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9.3k · Aug 2014
Meenakshi Iyer Aug 2014
Lay a finger on my pulse
And tell me I'm alive.
Feel the weight of my sigh
And tell me I'm alive.
Test the flutter of my heart
And tell me I'm alive.
See how clenched is my jaw
And tell me..

I'll survive.
7.3k · Nov 2012
All Grown Up
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
With a steaming mug of coffee in hand I watched:
the sun fall, the wind shiver, the leaves stand and land roll,
the birds swing, yellow beams dance,
and people stride in woollen warmers.
She plucked a flower in fool bloom,
then ambled away with a bamboo basket.
The clink of steel whistled through the air,
rousing sleep in the grouchy ones
saddled with books and a play toy in hand
walking in step with a grown man.
I walked there once, trying to keep pace
clasping a finger as large as my fist.
His snores now fall softly, circling the room
while I stand by the window,
wearing his shoes.
5.4k · Nov 2012
I can cry
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
I can cry;
the glorious moon cheats
the dazzling sun wanes
the cloudy sky smirks
the pudgy earth refrains

I can cry;
the man in the sidewalk eats
the woman in bus denies
the children on the playground smell
the puppy on the stairway bites

I can cry;
the riddles in the book defy
the maze and mouse are a lie
the gun for a bullet doesn’t shoot
the whistle in my palm doesn’t hoot.

I can cry;
the thoughts in my head lead astray
the senses of my body can delay
the questions I answered gave away
the answers I’ve forgotten are a mistake.
4.5k · Nov 2012
Phantom Lover
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
The night has been commissioned
to awaken in me
the ubiquitous longing for your touch.
The mindlessness consumes me
when I wander from dream to dream,
fantasizing the ever after
that’ll mysteriously become present
once you touch.

The exuberant charm in every swipe
of the breeze broadens a smile,
reminding me of the endless passion
for good humor and intense delight
that you decree in large measures
whilst I quail in love.    

It is diabolical, this game you play
of keeping in shadows
while I wither,
in the unremitting glare of the sun
that keeps me on the banks of the dark lake
leaving me with only
a few drops to wet my hand.

I will implore to have an end
to this ceaseless battle of restraint and abandon,
But am only left with a tremulous belief,
it is all not false what I see,
in the glorious mist that night casts,
I do not only sleep.
4.4k · Dec 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
I have been cruel
and unrepentant,
and on my knees
yearning for certain
people promised
good people

There is I suppose
a logic
to why it is not so tragic
I don't get when I didn't give
'cuz I was too busy
the best.

My conscience woke
when I stabbed a man
in the heart with barb
After hours or regret
and notes that confessed
I burnt it down for I knew
nothing changes.
I am still
4.4k · Nov 2012
Learning to Swim
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
Rush to the brink of it all and bloop!

They who went first nod along knowing the same the same song
before it went dark and light combust, on the shore there was a shadow standing thus.

Hurry to the buoy and rippttt!

Frosty whirls consume like cream over coffee beans
when it the only the sweet crystals that remain at the bottom of the mug.

One two three and freeeee!

Now see that treasure chest folded in ivy and barnacles
*still green in stench but precious for it is now hollow and willing to be full.
Experimental; trying out different styles.
3.8k · Nov 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
There is nothing but the swirling amber
rising and falling like a sleeping ogre’s chest,
numbing the sense of trepidation that swims about
aimlessly, catching the beacon of the lighthouse.
In the dark we dispel all our inhibitions
for who is wont to notice?
But in the face of their stares and processing brains
we stumble, afraid of them knowing
what to us is unknown.
And whilst we play this game of cat and mouse
there is the swirling amber, charming the enduring soul
with its potion of surreptitious logic
and potent healing magic,
we drain.
3.2k · Nov 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
Glaring golden eyes (beam)
serpent -tongues murmur
(slitherrry, sliperryy)
careless mistakes.

Venom drips drop drop
Forked mind (confused)
Bend in, burn out
(flipetty flappetty flop)

tears soon run dry
enemy –turned-friend
(back-stab me)
I’ll bend.
Experimenting with styles again.
3.0k · Nov 2012
Love Story
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
In a story so old, is a story of love told
as the little folks go nodding their heads.
A tale of a sin, it is has centuries been
the mystery that has, so many, misled.

Amidst the bristling leaves, to which they paid no heed
the lovers, they parried their foes.
In the wisdom of lust; for which one must crave so much,
the lovers, they deafened the shores.

The mighty they came, the mighty they slayed
and time whistled past them to flee.
It was a bruised sky that woke her,
and the weeping earth that cloaked her,
when she fell to knees and roared.

