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 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
Bring her to the forge of the gods
With the guidance of your mother,
You can lead this Beholder to

Open up the gates to the
Wardens of Vanos and break that
Sacred promise that you've held to
Your breast for centuries, trust that
Now is the time to break it
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
My Promise
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
At the time, I was passionate
I was adamant
Our love moved mountains and
Your eyes were like twin gods

I don't miss it anymore, no
But I get flashes to the past sometimes
And my mind makes little rhymes
Trying to put the pieces together
To find out why I left

And the mysteries never solve themselves,
It's why they're called mysteries and
It's why it's best to leave them alone

There's no bad blood between us, no
Only stale words and promises I
Made and never kept and I knew that
One day I'd pull the plug on you

I can't tell if you're more alive now but
I know that I'm becoming something new
Something better
Someone better than who I was before

Because I'm adamant
That my love will persist through this
Storm and that I will rise to face the
Challenges that lie ahead and these are
Things that I can do alone

I don't need another part to complete me
I'm all I have left and I'm all I'll ever want
Beyond the sunlight and the trees and other
Little permanent things

It's crazy how the world shifts around us and
Sometimes we're the ones doing the shifting,
And how the leaves look different in the spring
Than they do in the winter

Dead things never truly go away, I've learned.
Like the rain in the summer, old things come back
To bite you and like the leaves in the winter, lost
Beauty will never truly desert you
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
How sacred is a mystery?
Longer kept in its own veil
Than a human lifetime or the
Breath of a bachelor

Clutched to my chest like a
Dying heartbeat, this mystery
Is one I never wish to release
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
Baryon Skies
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
Whisper that song of kings long forgotten
And underdogs are the only true winners
But those who are immortalized in stone
Should always be dead

Pull me close for this coming storm
And I'll take your warmth and give you mine
Like any good friend should

I know I should tell you the truth
About what we've done but
Seeing our world broken like this
Would tear your heart apart and
Ruin these Baryon Skies we're under
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
We're more similar than we realize but
Infatuation only delivers disappointment
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
The Fires
 Dec 2015 Mikoarenas
I can handle depression
But anxiety is a bit too much

I'm sorry for writing your run-of-the-mill
Emotional venting poem but I need to get
This off my chest and I have nobody left
To talk to, not to say I'm not thankful

These fires lately have me on edge and there's
Too much on my shoulders and though I
Know that I can't collapse,
I really do want to
 Nov 2015 Mikoarenas
Amulet Atari
Your name
Is nails on a chalkboard,
Slipping from my tongue like the slime of unwashed plates.
Vowels left unattended, a man at the door asking to be let in
Whom I don't know.

Your name
Is the creaking of a staircase,
Sending chills up my spine, for I am the only one who's home.
Syllables upended, a vase of ashes on the rug knocked over
By what I tell myself was the wind.

Your name
is the clicking of a lock,
opened from the outside
When only I own the key.
Consonants only hinted, a stillness in the air that settles on my skin.

Your name
Is haunted,
And it's ghost sleeps on my sheets
leaving behind the scent of roses and stomach acid
In it's wake.
 Nov 2015 Mikoarenas
Amulet Atari
Maybe burning that drawing was disrespect to your art
But you disrespected my body

I can see the flames curling on the paper but under the embers
Is your hands on my chest

Maybe it was unfair of me to break up with you so sudden
But it was unfair of you to touch me

It was unfair of you to start this in the first place

14 I was 14 and you were too **** old you should've stayed away
They told you

Why didn't you listen

Maybe burning that drawing was a disrespect to your art
But you disrespected my body

And if you think I'm gonna forget that then you don't know me at all
 Nov 2015 Mikoarenas
Amulet Atari
I miss you
You haven't left yet
But I can feel your presence leaking out of the sides of my box
My safety
My comfort

I miss you
You haven't left yet
But my chest feels empty stretching out to reach you
My safety
My comfort

I miss you
You haven't left yet
But you've left me
My safety
My comfort.
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