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Morgan Aug 2015
When those dark, troubling thoughts make their way to the surface once again,

Just remember how much I love you and your value to everyone you meet.

You are stronger than this temporary moment of pain and regret that doesn't seem like it will cease.

Your infinite worth shines brightly, even through the darkness that you see, that refuses to give you peace.

You will overcome this challenge, time and time again.
I am with you.
I am always by your side.
Brave girl, don't you ever give up.
Words to another when I can't even say this to myself.
Morgan Mar 2015
I believe the things I wish I could
Tell my younger self are things that
Can still be applied to my life today

Don’t believe everything people say,
Beware of people who only talk to you when they need you,
Don’t expect a happy ending,
Beware of promises; they’re often broken.

Remember the good times, forgive the pain,
Believe in your worth,
Shine, Original Masterpiece,

Why do we stray from these messages
Of our Wise and Experienced selves.
I am my our own mentor
Of the lessons we should know by now.

Learn them.
Morgan Mar 2015
We've drifted
            drifted a part from what we
once were.

We used to be able to tell each other everything.
Now I don't know who you are.
We haven't spoken in months.

It breaks my heart more than I can say.
We betrayed each other.
We changed.

One hurt after another led us to where we are now.
Neither of us recognize the other as we stand before each other for the last time.
This isn't how I wanted to it end but there's no moving forward now.

And slowly, with a final twinge of pain--and a squeeze of our held hands-- we walk away for the last time.
I'm sorry.
Morgan Jul 2014
Seeing you tonight was one of my biggest mistakes.
Second to letting you into my life.

I think of what we could have been and done
In a whole year's time.

I should be over you.
I think I was until I saw you again.
I should be over you.
But you are brilliant and you have a dazzling smile
That brings light to the darkest places.

I can't tell anyone about it because they think I am strong.
They've helped me get over you.
I can't let them down.

I hope I never see you again.
And I never again have to make this mistake.
Morgan Jul 2014
Unknown. Forgotten. Unimportant.
You made me feel all these things when you chose her over me-
When you forgot to mention your big surprise.
You left me alone with my deep thoughts of trouble
While you were off having fun with her.

I hope she makes you smile like I do-
Used to.
I hope she makes you feel overwhelmed with laughter.

I thought we said forever,
Until you left me all alone.
Now I see where your intentions lie.

Bring me back a t-shirt from paradise.
one a those FU moods.
  Jun 2014 Morgan
your worth, it is nothing
you are nothing
you are nothing comparable
how can someone be compared?
you are unique to the highest degree
there is no definition for your beauty because your looks are more than a couple sentences
not only your looks
but you
look at you
look at you on the inside
do you see all the power you possess?
from every weakness you may have
to every strength you have
from every acne scar
to every single muscle which may or may not be defined
you are powerful in every sense of the word
you are powerful because you are human
you are powerful because you were made to be great
you are powerful
you are dynamic
you are wonderous
you are absolutely extraordinary
you are a story that I would love to read
you are more than how you view yourself because I view you as heavenly
you are absolutely breathtaking.

repeat after me,

I am absolutely breathtaking
I am absolutely breathtaking
I AM absolutely breathtaking

you are...
                    a million things that cannot be put into words.
A reminder to everyone, boy and/or girl. You are heavenly. I view you as such. You should too. Look in the mirror every single morning and remind yourself of that.
Morgan May 2014
No one determines my self worth or defines me except

I am in control of who I am and who I become.

If you don't appreciate my contributions, I will take them to where they are.

Ball's in your court, *****.
A poem about a ***** who thought she knew who I really am and accused me of **** I didn't do.
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