In a story so old, is a story of love told;
when purple mist dawns on us again,
about lovers who met, for those who forget,
that time doesn’t need to know tomorrow.
2.1k · Jul 2013
Giant's Nose
Meenakshi Iyer Jul 2013
The sea
like a giant's snores
makes it sentinels in jade
quiver, and in haste
they shed their arms
which fall softly
on cushioned ground
with my footprints
in its wake
as I walk into
the giant's nose.
2.0k · May 2015
Photo Album
Meenakshi Iyer May 2015
I keep flipping through
photo albums,
smiling fondly at pictures
of me taking my first steps,
playing in delight,
holding hands
once in a while.
I keep flipping and they seem
to come to life;
the colors glaring,
the rush of the sounds
and smell
embrace me for comfort,
it seems like yesterday
I stood there,
smiling a toothy smile,
thinking this was the best day
of my life.
It feels good to flip through
photo albums,
they never fray and serve
to remind.

It will be alright.
1.9k · Nov 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
There is no delight like the end
to the shrill whistle of the kettle set to boil.
While the brew might be dense,
Perchance a lil’ bitter,
the gulp of hot tea is ever divine
1.9k · Dec 2012
Mother & Daughter
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
I chased down the bustling road
when I caught a glimpse of her walking down.
Today I stand, impatient;
my finger thumping a pithy tune,
as she climbs down the stairway,
one step at a time.

Time capsules are concealed
in objects that we rarely see,
and only notice when silence visits
and sits in the middle of the room,

Today was on such day,
when my foot accidentally brushed
a tea cup that had bravely withstood,
the anomalies of my childhood,
and leaning back on its broken handle
took delight,
on my sudden emotional plight.

After years of unrelenting boundaries
the yearning to jump over,
turns into the ultimate goal.
Definace, with a vengence,
and fury so grave,
mars conscience by its senstaions,
makes it depraved.

Forgone was the leap
that bound my heart with rules
of love, loyatly and frienship,
for it now only understood,
the twinge of ache it gained
whenever it recognized,
a then familar face.

In a world fantastical,
there is order and right.
And mistakes are begotten
to only be forgotten
and set some memories aside.

I held my hand out,
on the last stair, she looked up,
and in brown eyes, just like mine,
I saw days that now defined,
our relationship,
as mother and daughter.

We talk of  far shores and setting sail,
with our two feet firmly rooted in the bay.
The anchors aren't pulled, the rigs aren't checked,
we are rarely ready, if ever,
at our fancy's behest.

In the seconds that she took to step down;
seconds in which I re-lived a lifetime,
I ran down the same road,
the bustling street with the same goal.
I held my mother's hand
and let go.
1.7k · Jan 2013
Schrodinger's wasp
Meenakshi Iyer Jan 2013
a wasp flew a straight line
from its nest to me
cloaked in puny sunshine
it thought itself to be free
unheard was its buzzing
unseen its rainbow wings
untold was what it carried
i only felt it sting
the suspension like a drawn sword
cut through the silence within
the absence of feeling retrieved
was healed by the relief of loss
an epitaph if to be given
would affirm the infinity of the end
a promise given in portions
partitioned to satisfaction
make one see through the gloss
to the plainness within
that grieves in honour and truth
shedding tears of blood
it tastes the purest fruit
in the acceptance of its pain
lies the moral of our story

- Sneha Iyer & Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish & Sneha Iyer

Co-written with my akku Vijayalakshmi Harish :)
1.5k · Dec 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
1.4k · Jun 2013
First Showers
Meenakshi Iyer Jun 2013
Someone smoked a pipe too long
and dark tufts filled the cyan expanse,
then they rumbled and thumped too loud
startling us below, enough to crane our neck
and look above.
They must have sneezed,
and excuse them please,
for the rushing wind could have stolen
their mumbled apology.
And amidst the puffy mist,
there could have been adrift,
a downy, now wet, handkerchief.
1.4k · Jun 2015
Existential Anamoly
Meenakshi Iyer Jun 2015
It whips you in the face
or carries a flighty leaf
like the tide of the wind
it varies

sometimes enshrouding
is its twisted volition
aftertimes a soothing caress
most times, which comes
amidst the debris
of guilt
and trepidation
and fear

