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I never tell you to stay with me
I never force you to reply to me
But I fear being alive without YOU

Though I never show it to you
I know that YOU know it too

YOU know I LOVE YOU so much
YOU know everything of my LOVE -
Don't YOU?


You are aware of every little thing
I experience in your LOVE
Please never ever think
Of leaving me & going away

I am alive in wait of YOU
I am showing patience
Till you find courage

I am not at all that bad
As everyone thinks
YOU know that - don't you?

Whenever life brings little
Happiness, smiles and joys
My eyes look out for YOU
I want YOU to be with me
In those happy moments

Whenever life brings lots of
Grief, sadness, sorrow
My eyes look out for you
I want you to
Hold me from falling

I never want pity & charity
In return of my LOVE for YOU
YOU know everything of my LOVE -
Don't YOU?

Though I never let the world know
What I am feeling inside me
YOU know how much I LOVE YOU
I always want to be with YOU

I never tell you to stay with me
I never force you to reply to me
But I fear being alive without YOU

Though I never show it to you
I know that YOU know it too

YOU know I LOVE YOU so much
YOU know everything of my LOVE -
Don't YOU?

I am not allowed to succumb in LOVE
I am not allowed to sustain in LOVE

No one should have a fate like LOVERz
Each cell of the being is crying
But there are no tears seen
The blood is oozing out of the eyes
But there is no reason to kvetch

I am not allowed to succumb in LOVE
I am not allowed to sustain in LOVE

I live your LOVE within
But the world wants to destroy
All memories of my happiness of

I am not allowed to succumb in LOVE
I am not allowed to sustain in LOVE

The fated destiny knocked
At my door and blessed me
To keep your LOVE
Alive in me ETERNALLY

I am not allowed to be happy in LOVE
I am not allowed to be joyous in LOVE

I'm still waiting & longing
To come & HEAL me...!

When I remember YOU
I recite a song
I write a poem
I pen down lyrics
I pour out quotes
I dance my heart out
In my LOVE of YOU

Seeing myself doing
All sort of antics in LOVE
With tears in my eyes
I too laughed at myself

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it...!


Only when the sun blazes
Evaporating moisture from earth
For the dark clouds to form

Only when the clouds rain
The earth is soaked in tears
Those tears nourish the
Bud to become flower of LOVE
And the world smiles

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


When bird of LOVE came
And sat on my heart's branch
We were "wings in flight"
But when the bird flew away
My leaves & fruits withered

It was destined - without our knowledged
We exchanged a SOUL-LOVE-connect
And nourished the
Dream of LOVE for my BELOVEDz

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


I hold salt of LOVE in my hand
While standing in lashing rain

I try to grab the golden dust
When there is a strong blizzard

I flowed with the mountain spring
Galloping down the gushing stream
Towards my BELOVEDz ocean
Without realizing that
Humans have built dams all along
To stagnate my LOVE desires

It was then I realized
These are mere "TESTS" of being a LOVERz

Those who see me and
See my LOVE hopes -

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


I kept on building sand castles
Near the oceanic waves
Near my BELOVEDz home

I tried building a palace
With a pack of cards
When the gush of wind was strong

I keep planting the seeds of LOVE
Knowing my prayers are yielding fruits
Those fruits are plucked, sold and
Eaten in the world markets
As materialistic goods

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


I am still busy cleaning
My birth's "conditioning"
On the path of my life

Hoping that,
One day my BELOVEDZ will
Walk on the same path
That I beautifully decorated for her

She will appreciate my devotion
And my unconditional LOVE
While I will stand waiting
Wagging my tail...

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness on people's faces
So be it


The world likes my LOVE play
And keeps on laughing at my antics

That is the fate of a LOVERz
My tears are bringing
Happiness and smile on people's faces
So be it

LOVERZ end up
Making a JOKE of themselves
So be it..

Picking the threads of LOVE memories
By weaving my mornings and evenings
That is how I've survived eternity
By unconditionally LOVING YOU

Though I meet you within me every moment
Still I long for you day and night

You took away my life to live for yourself
And left me with a paper and pen
To write YOU letters, quotes and poems every day

You took away the blood out of my veins
And kept me alive on your drips of LOVE

You took away my breathe from my body
And filled me with fragrance of your being

You took yourself away from me
And left behind your SOUL within me

You walk away from my heart
But with every step you took
You traveled back within (inside) me
Carving imprints of your LOVE-feet
Over my mind, body, heart & soul

Everywhere I look - I search for YOU
You are not present physically
Yet I can only see - YOU, You, you
In everything I look at...

