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 May 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
 May 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
A guy named Joseph
Once said that ****
Was his favorite word
Because it could be a noun
Or a verb
Or an expression of anger.
He proceeded to shave half of his head
Precisely down the middle.
Perhaps he is not a waterfall
Of good decision making.
 May 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
This is an apology
to all the friends I made
under false pretenses
in the third grade.
I beg forgiveness for the lies that I told
because I was an ignorant nine year old
who had no friends
and wanted to be important
more than anything.
I spun lies
and fed them
to unsuspecting children
on the playground.
I told myself that they were stories.
I forgave myself
every **** time.
With every word that slid off my tongue
I imagined the countless hours I spent
and deemed my stories
an acceptable alternative
to loneliness.
This is an apology
for all the lies I told
to try and convince myself
more than anyone else
that I was interesting.
And for the friends who stayed with me
who waded through an ocean
of dishonest answers
to innocent questions.
Thank you.
You found the real me under a cocoon
I wove for my fragile ego.
This is a promise
for a future devoid of lies.
 Apr 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
 Apr 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
I hang paper cranes
Above my head
So I can fly in my dreams
The map of the world
That hangs on my wall
Is a canvas for me to paint
The Shakespeare quote
Reminds me of where I'm going
Baby pictures remind me
Of where I've been
My blankets are my cocoon
I'm a butterfly
I lie in the dark
Spinning poetry like a web
Popcorn feeds my stomach
Paperback novels feed my mind
My dressing gown hangs on the door
My walls are trimmed with fairy lights
A tv sits atop a dresser
Like a skeleton, it lay unwatched
I'd prefer to dream of lilac baths
Than force my brain to rot.
Under my bed there's dust bunnies
And monsters
And in the dark they creak
But I'm sleeping with my paper cranes
And flying in my dreams.
 Apr 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
 Apr 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
Spring crashes over us
Like a tidal wave
Summer drifts in
Like a river
Fall comes far to quickly
And leaves far too soon
Leaving pale winter
In it's wake.
Season go on
And we lie
Muffled beneath dirt
Shoved in a Woden box
Faces ringed with decay
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
And the seasons go on.
We roam the earth
As ghosts
Waking spirits
Simply another tear
Of life
Another bridge to cross.
We lie together
For the rest of time
We walk the earth as ghosts
And the seasons go on.
Snow and leaves fall
Flowers bloom and children
Bask in the hot glow of the sun
Over an unmarked grave
A plot of land
Absent of dedication
We lie together
And the seasons go on.
 Apr 2014 Z
Meagan O'Hara
You gave me roses on our first date
and you gave me that award winning smile
but now those flowers are old and withered
and youve left me alone for quite awhile

so, thanks for nothing.
you never meant anything you said.
I dont even think you were here
please get out of my head
 Apr 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
I was young
Sticky hands
Wide eyes
Wandering through the garden
My wide eyes
Fell upon
New people digging up
The flower beds
The tiger lillies
And putting them in my red wagon
And taking them away.
My mother sold our tiger lillies
Because they reminded her
Of my father
And so she hated them
Both of them
And we no longer have tiger lillies
In the garden.
 Apr 2014 Z
Meghan O'Neill
In the 8th grade
They told us to write about
What we believed
Others wrote about
Hard work
I wrote about
We had to read them
To the class
Everyone else
Was told
Good job
Well done
Nice work
I was told
That I was

In the 8th grade
They told us
To write an essay
Others wrote about
I wrote about creationism
And why I thought
That it was stupid
We had to read them
To the class
Everyone else was told
Good job
Well done
Nice work
I was told
That I was
 Apr 2014 Z
circus clown
 Apr 2014 Z
circus clown
i prefer rainfall over
sunshine, and maybe that
explains why i'd choose
you over anyone else.
i always hope that
it's a beautiful day
wherever you are, and
all i ever want to do
is kiss your spine and
never apologize again
but my lips have yet to meet
the skin on your back
and for that
i am sorry.
you deserve every grin that you get.
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