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MonkeyZazu Apr 2014
Puddles on the ground,
reflect the heavens above.
Cloud filled skies calm me.
Flowers bloom, behold the sun,
praising the warmth that grew them.
MonkeyZazu Mar 2014
Behind bars of shame and regret - I see you.
Memories from times pass return,
pulling the threads of a poorly sewn heart.

Once the ties are loose enough,
deep inside the memories go.
They find a place of remorse
    where exist a lost promise
        to you
            that could not be fulfilled

From there, emotions flare
The walls of this heart begin to tear.
My deepest desire completely bare
All I want is you.
MonkeyZazu Mar 2014
beyond my flesh, part of me is a machine
made up of many biomechanical parts,
i operate and go about tasks
with my advanced psychological circuitry,
i gather, process, store, and retrieve large volumes of data
without a doubt,
i am a Cyborg

honestly though, it scares me a little
in a sense, i am very similar to a robot  
these machines can be programmed and controlled
so can I ...
MonkeyZazu Feb 2014
The right to be
to put it
I want to be free
I wish to be me
MonkeyZazu Dec 2013
You know, it's not enough.
We need more than just happiness.
We need a little chaos.
Something to remind us why happiness feels the way it does.
Simply put,
The challenges we face, the struggles we go through
To over come those obstacles,
Makes living all the more worthwhile.
Without struggle, without some kind of turbulence,
Life gets pretty **** boring
MonkeyZazu Dec 2013
This mundane way life grows so tiresome
Not just for me, but for everyone
The constant repetition of everything
Wake up, go to work, come home
Eat, sleep, do it again the next day
It's so bland, so constricting
Where's the exitement?
I mean there's a whole world out there
A bunch of new experiences to be had
Unknown mysteries to explore
Yet here I am continuing this repetition
Maintaining the system that enslaves me

Yea, **** this
I'm not some **** robot
I'm a human, with a soul
Which yearns to explore the other facets of life

My existence is so much more than just a job
MonkeyZazu Nov 2013
I'm lost in the jungle. It's so dense and vast.
Makes me wonder if I'll ever get out.
I keep moving forward, trying to escape.
It's no use though. The darkenss misleads me.
Continuously in circles I wander.

It's so hard to move. The vines engulf me.  
Tangled in them I struggle.
If only I had a blade, a machete of some sort.
Something to free me, detach me,
let me flow through this jungle as the river does.    
Constricted, alone with my discomfort,
I deal with the vines myself. Embrace them, natural and bare.
It's hard. Feels almost impossible.  
But on my own, by myself, of my own will, I sever them.  
A subtle gratitude is felt. A sense of accomplishment expereinced.

Glimmers of light sparkle through the canopy. A path emerges.
It was obscured in the shadows of the vines.
On this path the jungle feels so different.
Observing the trees and creatures,
There's a calmness, a peaceful harmony.
The path leads to a peak. At that summit I gaze the treetops.
Shining radience touches everything. Many paths lead to this peak.    
Seeing the jungle as it really is, I ponder. A realization is had.
No matter where in the jungle I am, the sun is always shining.
Whether I can see it or not, a pathway out is always there.

Within the jungle I was lost.
Above the jungle I am found.
This poem goes out to anyone experiencing depression. Hopefully you can break free from the mental obstacles(vines) of that mindset and find the way out.
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