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Megan Matthews Apr 2020
It will reveal
Things you already knew,
Like the scars you see on your skin.
Lost, Found.
Megan Matthews Nov 2011
Your love is contagious,

your scent is outrageous.

your eyes are illuminating,

your smile is captivating.

every inch, every sound, every memory.

it’s contagious.

Your words-

they are kind,

they are wise.

Your words-

inspire me,

entice me.

Your words-

are contagious.
Megan Matthews Nov 2011
As rain hits a cold tin roof
my thoughts-- they stay very aloof.
I think only, of you.
You make up every minuscule part of my thoughts,
every memory, every dream.
Megan Matthews Nov 2011
I miss their cold house
I miss sittinn w/ them on their couch.
I remember that one time we had to **** a mouse

I miss their smiling faces
even though their was alcohol traces
the talk of their adoption cases

the big giant hugs
the evenly stained rugs
and the spray for the nasty bugs

the personalized birthday cakes
them being there when I wake
those art projects we used to make

their faces when I walked in the door
when we all pitched in to clean the floor
my dad would always snore

the long messages they left on my phone
how I could never ever find a comb
they way we all sang off-tone

I miss when we prayed before diner
we were really all just beginners
all these things I can't help but remeber

prayers in the evening night
the occasional sibling fight
my dad was always right

I love them so much
our story is truly touching
so inspiring and such

even though things got really rough
there is no deny that we were really tough
I didn't get to see long enough

I'm longing for the day
that I can finally say
we are all here to stay.

when we danced in the family room
and in the sring when the flowers bloomed
to the nights where we sat outside and saw the moon

in the summer when we swam at the pool
in the afternoons when they came home from school
to the days it started to get cool

I miss the crazy hair doos
all the days that had been rued
when everyone was in a good mood

when katie wore he skirts too short
and I watched them play basketball on the bball courts
when elizabeth would laugh and then snort:)

when we had that huge waterfight in the backyard
when we would throw pillows at each other really hard
the way we always made each other birthday cards

how we all had to squeeze in our car
the way they liked pickles from a jar
that big brownie that kinda looked like tar

the hello kitty cd player
the giant peppper shaker
and the pro food maker

I miss them with all my heart
it was all ment to be from the start
all of us did our parts.

I miss them
Megan Matthews Nov 2011
we all at some point get beat
but something manages to keep us on our feet
we all at some point get knocked down
eventually the good times come back around
Megan Matthews Nov 2011
If you talked in your sleep
i would stay up all night just to hear what you had to say.
Megan Matthews Nov 2011
don’t even bother to ask if im okay
because every time i keep telling lies.
just to cover up what i can not say
and the truth is slowly dying
no, its growing and will never decay
save me
save me
my fear has grown
and ive gone weak
my feelings are beginning to show
i can barely speak
and i can not seem to let this go

(written in 2o1o)
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