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 Jul 2014 Mystic 9
Gladys P
Your spirit now rests in harmony,
Since you were called with the angels above,
But your smile will live forever,
And it's only you, I think of.

With wonderful memories,
When you reached out from the bottom of your heart,
To  see everyone together,
A dream you left behind, and sadly unable to start.

But I believe in eternal life,
And some day we will meet again,
To celebrate and rejoice,
And it will never have to end.

Rejoined in a new world known as paradise,
An idyllic place to be ... without any worries or pain,
Bringing happiness and togetherness once again,
In His presence and reign.
An unexpected death, at the age of 25....found unresponsive in car in a garage, due to carbon monoxide.
 Feb 2014 Mystic 9
Dieter Muniz
The worst alliteration
is living life alone.
But It's only this way
in the aftermath of your three word slang:
Semantics of Futility
In Virtue of
Want Lacking Possibility.
But sometimes
I'll put three other words before names
through the blender in my brain.
Several times,
I found the antithesis
of your old anagram.
It even rhymes:
My life is a predictable palindrome.
It rides our orbit of my *****
that forgot how to roam.
i'm carefully placing my brain
inside a blender
and setting it to
the fastest speed.
i'll feed it to you through
a feeding tube
so you can taste
what you need;
peace of mind.
 Feb 2014 Mystic 9
maybella snow
i blend into crowds
there's nothing overly standout-y about me
i'm not that ugly                            i'm not that pretty
i'm average height                              
brown eyes, hair, white skin
crossing the border a little on width
i don't call much attention to myself
but even when i do                            
i do some strange things                    
because no one looks at me              
and if they do,                                      
i'm oblivious because i'm not looking at them                                      
i'm average    
but you saw                  
something amazing                          
in me                                    
and somehow
you fell for me        
as i feel for you                

we stand out
 Feb 2014 Mystic 9
Old Leaf
 Feb 2014 Mystic 9
You're an old leaf
  from a bygone season


from your place
       within my life

I tried to sew you back on
     your brown and old
  fragile, gold
   your moth-like
 and shadow-webbed

but the
winds and weathers
  that loosed the tethers
and let you distant
                    from me

remind me there's no place
among my branches
*** me
My toes
Nose to nose
No clothes
Repure shows
Every breath
I moan..
Shallow groan
Mind blown
Love unknown
Unspoken adoration..
Speechless joy
Girl and boy
Human toy
Together enjoy
Raw passion.
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