
Icarus now soars freely with the angels.
I had to write a poem in English class,about Greek myth Icarus.
(written on March 7, 2012 as a junior in high school.)
Apr 2013 · 1.9k
Sunflowers gaze
In a phase she's grown in
With sin, while breaking
The bottle of gin
And she just wants peace.
Awareness, Bashful and Carefree
Depressed and Eager, Freely
Gaining and Hatefully Ignored
Justified and Knotted Love
Mimicking Notorious Outsiders
Patiently Quiet and
Reassuring Silence
Tentatively Unstable
Waiting, Xenophobic
Yearn and Zany
                        **** you, for leaving me to experience
                        the range of alphabetical emotions.
Mar 2013 · 1.7k
Judgmental Breakfast
A full glass of "how could you's?"
Nine fork lifts of "I told you so's" to fill out
Beside the "maybe's" and "hope to be's"
A napkin stitched with "your loss" in continuous patterns
It's no use, no good, I know I misunderstood but
I'd rather starve than awake to this judgmental breakfast.
Mar 2013 · 507
Sunken Blissfulness
I know what I've said
And I've said what I know
I've wanted to cry
And I cry cause I wanted
I've loved and been lost
And I've lost who I've loved
I've slept for hours
And I'd sleep for days
Buried life in various ways
I've carried and I've dragged
And I've sworn and I've promised
And I never thought it would all come down to this;
The tragedy of sunken blissfulness.
Mar 2013 · 592
Conclusive Definitions
It's undefined,
How lost I've been
Without you.

And I don't think I'll ever obtain a map to that conclusion.
Mar 2013 · 1.6k
Eyes pulling with fascination for breakfast
Longing for your touch at noon
An endearment in the bottomless twilight
Oh, such an appetite I possess for you.
Feb 2013 · 705
5 years
Three fifty two marked the hour as
I lay under your sleep disturbance spell.
Cradling myself, to break free from this
Lonesome, blindsided hell.
Three fifty seven, oh has your hour marked a thin layer of five?
Five beats per minute now seems greater than the nine years I was alive.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Mi Corazon
Light setting in
The bedroom window open slightly
I gaze upon your face
Our chests are moving lightly
There's stubble on your chin
And the words that cloud my mind
Flow deeply to my lips
To my lips, they fly steeply
As we kiss
And I'd lay here forever, knowing this.

— The End —