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Melanie Feb 2014
To give one’s heart away is the ultimate sacrifice.

For everything pours from within it.

When one betrays that sacred trust,

The inner truth is hard to admit.

That love hurts and love is cruel.

In the end, some of us do end up alone.

Happiness wasn’t meant for all of us.

These feelings are not ours to own.

We open ourselves up, left so vulnerable.

Giving a part of our soul, piece by piece.

Then guarded once again from all who dare,

To burn down those walls & bring to a cease.

Imposters all around, it is hard to decipher.

Who is worthy and who just pretends?

A heart should not be given easily,

For a heart is quite hard to mend.
Melanie Feb 2014
Desire. The heart’s desire….

… is a funny thing.

We say we want things, but want isn’t enough.

To desire something is to crave it.

Crave it beyond all capacity.

And what’s worse than that craving is…

…knowing you can never have it.

You see, you can work as hard as you can,

and still never obtain your heart’s desire.

You don’t understand, do you?

How can you crave something so badly & never be able to reach it?

What’s even more frustrating is that others have reached their heart’s desire.

They’ve reached high up into the sky, plucked it and brought it back down to Earth with them.

But there you are. Alone. Empty-handed.

That voice in your head. That hole in your heart. That craving. It’s only going to get bigger.

But you’ll never satisfy it.

There’s no reason why.

There’s no making sense of this.

And with each passing day, your heart breaks a bit more because you can’t have the one thing you truly want.

Your head may know this but your heart doesn’t. And even though your mind may have given up on that desire, your heart never will.

The heart may shatter easily but it is not weak.

It perseveres.

Despite the mind telling it otherwise. Despite people telling it otherwise. Despite your own insecurities telling it otherwise.

Sure, your heart may break into a million and one pieces but that doesn’t make you broken.

And it doesn’t mean you should give up on your heart’s desire.

If and only if for the sole reason, that there is nothing in this world you want more.

Desire is a funny thing.

But maybe just maybe when you find it, it’s beautiful, extraordinary, miraculous, inexplicable magic.
Melanie Feb 2014
One lone bluebird begins its flight.

One lone bluebird gone to great heights.

Beautiful wings, strong and hollow

All the other bluebirds obediently follow

Surrounded by others high in the sky,

One lone bluebird destined to fly.

High above the trees, wings spread to soar,

One lone bluebird in search of something more.

And with bluebird friends all around,

One lone bluebird feeling quite down.

Suddenly, the bluebird is all alone.

Desperately trying to make it back home.

Wings withdrawn and perched on a tree,

Covered in darkness, difficult to see.

In the silence, the bluebird finds bliss.

In the silence, inner thoughts persist.

One lone bluebird missing its friends.

One lone bluebird fearful of the end.

Eerily quiet in utter solitude,

One lone bluebird has a change in mood.

An important lesson was learned that day,

One lone bluebird had lost its way.

Though it may be easier to hide,

Life is better with other birds by its side.

One lone bluebird destined to fly,

Surrounded by others high in the sky.
Melanie Feb 2014
There is a heaviness all around.

There is a fog that surrounds.

Encasing my heavy heart.

Beyond repair, unable to restart.

There is a weight in my chest.

There are echoes that cease to rest.

Word by word, crack by crack.

Nothing at all can take this back.

There is loss and regret.

There are memories to forget.

Pain eats away from inside out.

No self-worth, filled with doubt.

There is isolation like none other.

There are tears one after another.

And as the tides ebb and flow,

This heaviness begins to grow.

There are smiles no more.

There is an ache at the core.

Weighed down by heaviness.

Betrayed by the heartless.

There is a wind howling away.

There are skies forever gray.

Nothing at all will make this okay.

For no words known can make you stay.

— The End —