and this is not a measure
of Richter but the abyss,
which is carved deep
and has the potential
to acknowledge
the possibility
that this is not
an existential anomaly.
1.4k · Nov 2012
Wary Creepers
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
The white noise has direct interface
with the synapses in my brain
making ants sketch across my skin
in a drunken address.
Bellicose shadows raise their fists
and wrap me in flags of color
while merging into a large edifice
with a wide open mouth
and protruding nose.
Wrenching my feet from the baloney trap
go take a round of the mulberry bush
counting the pennies dropped on the ground
by the ones who crossed onward
with the ferryman on the boat.
Footprints on soft mud
thud like batons against a hard thigh
easy to miss but not to be dismissed
they are like camouflaged quarry
in a kept heap of rye.
1.2k · Oct 2013
Meenakshi Iyer Oct 2013
bludgeoned to believe
in ever after stories
by the endless yarn of lies
I wear in pride,
eyes shining in glee
when does the mirror break
and the witch call an end
to my dark fairy tale?
I shall referee,
just to gainsay, I'm afraid,
that I continue
to leap
from ledges.
And flee.
1.2k · Dec 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
I was and will be
ever after,
a story

written by candlelight
in the presence of a kitchen knife,
laying idle, by the ribbons
twirling around chandeliers
and a pink hearts envelop,

telling you of the day,
music played
and I was there
with a smile.

And they all sang,
"Happy Birthday!"
dedicated to my family & friends!
1.1k · Dec 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
Before the storm,
after they are gone,
giving the cold shoulder,
under the fallen boulder,
under blooming spring,
idle wandering,
watching them sleep,
heartwrenching grief,
going home from work,
dinners with family,
reading that book again,
watching that movie,
eating on the sofa,
cooking a meal for one,
afternoon paintings,
written ramblings,
browing for random words,
clearing cluttered drawers,
on a crowded city street,
in a random group meet,
nod when an acquaintance greets,

1.1k · Sep 2013
The Staircase
Meenakshi Iyer Sep 2013
After countless prayers
and endless wish lists
I have a spot light
on the center stage,
but I am left
with broken slippers
that gave away
while I climbed
the creaking stairway.
I broke a heel,
to twist my ankle
and grimace in pain,
to only shed a tear
and cast a smear
on my face,
to count the steps
I still needed to climb
to find my place,
but ended up counting
the endless mistakes
I have made
on my way.
1.0k · Dec 2012
A Curse
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
1.0k · Jun 2013
Meenakshi Iyer Jun 2013
Hundred heads rolling in the dust
under a crimson sky
enveloped in the smell of musk
there stood I, victorious,
in a battle against my creed.
While I also lay dead
laden in white and a smile,
losing my soul to greed.

There is no boundary
but only ego sheathed
in time,
the unparalleled truth
is a limited guideline.

And so I am false,
my identity only a clue
before the hourglass turns again
and fallen kings rise to sing
the battle won is reset
parodies made are not of me
the mirror reflects different things
scars whittle, memories mold,
and events I thought were nothing
now cost me more than gold.

The switch is mine,
but not mine to make,
but when it does happen,
it is for me to take.

Unless I roll the dice today,
and make a choice,
to only realize..
the hourglass turned
the wrong way.
996 · Dec 2012
Sweet Buns
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012

969 · Aug 2014
Meenakshi Iyer Aug 2014
No burden is as heavy
as the regret borne
of not learning
how to let go.
968 · Dec 2012
My House
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
I have the keys,
but I ring the bell instead.
She opens the door always,
peering from behind,
wary, irritated eyes.

He stands behind her,
holding a ladle, most of the time,
with a soft smile on the face
he greets,
which I meet,
then set my bags aside.

The living room is a tidy map
of corners sectioned as per need,
a corner to pray,
a corner to store,
a corner to watch TV.
Hidden inside drawers
is a room for memories.

But this is not where I live,
but away in a room confined
to sleep, dreams, and reflections,
and one black rectangle
that keeps me aligned.

It is my escape route,
from the noise the vessels make;
in the kitchen when they thump,
on the table where they clamour,
from chasing footsteps that chase each other
to and away in tantrums.

I have one window that slopes
towards a paradise that chirps and glows
I have a door that remains closed
to the only house that I ever had,
love, but cannot adore.

I restrict myself to that one room,
in the end, the darkened corner,
and pass through the clamouring kitchen
and the rumbling living room
every morning,
to step out of that door.
925 · May 2015
Meenakshi Iyer May 2015
The only worthy qualifier
is hope,
everything else
in transient progression,
infinitevly split,
912 · Jul 2018
Meenakshi Iyer Jul 2018
Let's fall off
the edge of the page,
sail beyond the visible line,
leap from the end of the ledge,
sink into the ocean,
then sink deeper beyond.

