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 Aug 2014 Moris
Katlyn Orthman
Dust settles inside my veins,
dirt lingers inside my heart
Broken bones lead to shame
sharp pieces rip me apart
 Nov 2013 Moris
 Nov 2013 Moris
don't forget the strange lonely
chills you get at 5:15am
don't forget to look up the sky
for stars and for hopes
don't lose sight of the void
in your hearts and
your cold lone bones
don't forget those green
delicate veins under
your soft flimsy wrists
don't forget to leave those bleak
reflective yelling shards of glass
alone and out of sight
don't forget yourself
how you've stayed so strong
and even broke to pieces
don't forget you can finally
say that you are happy
 Nov 2013 Moris
 Nov 2013 Moris
I can describe to you what the sky looked like
It was blue without a cloud to speak of
I can describe to you what the water was like
It was brown and full of fish

I can describe to you what he looks like
His hair is black, his eyes are blue
I can describe to you what the weather was like
It was brisk with almost no wind

I can’t describe how I lost that time
I can’t describe how I lose the days

Time is a figment of imagination
Time is simply put there for a measure

It’s a measure of how long you hurt
It’s a measure of how long you love

It’s a measure of how long your love has been lost
She takes me and shakes me,in contours she shapes me,subjugates me,sublimely educates me,
and I am free from the bonds that have shackled my mind,
in her warm embrace,
I come face to face
with myself.
 Feb 2013 Moris
Ace Malarky
His teeth are crooked, bent and brown
   he grins with mirth, eyes pointing down
   his hollow head contains a thought
   friendly, yes but pleasant, not.

His whims, in fact, are quite alarming
   for what's on his mind is harming.

He wants to steal and take what's mine!

Alas! Why must Death be charming?
The death rate in America is still the same as every other country. One per person.

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