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 May 2015 mikerowave
Hello fears.

Darkness, alone, self worth,
Take a seat.
It's been awhile.
All pulling me back to you with your wicked ways.

What a feeling of utter nothing. Keeping not only the light of day out, but the people who surround away.
Now alone with no one you come. Not to play but to remind me I'm alone.
Self worth...
Hi there. Quiet a bipolar one you are. Stuck with Alone you make me weak...but when you see light you are my friend..why must you play with me  like so?

Good bye, fears.
Take my tears and leave. I don't need you anyway
Testing my sleeping mind
 May 2015 mikerowave
 May 2015 mikerowave
The rose starts as  seed and then grows into a bush where buds will soon bloom and show their "pretty face"
The problem with this is the moment they are picked.
They, by humans choice are stripped from their beauty as a bush and put on after day they are looked upon and slowly...they decay.
It starts from the that first day and slowly they decay from the inside out until they loose all the beauty they where picked for so they are thrown away. Forgotten.
This is the same with the girl in our society today. They are picked in their "prime time", usually 13 and then society looks upon them with such harsh eyes they begin to pick at themselves until they are nothing left. They have been harmed from the inside out and there is no going back. They are withered to the bone.
Stop picking our girls so soon, they are not tuly ready to bloom at that age.
Society stop acting like you aren't killing them slowly like the rose you put in that pretty blue vase on the shelf.
Girls, you are the most beautiful flowers our world has... DON'T let them pull you from you.
 May 2015 mikerowave
 May 2015 mikerowave
It's never falling that is the hard part.
It's landing without that person you thought would be there in the end of it all.
The free fall where you finally relax and let your walls come down because you want to feel is as easy as melting a popsicle.
Its the bone crushing end that leaves you in pieces that nearly kills you....because your walls where down. Yet you where relaxed maybe it was your body telling you, you where ready for the heart break in the first place.
 May 2015 mikerowave
It's so funny when people say make lemonade!
Because all the lemons I've ever been given,
have been moldy and much to bruised to truly
make some good lemonade to get me through
the day.

And secondly where am I suppose to get the sugar from?
Water is easy I can just use the tears from the times
when the lemons were sprayed in my eyes instead
of given to me.
But sugar? It that a joke?Life has never been that sweet.

For all those who say when "when life gives you
lemons make lemonade"...I'd like you to have
the first drink of my moldy lemon,tear water, no sugar...

— The End —