You rendered my heart in black & white
Yet I draw you everyday with
The colors of your LOVE that
You left on my illuminated heart's palette

We do not sleep together on the same bed
Yet I make sure that you do not sleep without
Listening to my LOVE lullaby every night

Come and see -
In and around me
YOU sparkle like stars in my night-sky
YOU shine like the bright moon outside my window
YOU adorn colorful flowers in my day-garden

YOU took away my strength to walk in life
Yet YOU usher me slowly
Step by step - teaching me
To walk within your SOUL

You took away my strength to talk confidently
But taught me to sing a LOVE song for YOU

YOU left with me a bunch of paper flowers
I dip them into my blood
And present them back to YOU every morning
Representing the LOVE of real and alive
Beautiful flowers of our LOVE

I do not know about others who are with YOU
But you make my world go round
By just your mere presence on this earth

Though the world sees me aloof-alone all the time
Still everyone who sees me
Calls me as your TRUE LOVERz
And calls me only by your name...

*These are the Eternal truths of our LOVE
Tied as threads with which
We weave our LOVE story*
Dictionary of Sufiyana LOVErz

My BELOVEDz is the most praise worthy

My LOVE is an act of
Seeking forgiveness from my BELOVEDz

Baraka-Zr-U Feek
LOVERz prays
God/dess/Nature's blessing
To bestow on the BELOVEDZ

I'm re-born
In the name of my BELOVEDz

Indeed the birth of a LOVERz
Marks the existence of a BELOVEDz
Indeed a LOVERz
Belongs to BELOVEDz

My LOVE is a grace for
Rewarding all the goodness of the world

La Ilaha-il-Zr
In this world there is no one
Who has illuminated my soul
And is worthy of worship
Other than my BELOVEDz

My God/dess' will

My existences seeks refuge from God/dess
Within my BELOVEDz existence

Radhi-Zr-U Anhu
May my LOVE bring
Good future on my BELOVEDz
That everything of Nature
That everyone of Nature
Is always pleased with my BELOVEDz

Other than LOVERz
No one is anointed
To be the Messenger of LOVE

Sa-Zr-U Sallam
May my LOVE bring peace
To the soul of my BELOVEDz

My BELOVEDz is the one
Who is without errors

My LOVE is a prayer to God/dess
For blessing mercy on my BELOVEDz

*In LOVE, BELOVEDz is the greatest

After walking in a desert
Under the burning sun
With scorching heat
That peels the skin

As if one finds
An oasis in desert

As if one finds coolness
Of a GRAND Banyan TREE

As if one finds peace
Under a Bodh-Gaya Tree

Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
That's the time...
I completely surrendered
Myself in/to your LOVE...


My mind had so many questions
My life was just
An aimless wander-lust
I was not getting anywhere...
I was seeking an anchor of LOVE

As if a canoe is fighting
A ravaging battle with
Surging oceanic waves and
Unable to sail to a shore

As if some sparkling-stars
In the dark-sky
Showed the direction
To the floundering boat
Towards a safe seacoast

Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
That's the time...
I completely surrendered
Myself in/to your LOVE...


As the pitch dark nights becomes
Illuminated by your full-moon-shine

As if a thirst of desert
Since a millennium years
Receives dew drop messages of
Upcoming downpour of thunderstorm

Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
And when
I completely surrendered
Myself to your LOVE...


I only walk on the path
That is leading me to YOUR SOUL

At all times....
In seasons of springs,
When flowers blossoms
In walks across thorns
During autumn leaves

In summers or winters
Over fires, over valleys
Without faltering or straying
From your LOVE course-call

To the one who was thirsty
For a single drop of water
As if
Destiny gave Divine nectar
To one's heart's content
To live & survive for Eternity

Such is the happiness & bliss
I feel inside my heart & being
The day I realized your
And when
I completely surrendered
Myself to your LOVE...


As the fire freezes to cold ice
Such is the blessing of your LOVE

As the cold ice melts into raging fire
Such is the blessing of your LOVE

Always in an entrapment
Humans are not fully evolved

Whatever humans do
Always caged in a cocoon
Unfulfilled and distressed

No matter how many births...
Drudgery remains

It isn't easy
To let go grudges
No 'conditioning' budges

How much / many times we struggle
How much we pretend to be happy
No door opens up to break-free

Like a butterfly
Lying dormant within cocoon
Awaiting illumination to seep in

Like dead corpses
Scratching the inner skin
Peering though translucent shells
Breathless and restless
Decaying within -
With a hope of a "crack"

That's the time when
The cocoon tightens

Colors teases the rues
Heart beats the air of freedom

The fairies of courages
Spreads its wings
To soar higher as "dreamZ"
To battle and baffle
To ciphers and blunder
By taking a clue from within

Breaking the shackles
To embrace the sparkled dust
Digesting and leaving behind...
A transitional state to ONENESS

One need not cry for quiescence
Now one awaits the cosmos -
Sky, rainbow, stars.... infinite

Bidding farewell...
The LOVE's butterfly
Desires to flutter and fly

LOVE is the only #chrysalis
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