Let's slip away
from the rim of the cup,
slide along the edges of ice,
tumble into blades,
roll with the flowers,
soar beyond the reach of the sky.

Let's find parts of ourselves,
nobody sees, hears or thinks,
burrow deeper into a new skin,
move away from what has been,
crawl into a place, so far away,
the past will never come around.
871 · Aug 2014
Meenakshi Iyer Aug 2014
It is with
the sweeping abandon
of thunder
and the stinging bite
of lighting
that the heart leaps;
beating wild
to a conundrum
that is offset,
which fears and thrills,
by the release
of passion,
so severely withheld
until the roar outside
provokes the flare inside,
and in the heady mix
of fierce power,
spirited temper,
propositioned fear,
and debilitated living,
does the soul tremble,
does the skin shiver
and the body
comes to life.

Liked reading this? Visit
857 · Nov 2012
My Answer to Your Question
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
The veil is now unravelled,
the storm dust now blown,
when left with the calm after the storm
even deciduous time seems forlorn.
There is the perfunctory trial
of breathing air to sustain,
yet in the end, I revive what,
the beliefs I let go,
the conviction from which I abstain?
I then saw reason, in this miniscule delight
of finding a realm that is positively alight
with candour and supremacy,
they regale without caution,
and entertain as they must,
in words left unspoken,
they reveal more than just.
The truth though is bespoken,
within the confines of deceit,
while the soul hunts for absolution
the mind quakes in defeat.
Annihilation is the quest,
that brought me to this place,
the answer that will be found,
is am I in passing,
or here to stay?
848 · Dec 2012
Coffee & Life
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
Impish foam that rests
on the brim of a thing delicious
to fade away in one gentle swipe
of an invisible tide.
The crusty bits that sweeten
a bitter concoction
drown under the burden
of a dark swirling mesh
but remain a heady delight.
Stirred within a diameter
is trouble with joy
and laughter unrestrained.

Sipping a hot mug of coffee incites
thoughts, that vagaries of life
and coffee, are perchance,
the same.
837 · Dec 2012
Rolling Stone
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
832 · Dec 2012
Computer Class
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
Pop-up is one word!
831 · Aug 2013
A Girl's Looking Glass
Meenakshi Iyer Aug 2013
She stared back at me,
with a sneer and asked,
"Did you really think
that was you,
in the looking glass?
Those wild curls so lush,
and brows archly brushed
a nose so fine,
a quality it possessed!
The grace that she spent
in every silken way she went
it left woman of the old gaping
and the young men,
And you with your spots,
with a nose, such a blot!
Hair that is smitten
to the wind as aimless!
Limbs so undefined,
nary a skirt I can find,
that would hide those wide hips
and body - shapeless!"

And then I took a bow
before a man and
couldn't fathom how
his presence I could digest
I was repelled so - by him.
But the looking glass wasn't far,
at every turn I saw a mar
and gave up my choice
to see
into a looking glass.
826 · Feb 2013
Bloody Valentine
Meenakshi Iyer Feb 2013
My constant.
In valleys and cliffs,
with a cigarette between lips
and a hand wrapped around swirling spirits,
my ever after happy end.

By my side, holding hands,
in the most starkest of moments
when I make outlandish demands
the only one who can know
the things I whisper when in shadows.

My eternity, my right hand,
the ace up my sleeve,
the winning hand,
my confession box,
my witless friend,
the most cursed,
my marching band.

When confronted by truth
my resilient spine,
I am my own ******
811 · Jun 2013
Meenakshi Iyer Jun 2013
A gust of wind
spread them far and wide.
Wading through blades of grass,
crawling through mud on my knees,
feeling for those jagged edges,
I place together, piece after piece.
Some caved to the power of the wind,
crumbled in the face of glory,
a few drowned, or let themselves go,
with the river that ran in fury.
There are many glaring holes
than run so deep,
the picture looks bleak,
but the ragged pieces will fall,
albeit in the end of it all,
I will truly have,
to show the world
a wonderful story.
795 · Mar 2014
Lock & Key
Meenakshi Iyer Mar 2014
I had a key I hid
in my bed, under my pillow
it rested,
perhaps often floated into my dreams
and nested.

I knew the lock it opened
I had it chained to a bed
worn my years and time
crimson rust it shed.

I handed out the key
and watched it plunge,
and unlock,
into the air flew debris
of hopes and dreams it blocked
with sparkles of magic
that it no longer sealed
leaving behind an empty space
now only to heal.

