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 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Rain can be heard anywhere
Not just on a tin roof.
I hear it on the car top as
I curl up
Drivers seat
Writing this poem.
I heard the rain in my
White noise
Background din.
Rain was once appreciated.
But I've blended it into the background
Like a chalk painting,
Wiping it again and again
Until it's nothing but
White noise din.
Rain rain come and stay.
Don't ever go away.
I want to hear you.
 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
What is life?
A glimpse of the present?
A present of the past,
A past of the future?
An eclipse of humanity?
A picture worth 1,000 words?
The craving of mankind
Easy to lose, hard to gain.
Once upon a time Life was beautiful.
Long futures cascaded down its back
And pasta graced its aura.
But then mankind abused it.
Beat up, battered down.
People took it and destroyed it.
It screamed out to God.
He took Life and made it everlasting.
Life shined brighter than the stars.
And it still does if you look hard enough.
 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Is electricity
In my tongue.
I can hear the
Zap! Zap! As i
Taste nothing but it's cold
And I remember,
Edison didn't come up with this
Tesla didn't either.
But instead it came up in its
Poking up out f the dirt.
And no one realized it was
I take another sip and I remember
Peppermint is my favorite
And I crinkle my nose
In a good way
And my face breaks out into a smile
 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
You say what I read is
You say I need to get
The best education I should have.
Thank you auntie the great
And terrible.
I hate your efforts,
But I know you're trying to help me
To get farther.
Than I can reach on my own.
Thank you auntie
My great but terrible
 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Yeah you said you
Couldn't make it,
But a tiny sliver of hope in my heart
Festered itself down in the cardiac
Muscle and I thought
For one second,
You might open the door with a
And walk right in.
And is stop performing
Just so you could take a seat,
Then is continue.
But you missed it.
You weren't there.
And the sliver shattered into a tiny
Splinters that I now have to pick
Out with some tweezers
Because you weren't there.
You didn't hear the words I sang to the
The tune I played to the audience,
That I dedicated to you.
You weren't there.
The pain
The anguish
Every sound magnified
The whirring fan
The metallic cling and clang
Everything hurts

Every ray of light intensified
Burning holes into my mind
The bright
It's too bright
The head splitting pain
Is far too much to bear

A water bottle releasing air
Soothes the mouth
But pains the mind
The pill bottle fumbles
Through shaking hands
And rattles echoes through the skull

If sleep could only come
It's far too early to be awake
But minds like this are not so kind
To let rest fall upon the body
For even if the pain subdued
The dreams to follow would be twisted
Pain is the only thing to feel
Coursing through every fiber

Boy, how I hate migraines.
 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
I would paint your sky a thousand colors, if I could
And inspire the restlessness in your heart;
I would give to you a million stars, if I could
If I could, I'd gift you a new start.
 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
Cut this
Keep that.
This is clutter.
This so good.
reword this.
I felt you here.
This is awkward
This is powerful.
I'm being pulled in a tug of war between good and bad.
And sometimes I want to give up.
But I can't.
My piece must be as beautiful
As blown glass.
And even if I die getting there.
It will work.
 Jul 2014 Meagan Marie
Iris Rebry
I thought you were taken,
As one of the only paintings in
My house.
I should not be the one to take you,
Even though you are very nice and
Friendly to me.
I'm going back to the museum
And I wanted to know if you
Wanted to come again.
I'll make interesting comments
About life and art like last time,
And stomp my feet when I see
The parking garage next to the garden
Of Rodin's statues.
Yes, I'm going back to the museum
Because I need to write,
And I need to be inspired.
So mr. Painting, would you like to come?
I don't want to just stare at you on the wall you're hanging on.
I'm not in the museum yet.
But as an artist I see art all around me,
So maybe I really am
In a museum.
But you're not an exhibit,
Not you're a person,
A friend,
My friend.
An artist.
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