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Melanie Jun 2014
Often, I lose faith in it. Sometimes, I believe in it. And always, do I want it.
A sinking feeling that bellows in my core, yet a spirit uprooted into something more.
It’s a quicken in my step, and a leap of faith, it is something that makes my whole heart quake.
It is a sign from above, some may say fate. It is flutter in my gut, the butterflies that await.
Though, my heart feels heavy at times, and not all of my words seem to rhyme.
Every now and then, there is an ache. A subtle reminder that love wasn’t ours to take.
So if this mistake still makes me shake, I wonder if this concept is real or fake?
Even in my darkest hours, my loftiest of days, my belief in love always remains.
Beyond all the pain, remorse, heartache & fears. I must believe something’s worth all the tears.
For each day, paths crossed with whom are unknown. To us, another face on life’s winding road.
Could the next passerby be the one I look for? The only person ever to make my spirit soar.
If this great love is finally found, will he know just how much my heart leaps and bounds?
Will he smile at my jokes & hold me when I’m down? Will he always be around?
Will I be the first person he wants to see when he awakes and the last before he lies down?
Will I be all he wants and nothing more? Will I be enough for him and never a bore?
Will he want me beside him forever and always? To have & to hold for each & all our days.
Often, I lose sight of it. Sometimes, I am frightened of it. Yet always, do I want it.
Melanie Apr 2014
Hand softly against your cheek.
Lips pressed to your ear.
The whisper drifts into your consciousness, almost inaudible.
It's a request. A wish. A desire. A quench for passion.
The words tickle your canal as they enter.
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up tall.
The speaker does not own these words but rather they own you.
Captivating, filled with desire, a yearning, wanting more.
As they trickle in, you process the slivering snakelike progression of words that just met your ear.
"Kiss me."
The very word "kiss" can set you on fire.
There's something about the word.
The way it's sharp and bold in the beginning...
Yet...electrifying at the end.
It is drawn out, poetic, tongue tying.
If you close your eyes, you can almost envision getting lost in the letters.
First, there's the K.
That crisp, clean K that is proud yet does not boast.
That K cuts like a knife, no not a knife, a kite, it cuts like a kite, soaring high into the sky. Never planning on coming down.
Then, you've got the I.
It stands tall but it's shy and sandwiched in the middle.
It cowers from the past and even more fearful of what is to come.
It is elusive, slightly ****, coy, perhaps even unattainable.
Then you've got the electrifying, alliterative "ss."
Almost as if you're not ready for the word to end, holding, dare I say, clinging onto those last precious letters, dragging out every last sound.
Every last breath has come to this.
It comes and then goes before you can say it.
Fearful of missing it.
You hang onto that "S" for it is the last thing that ties you to this.
Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.
Once you've said it, never stop saying it.
Kiss Kiss Kiss.
All good things, though, must go. Then the time comes to let it be.
So then you say,"Kiss me."
Melanie Mar 2014
Hovering and heavy, it surrounds me.
Deep, entrenching, suffocating fog around.
The blue sky seems to radiate gray now.
Darkness within, overflowing my heart abound.

Blinded by the past, paralyzed of the future.
The rocky shores thrash violently as tides climb high.
Bright blue water fills and fills amidst stormy seas.
Yet an inner emptiness in every minute that passes by.

And as this storm rages on, the droplets pour.
Devastatingly uncertain, blackened with regret.
An external catastrophe that echos what stirs in me.
Broken, bitter causing inner turmoil and upset.

Branches sway and swing and chaos enveloped.
Beauty shattered as mother nature unravels.
An unknown future and unfilled desires.
Longing for joy & love in all of life's travels.
Melanie Feb 2014
Are we all just lost souls of a lost generation?

Wandering aimlessly looking for purpose.

Empty inside yet yearning for elation.

Every feeling bubbling to the surface.

Are we all just in need of something more?

Instead of life ticking away, waiting to die.

Waiting for our own moment to soar.

Day by day, time passes us by.

Do we regret words spoken or those left unsaid?

In attempt to make sense of who we’ve lost.

Feelings of dread, hearts bled, signs misread.

Desperate in our search regardless of the cost.

Do we believed it’s predetermined, destiny, fate?

The road laid out in front of us, a future course.

Shall we simply just sit idly and wait?

Create a new path and be our own guiding force.

Are we lost souls who long for love?

To love and be loved they say is supreme.

Above all else, this is all we think of.

Alas though, life is but a dream.

Yes, we are the lost generation of lost souls.

Lost at sea, adrift, directionless, astray.

Longing to be loved, held, and whole.

Lost souls tangled in hearts’ dismay.
Melanie Feb 2014
And in my heart lies a hole as deep as the ocean.

It is an emptiness as wide as outer space.

The feeling that comes from within,

A powerful darkness that I am afraid to face.

And each day, month and year that passes,

Not even time can heal my wounds.

Neither music nor family fills the void,

However, I hope the pain subsides soon.

In a world with over a billion people,

How can one person feel so alone?

In a world with so many people,

and no one to call my home.

For there is truly only one thing to fill that space,

Something powerful enough to battle the bad.

For only love can ease my troubled soul,

But I have yet to find it and for that, I am sad.
Melanie Feb 2014
Fingers interlocked, warm embrace

A peck on the cheek, a hand on thy face

A flick of the hair, the flight of a dove

Lying in bed, two lovers in love

Lips against lips, bodies united

The sound of thy voice, all senses heightened

Words of love, words of care

It’s not what you say; it’s just that you’re there

A sense of support, a place of comfort

In thy safe arms, how could I be hurt?

A whisper in my ear, laughter in the air

The flight of a dove, a flick of the hair

A hand on thy face, a peck on thy cheek

Sweaty palms, heart rates at peak

Warm embrace, fingers interlocked

Batted eyelashes and heads cocked

It begins again, the sign of a new start

A flower in bloom, the beat of a heart

No sight as sweet as two bodies entwined

No feeling as great as two hearts combined
Melanie Feb 2014
As the sunlight slowly spreads all around

Whispered words within thy ear.

Wrinkled noses and eyelids down,

No place better than right here.

When apart, there is great pain.

When near, pain is no more.

Sheer happiness like a kiss in the rain.

Tears of joy as the droplets pour.

When there is fear in thy eye,

When there is pain in thy heart,

My beloved shall ease my sighs,

For he and I shall never part.

Such beauty when two share one soul.

Walking side by side, love newly born.

Incomplete when apart, together each feel whole.

This must be happiness in the purest of forms.

And that is what love is: true and pure.

Every day filled with laughter

For a broken heart, there is no cure.

All we ever want is our happily ever after.

We never choose love, rather it chooses us.

And as time passes, it only grows stronger.

Being in love with thy best friend is a must.

No time will be enough, always wanting longer.

Someone to grow old with, wrinkles and all.

Still sharing secrets until the day we die,

Good news or bad, still the first person to call.

Watching our children grow right before our eyes.

In times of good and times of bad,

A hand to hold, a shoulder of rest.

A lifetime of memories had,

An epic love story, the best of the best.
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