Perhaps I should have hid my key,
Perhaps I should have unlocked it sooner,

in many ways, the path to glory,
is disguised in wanton fears.
778 · Mar 2014
Meenakshi Iyer Mar 2014
I saw the sun set
and the birds fly south,
I sat on a rock
and killed the snake
which couldn't slide out.
With an ice cream cone in my hand
and a balloon that flew behind
I saw men march past,
looking to their left
holds knives in their right.
I had a broken look
of the mountain
that looked girly in pink
so much for its might,
I thought,
may be things aren't always
as unseemly,
as we think.
771 · Jun 2013
Free Falling Rain
Meenakshi Iyer Jun 2013
Free falling rain,
do we color you
when you land?
Turn your hues,
from white to blue
when you fell
with no such plan.
756 · Nov 2012
Streams of Consciousness
Meenakshi Iyer Nov 2012
There is little to do
when I'm struck
by the sheer brilliance of it all;
there is no mystery to eternity,
no carnal creation of lust,
but only one human body
upon a wandering mind.
734 · Feb 2013
Meenakshi Iyer Feb 2013
Let us dream
how else does one tolerate
And dream to not aspire
but to deny
every falsehood promised
for eternity.
And dream so large
and so long
that you


720 · Aug 2015
Wind Mills
Meenakshi Iyer Aug 2015
I forgot how to breathe
underwater; serenity
inhale-exhale seemed like exercise
the wheel chairs moving
on white lawns
like exile

life behind lenses not tinted
but rimmed thick; reality check
felt like harsh sunlight

leaving bokeh lights clouding
my judgment
and I grew afraid

of insight - behind clouds
shrouded but certain
the windmills continue to rotate

left - right
left right
686 · Feb 2013
Prism Eye
Meenakshi Iyer Feb 2013


               ... wait ...

677 · May 2015
Meenakshi Iyer May 2015
Like a shrub among trees,
I seem too have become attached
to my past,
roots so deep
they linger, poignantly
in every breath of my leaves.
Strive as I may
to reach the sun
and grab at air
my arms fall short
my legs too nimble.
To keep strong,
I’ll just stand still
and hold this poise
till I touch and sky.
661 · Dec 2012
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
I took a detour,
gave in to the allure
of the bending road
half in shadows

Full bloomed flowers draped
the ivy that fell from the sky
surrounded by mystic elements of
a natural life,
I thought this is the place to be.

And I walked away
from the constant to the foretold,
from the legends to the myths,
wanting to relish
the myriad phases
that in a darker place

But, it was a detour,
not my decided road,
for though the journey
is what they talk about;
they are mostly, lost souls.
I am for that one goal
I set off to first find,
I came off the detour,
to leave the glory behind.
652 · Apr 2015
Bokeh Water
Meenakshi Iyer Apr 2015
There is a transient moment
most profound
and necessary.

It is that line
which borders the sky
and the water,
the umimaginary,
tangible edge
of reality and perception,
past and future,
mirror and reflection,
which develops insight.

A transient, effervescent moment,
of delight.
650 · Dec 2012
The Legacy of Truth
Meenakshi Iyer Dec 2012
Beyond the tightly drawn silence
the truth lies resolute.
The silence;
disguised by nomenclatures
like an elusive smoke wave
disppears; so mystifying,
in our everyday.

Who is watching, but the wary?
Evoked by fear, sometimes impatience,
the eyes that wandering.
And some cower, secure under the shield
of substantial fashion it gleams;
the easy retreat.

Should I fight?
Dawn the lens that zooms in
to clarify the tomes I carry
that boast of the legacy of truth.
Unknowing if it will sooth.
Or should I just nod along,
turn the page and carry on,
without dwindling about circumstances
that shape or uproot.

But, why do I question,
when I have already begun,
listening to silence.
646 · Sep 2015
When Strangers Meet
Meenakshi Iyer Sep 2015
The shield gets thicker
and the hand that wields it
and in foggy nights,
even blind with sleep
the left arm is ever ready

and so easy is the foe
who comes from friend
making reason politely

every gesture turned
words said undone
eyes disguise intent
spies in fellow ones

this is war, the real deal
that is seldom revealed
it is the lone warrior who knows
stories always left untold
619 · Jan 2013
Meenakshi Iyer Jan 2013
On an isolated strip,
sheltered by them green,
the wind ruffled my hair
and time moved gently,
I heard a sigh,
that was swept away in a roar,
in the land of his shrine

I think it was my soul.
My first visit to Sri Lanka has been overwhelming. Recommend this quaint and beautiful country to all those who love to travel. Reclamation is about my visit to the Kothduwa temple located on the Kothduwa island.

More to follow.
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